Sentences with phrase «to increase the chances of survival»

So a mammal mom wouldn't nurse her young for the rest of her life, even if doing so greatly increased its chances of survival.
Such checks will detect any potential health problems early, thereby increasing the chances of survival should a health condition be found.
Try getting a safer car as this will reduce your premiums and increase your chances of survival during an accident.
The size of the preserved habitat is critical because of the ecological principle that increasing habitat size increases the chance of survival.
Better safe than sorry and if the virus was transferred to your other dog catching it sooner increases the chances of survival.
If a certain process, body part, or chemical does not increase your chances of survival, it tends to go away (use it or lose it!).
There are hardly any predators in the low tide zone due to shallow water and wave action which further increases the chances of survival.
While advancement in healthcare has increased the chances of survival from these critical illnesses, the extremely high cost of treatment can be a huge burden on you and your family.
Adding whole foods that are high in fiber will greatly increase the chances of survival.
Advances in neonatal care for very preterm infants have greatly increased the chances of survival for these fragile infants.
Fortunately, medical research and advances have increased the chances of survival in even the tiniest of babies.
When a mildly injured hunter gets carried home, other ants increase her chance of survival by repeatedly «licking» the injured leg (first video clip).
Darwinian evolution, on the other hand, proceeded stepwise, in very small increments, each successive step conferring slightly more survival advantage and thus increasing the chances of survival and reproduction for the organism, ensuring that the advantage is passed on and further increased by future increments.
The scientists therefore recommend psychological counselling to help patients increase their everyday physical activity and reduce symptoms of depression to overcome their fears and remain active, thereby increasing their chances of survival until a donor heart is found.
Detecting important biomarkers in lower concentrations will allow patients to be treated earlier for diseases such as some cancers and neurological disorders, which could increase the chance of survival rate.
«Early detection increases the chance of survival significantly,» says Fussenegger.
«Studies have shown that something as simple as walking 30 minutes per day will decrease your breast cancer risk and increase the chances of survival if you have breast cancer,» she says.
In order to increase your chances of survival while driving through a bombed - out shell of a city where the threat of IEDs, suicide bombers, and guerrilla attackers could lurk anywhere, Tom with a beard says it's best to drive as fast as possible.
You'll have two or three weapons at your disposal before each mission which can select prior, with the idea being that you clear the map successfully while also picking up new health increase armor and some of the 500 + weapons to increase your chances of survival on the next mission.
You come up against a wide range of enemy land -, air - and naval units, and using the most effective special weapon in each particular instance not only saves time, but also increases your chances of survival.
Advances in prehospital and acute care have increased the chances of survival for individuals with multiple severe injuries.
In connection to the fatal shooting in Aurora, Colorado, University of California, San Diego Health System security and emergency preparedness experts offer safety tips on how to increase your chance of survival in an active shooter event.
This research shows that individual animals» behaviors can increase their chances of survival by allowing flexible, real - time adjustments to the many different microhabitats encountered in the wild.
The researchers theorized that people at high risk of developing mesothelioma could take aspirin as a way to prevent or delay the growth of the cancer, and thus increase their chances of survival.
Since large sea turtles have made Isla Mujeres their breeding ground for generations, the Turtle Farm gathers up the eggs it finds along the beaches and incubates them at the Turtle Farm thereby greatly increasing their chances of survival.
They'll use this extra time to treat your babies with corticosteroids, drugs that help a baby's lungs and other organs develop faster to greatly increase the chances of survival.
Our exciting discovery will help remedy this and increase chances of survival for the thousands of men who contract the disease every year.
From an infant's perspective, it is advantageous to attract any potential caregiver that could increase its chances of survival.
This development will increase the chance of survival for those organisms that could arrive with ballast water or through biofouling.
Grey seal pups that can play in pools may have better diving skills once they make the move to the sea, and this could increase their chance of survival.
The researchers believe this behavior can be explained by the increased chances of survival that come with discovering a Bobbit's burrow, especially since the worms tend to remain in a single location.
This would help the larvae to go unnoticed, which would help to increase its chances of survival,» Orizaola points out.
Immediate medical attention can increase the chances of survival, but STEMI carries a high risk of death and disability.
Altruism towards people outside the family, on the other hand, might have arisen from the expectation that they would then return the favour at a later point — a relationship that would increase the chances of survival for both.
Research into the genes that control how breast cancer responds to treatment will help doctors provide patients with the most effective treatment for their tumour as early as possible, increasing their chance of survival.
When individuals rely on the presence of others to increase their chances of survival and reproduction, the emergence of adaptations that reduce this dependence can help rescue small populations from extinction.
The only thing you can do is increase their chance of survival,» Hansen said.
All of this occurs, quite simply, to increase the chances of our survival.
Your body interprets a severe reduction in calories as famine, so it lowers your metabolic rate, the rate at which you burn calories, to increase your chances of survival.
When planted from a seed, celery should always begin its life indoors to increase its chances of survival.
(NaturalHealth365) When faced with breast cancer, many women wonder what strategies they can incorporate into their life to increase their chances of survival.
Cortisol is your main stress hormone, and it rises during times of stress to sharpen senses and increase chances of survival (if you were, say, outrunning a tiger or slamming on your brakes to avoid hitting a car in traffic).
To increase my chances of survival, I underwent a dramatic surgery, called an extrapleural pneumonectomy, which required the removal of my left lung, half of my diaphragm, as well as the lining of my heart.
Here are nine essential tips that'll increase your chances of survival in the hostile lands of Hope County, Montana in Far Cry 5 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
In between every few levels, a brief cooking minigame helps recover stamina and imbue players with temporary buffs to increase their chances of survival.
By all means, grab a durable case for your investment to increase its chances of survival, but if you see an $ 80 tablet with a big red rubber thing wrapped around it keep in mind you're almost certainly not getting a quality device.
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