Sentences with phrase «to increase metabolic activity»

Most adults can safely consume up to 4 cups of coffee or 8 cups of tea daily, so either consumed throughout the day significantly increases metabolic activity without ill effects.
PET scans and cognitive tests have suggested that Alzheimer's disease patients with genetically modified tissue inserted directly into their brains show a reduction in the rate of cognitive decline and increased metabolic activity in the brain, according to a study published in the April 24, 2005 online issue of the journal Nature Medicine by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine.
«But the marsupial's capacity to increase metabolic activity during exercise or to keep warm is superior to placentals»,» says Terence Dawson, a comparative physiologist at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.
Activities like removing a few layers, exercising in cooler environments, and swimming are all ways to temporarily incite increased metabolic activity and with it increased caloric burn.
Superior muscle growth by offering them nourishment through increased metabolic activities.
Our bodies tend to acutely increase metabolic activity after a large intake of calories in order to help maintain a stable body weight.
Anti-Inflammatory Effect Analgesic Effect Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth Improved Vascular Activity Increases Metabolic Activity Stimulation of Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation Improved Nerve Function Immunoregulation Faster Wound Healing
«Fish is normally a lot more nutritious at the end of the summer, because of increased metabolic activity.
When stress is high, increased metabolic activity in the amygdala limits flow to and from the PFC.
Another one is a treatment called intranasal insulin, which is getting insulin directly up into the brain to try to increase the metabolic activity of cells.
It increased the metabolic activity up to 30 minutes after you consume it.
Capsaicin also has thermogenic properties, which means it increases metabolic activity.
Prickly pear also activated a gene that increases metabolic activity and fat burning.
It coincidentally also has an edge over slow work in improving bone density and increasing metabolic activity (requiring more energy expenditure).
When the leukocytes leak out into the surrounding tissue, the fluid build - up which follows is called edema and is visible as puffiness or swelling, and the increased metabolic activity associated with leukocyte activity also generates heat, contributing to local warmth.
Insulin is also known to trigger pathways of inflammation, and in some laboratory studies, it has been shown to increase the metabolic activity of cancer cells.
With the increased metabolic activity, your body gets warmer.
When you drink cold water, you force your body to increase its metabolic activity, which translates to losing weight.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a supplement related to the omega 6 fatty acid group, which potentially act to strengthen our immune system and increase metabolic activity.
These state - of - the - art treatments assist with inflammation, pain, tissue repair, cell growth, vascular activity, increased metabolic activity, trigger points and acupuncture points, in addition to reducing the appearance of scar tissue, improving nerve function, and enhancing wound healing.
Increased Metabolic Activity.
This crucial period (the first year of life) is when a puppy's skeletal system is most vulnerable to physical, nutritional and metabolic damage due to increased metabolic activity.
Increased Metabolic Activity The energy from photons of laser light is captured by chemical complexes within cells resulting in activation of enzyme systems and increased energy delivered into cellular metabolic processes.
It helps with inflammation, pain, tissue repair, cell growth, vascular activity, increased metabolic activity, trigger points & acupunctuncture points, reduces appearance of scar tissue, improved nerve function, and faster wound healing.
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