Sentences with phrase «to increase sea level rise»

When powerful storms combine with increased sea level rise and intense coastal development, they provide the ingredients for massive destruction, loss of life and major economic losses.
Due to the significant thickness of these ice sheets, global warming analysis typically focuses on the loss of ice mass from the ice sheets increasing sea level rise, and not on a reduction in the surface area of the ice sheets.
The impacts it described, which included increasing sea level rise, were totally uncontroversial (even amongst skeptics).
«Defendants have inflicted and continue to inflict injuries upon the People that require the People to incur extensive costs to protect public and private property, against increased sea level rise, inundation, storm surges, and flooding.»
As with everything they do, the IPCC extrapolate their perceived trend forward, predicting increased sea level rise of 2 feet — far from Gore» s ridiculous 20 feet.
Speeding up the melt can contribute to increased sea level rise as well as shifts in weather patterns further south.
Greenland ice is melting at a record pace, the meltdown will continue to contribute to rapidly increasing sea level rise.
Future changes in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet mass, particularly due to changes in ice flow, are a major source of uncertainty that could increase sea level rise projections.
These financial impacts will mostly be felt in the poorest parts of Africa, Asia, and South America — causing loss of crops, droughts and other extreme weather, and increasing sea level rise.
However, most of the Antarctic glaciers are on land, and rapidly adding new ice shelf material to the floating mass will increase sea level rise.
Each five - year delay in limiting global carbon emissions into the atmosphere now will increase sea level rise for the next three centuries.
However, most of the Antarctic glaciers are on land, and rapidly adding new ice shelf material to the floating mass will increase sea level rise.
In some islands, like Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands, the increased sea level rise is leading to overtopping events — where the ocean washes across the island at high tide.
Climate Astrology: «Global Warming» commands sea level rise Increases... & sea level rise slowdown: NASA discovers that «global warming» is slowing and not increasing sea level rise — NASA study claim: «Because the Earth has become more parched, partly because humans are pumping out more ground water, the rising oceans are being absorbed by lakes, rivers, and underground acquirers, much like a sponge absorbs water.
When the storm calms and it's time to clean up and rebuild, the Surfrider Foundation urges leaders to resist the urge to proclaim that we will build it all back but instead pause to consider our future with a warming ocean and increased sea level rise and plan for a coast of the future that is resilient to future weather events.
This reduced thermal expansion may have offset the increased sea level rise from melting ice sheets, but that situation won't last.
In Congressional testimony he mentions «the huge potential costs if the impacts turn out to be even greater than predicted, something that appears to be the case now with the potential rapid collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the increased sea level rise that will come with it.»
Many of the world's aquifers are being pumped out faster than they can replenish, a process that will increase sea level rise.
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