Sentences with phrase «to increase one's risk of cancer»

Even within normal BMI ranges, higher BMI was associated with increased risk of some cancers.
We have not seen any research studies specific to miso showing increased risk of cancer in any form.
This group of researchers previously looked at increased risk of cancer among heart failure patients and showed a 70 percent increase in risk.
The lighting also increases the risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
It turns out that insulin is a growth factor and tends to increase risk of cancer as well.
Every five - unit increase in body mass index — BMI, a ratio of weight to height — causes a 23 percent increased risk of cancer in the upper stomach.
If you can demonstrate a change in the proliferation rate, and a change in inflammation, you can show increased risk of cancer.
Overall, long - term night shift work among women increased the risk of cancer by 19 percent.
We all have inherited variants of genes which increase the risk of cancer.
Some of these changes can increase the risk of cancer development, the scientists found.
The results showed diabetes associated with an 11 percent rise in risk of dying from cancer among women and a 17 percent increased risk of cancer death among men.
In addition, artificial supplements are usually poorly absorbed and in some cases may even increase the risk of cancer.
Some can actually increase your risk of cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.
These findings also support the earlier study that showed a 70 percent increased risk of cancer among heart failure patients.
If they eat too much fruit, they will gain weight and may end up obese, which greatly increases their risk of cancer, heart disease, insulin resistance, and arthritis.
Not spaying or neutering your pet increases their risk of cancers, infections and behavioral problems.
The authors found no evidence that taking folic acid increases the risk of cancer, as some past research has suggested.
Milk, while it is a good source of calcium, should be avoided by adults since it often causes a chronic inflammation of the gut that potentially increases the risk of cancer.
Increasing the omega - 6 to omega - 3 ratio is another potent way to increase your risk of cancer cell proliferation.
A lack of fiber and a diet based on junk food can increase the risk of cancer tremendously.
Low levels of these hormones make the immune system function less effectively, increasing the risk of cancer occurrence.
It's been known for over 20 years that exposure to pesticides increases the risk of cancer.
Exposure to them during early development is associated with increased risk of cancers and abnormal formation of the reproductive tract.
Exposure to energetic charged particles from the solar wind and sources outside the solar system could put astronauts on lengthy missions at increased risk of cancer and even cognitive problems.
Increased risk of cancer by altering the balance of hormones in your body.
We know that smoking increases the risk of cancer and other nasty diseases among the general population.
Chronic, excessive inflammatory response is yet another body system imbalance that increases the risk of cancer development.
Even relatively low exposures can greatly increase the risk of cancer or neurological impairment.
In addition, the peer - reviewed journal Pan American Journal of Public Health examined the role of hot mate in increasing the risk of cancer of the esophagus, larynx, and oral cavity, which seems to be supported by several epidemiological studies from a review of all literature published through August 2008 (4).
«Menopausal women who took estrogen and progesterone faced a small increased risk of cancer for more than two years after they stopped...» Since the Post syndicates its content to hundreds of local papers, this serious factual error landed on the doorsteps of millions of women.
Exposure to these chemicals can go way beyond skin irritations — they are hormone and endocrine disruptors and can build up in our system to cause increased risks of cancer, birth defects, hormone disorders and more.
Professor Linda Bauld, Cancer Research UK's prevention expert, said: «Obese children are five times more likely to remain obese as adults which can increase their risk of cancer later in life.
The Canadian Cancer Society is concerned there may be a possible increased risk of cancer related to exposure to some phthalates.
'' Impaired perception Diminished short - term memory Loss of concentration and coordination Impaired judgement Increased risk of accidents Loss of motivation Diminished inhibitions Increased heart rate Anxiety, panic attacks, and paranoia Hallucinations Damage to the respiratory, reproductive, and immune systems Increased risk of cancer Psychological dependency»
Cats with larger tumors (> 3 cm), cats treated with lumpectomies and regional mastectomies, and cats with tumors showing high characteristics of malignancy tend to have shorter survival times and increased risk of cancer spread than cats with smaller tumors, lower characteristics of malignancy, and cats treated with more aggressive surgical resection.
Data collected during a long - term health study provides additional evidence for a link between increased risk of cancer in individuals with advanced gum disease, according to a new collaborative study led by epidemiologists Dominique Michaud at Tufts University School of Medicine and Elizabeth Platz of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Kimmel Cancer Center.
Since smoking after treatment of prostate cancer increases the risk of cancer recurrence and second cancers, primary care clinicians should assess for tobacco use and offer or refer survivors to cessation counseling and resources.
Endless studies have found processed meat like sausages, for example, to dramatically increase the risk of cancer compared to unprocessed meat like steak.
Small molecule drugs can be screened or designed to increase telomerase activity exclusively within stem cells for disease treatment as well as anti-aging therapies without increasing the risk of cancer.
While smoking's link to cancer has been known for decades, «it's always been a bit of a mystery why smoking increases the risk of cancers like bladder or kidney — tissues that aren't exposed to smoke.»
While there's no firm evidence to support the scary notion that artificial sweeteners increase our risk of cancer, there is reason to suspect that in the long run it won't help your waist line.
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