Sentences with phrase «to increase investor confidence»

Experts point to increased investor confidence in the future of cryptocurrency as the reason behind the price jump.
For a binary options broker, a good and reliable signal means increased investor confidence, which in turn means good business.
This has had the effect of increasing investor confidence, and it has generally increased competitiveness.
Blockchain technology could also increase investor confidence in products whose underlying assets are opaque or where property rights are made uncertain by the role of central authorities, the report says.
Completion of the royalty review provides certainty, predictability and helps increase investor confidence in the Province.
Before the announcement, Barnes & Noble stock was selling at $ 12.84 a share, but stock opened at $ 15.90 the next day, indicating increased investor confidence.
An introduction of these standardized tokens on a popular cryptocurrency exchange would mean increased investor confidence for Ethereum, as well as the listed tokens.
David Ludwig of Goldman Sachs» Investment Banking Division explains that increasing investor confidence and investor willingness to pay more for growth companies have been key drivers behind an attractive tech IPO pipeline for 2017.
This action would increase investor confidence and could stimulate the weak European economy.
According to Mr. Yong, this singular act of the Ghanaian government of keeping to the contract will have positive economic implications for Ghana as it will increase investor confidence in doing more business with the country.
He added that the budget's objectives among others are to deliver inclusive growth to Nigerians; create significant number of jobs to reduce unemployment and underemployment; building an economy that is less vulnerable to oil price shocks by creating resistant divested income base and creating efficient Public Financial Management System; as well as fostering macroeconomic stability conducive for growth e.g. achieving GDP growth rate of 4.2 % and increasing investors confidence.
In her foreword to the publication that outlines the INCAS methods launched at the seminar, Minister Nurbaya wrote «I am hopeful that the establishment of the INCAS as Indonesia's official MRV system for the land sector will increase investor confidence in REDD + activities in our country and will assist us in confidently transforming the way we manage our land sector in a more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable manner.»
In this view, proper regulation of cryptocurrency exchanges will increase investor confidence and ensure that their assets are protected.
Increased investor confidence, then, seems to be helping LTC flirt with $ 70 after floating around the $ 60 range for days.
Bitcoin's solutions for slow transactions are gradually being reported in the mainstream media, and this increases investor confidence.
BOMA and our coalition partners believe that the implementation of a global property measurement standard would create consistent measurement, increase global financial stability, facilitate more accurate and consistent financial reporting and increase investor confidence and transparency in the marketplace.
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