Sentences with phrase «to increase intelligence»

Now, with increased intelligence of devices and robots and so on a lot of occupations will be, if not displaced, at least significantly augmented.
Teachers can increase intelligence by creating opportunities for students to find and solve problems — especially problems which require us to think creatively, carefully, and strategically.
It also increases intelligence, and might protect against obesity and diabetes in later life.
The moral of the story is that installing computers in cars significantly increases the intelligence of mechanics.
To keep your dog healthy and to help increase their intelligence a strict schedule is encouraged.
Increased intelligence training capabilities 200 % by overseeing certification of 3 instructors, ensuring up - to - date knowledge of threats and weapons.
It is the same as your strength where you have to pump iron at the gym to be able to use certain tools you craft or do certain tasks and works the same as increasing intelligence where you have to play a mini game to make you stronger, again at the cost of fatigue.
Raising the child on a plant - based diet has been associated with increased intelligence, but potentially confounding variables prevent firm conclusions.
Career Objective: To deliver professional services as an education consultant and help students, and schools in developing and following the right type of curriculum that will help in increasing intelligence level in students and gaining reputation for schools.
All that remains is a superintelligent machine's ability to undergo «recursive self - improvement» and increase its intelligence without human involvement.
Horta said that the study provided the very first evidence that breastfeeding for a more prolonged period of time increases intelligence until at least thirty years old.
Although parental education, income and social status are known to increase children's IQs, the researchers found that breastfeeding increased intelligence levels even after these factors and 10 others were controlled for statistically.
Comrade Sulaiman who called on the security agencies in the country to be alive to their constitutional duties of protecting the lives and property of the citizens, urged them to increase their intelligence gathering mechanism so as to forestall the future occurrences.
Who could fail to be tempted by these offers adorning the cover of Smart Drugs and Nutrients: How to Improve Your Memory and Increase Your Intelligence Using the Latest Discoveries in Neuroscience?
The stereotype of the brilliant but tortured artist aside, some aspects of manic episodes could reflect increased intelligence, he says.
In the cartoon series named after them, Pinky and the Brain, two laboratory mice genetically enhanced to increase their intelligence plot to take over the world — and fail each time.
«Supplementation with creatine significantly increased intelligence compared with the placebo.»
The signal has a different affect on WWI veterans Frank Woodrof and Vladamir Farmsworth who gain increased intelligence.
This paper analyzes whether schooling increases intelligence measured by intelligence quotient (IQ).
But now that we know it's not such a simple equation as «listening to Mozart = increased intelligence,» it's worth noting that solid research is showing that there is a link between music and learning — it's just not what we thought.
Brands like «Gold» and «Premium» have set new trends with lofty and unsubstantiated claims for newborn health and achievement, such as increased intelligence, musical ability and even better eyesight.
It may improve learning and increase intelligence by helping poor memory and lack of concentration, increasing meditation ability and to help balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
- Support the development of a stronger gut instinct - by increasing the intelligence of your gut cells you will increase sensitivity and perception of information, leading to better decisions and hopefully self - trust.
Well believe it or not, some researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia believe they have evidence that links warming temperatures to increased intelligence in a lizard - like creature called the skink.
That means that we can increase our intelligence and problem - solving abilities over time, and that hard work, determination, and perseverance are at least as important as innate ability.
One of the audience questions related to the increasing intelligence of humans over time.
Instead of increasing our intelligence with the advent of the Internet, it only made life that much more confusing for the uneducated mass.
as i am of english background, i do not understand the difference between baking soda and baking powder can you kindly help to increase my intelligence?
The concept of playing classical music for babies in the womb to increase their intelligence has been a regular point of discussion in recent years.
It is also related to increased intelligence, decrease in chronic disease, and it supports good growth.
Will Hurley overcome the tribulations of the 6 am boot camp, the fiendishly difficult «N - back» cognitive test and the intricate fingering required to play the Renaissance lute, and reach the holy grail of increased intelligence?
However, they say possibilities include complex interactions between self esteem, stigma, positive discrimination, and increased intelligence.
Before scientists could change genes to increase intelligence, they'd need to know everything about the entire process, Posthuma says.
In fact, it can increase our intelligence, boost our mood, and even improve our communication with others.
She recently wrote a piece, a couple years ago, about how to increase your intelligence that is driving major amounts of traffic to I think it» sScientific American, Andrea?
But a 2008 study called Improving Fluid Intelligence with Training on Working Memory was the first research to show it might be possible to increase your intelligence to a significant degree through training.
Some will argue it's not possible to increase your intelligence, saying you're better off focusing on what you already have.
Additionally a brain healthy diet can increase intelligence and reduce the risk of attention deficit disorders in children.
Metacognition, or thinking about your thinking is one of the best ways to increase your intelligence.
This could have a number of health perks, including preventing mental illness, improving brain functioning and increasing intelligence.
Reading has been shown not only to increase intelligence, especially when children start reading at an early age, but also to slow down the brain aging process.
This increased intelligence makes for better sleep, more energy and more lasting confidence, because the appreciation for all that we are beyond vanity and description takes precedence over something as meaningless as inches, pounds, or opinions.
I know this is due to yoga bringing an increased intelligence as to how to treat my body, my mind and my soul.
To lend this nonsense weight, Besson has hired Morgan Freeman to play a professor whose lecture about how human beings only use 10 % of their brain capacity is cut into Lucy's early metamorphosis, a sort of running commentary to explain that, as her brain expands, she will get telekinetic powers, increased intelligence, rapid healing, and all other manner of mutations, including but not limited to controlling telephones, airwaves, and other men's minds.
Yes, «Dawn» continues the story that «Rise» started, a sci - fi tale that involves the emergence of a virus that increases the intelligence of apes while at the same time proving fatal to most humans.
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