Sentences with phrase «to increase visits»

Without customer data, though — the quid pro quo in the rewards model — merchants miss out on opportunities to increase visit frequency (the primary benefit of the well - regarded Starbucks program) through personalized communication.
Those sites who have been shifted will be notified via Search Console, says Google, and will begin see increased visits from the Smartphone Googlebot.
In 2016, expect increasing visits by Americans to buoy the Canadian tourism industry for the first time in over a decade and domestic retailers to benefit as Canadians stay at home.
Find out what's driving consumers to a variety of full - service restaurant segments and how to increase visits with the 2017 Canadian Future of FSR Consumer Trend Report.
Increasing visits from once a year to twice a year in order to help us identify potential health problems as soon as they develop
A live giveaway can encourage increased visits to your Google + Page and increased viewership to your other Hangouts on Air.
This is going to be another pain in the arse transfer episode where Media keeps churning the rumour mills with «connecting the dots» stories to keep increasing their visits on the site in the month of January and generate more and more revenue.
a day.In addition, she was having problems digesting the formula increasing the visits to the doctor and target for medicine.
The flourish of anniversaries, of course, also should mean increased visits to the historical society «s complex, which covers a block at Fremont Street and Vail Avenue.
«Delaying also makes for increased visits to the doctor's office,» he says, «along with the time and hassle and risk of exposure to other infectious diseases in the doctor's office.»
In a 2005 study, scientists gave female rats high and low doses of caffeine and observed that `' caffeine selectively increased visits to the male when physical contact was possible,» a result they say suggests that `' the effects of caffeine on female mating behavior may reflect an increase in both sexual motivation and locomotor activity.»
A study by the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration revealed that frequent guests increase their visits and spend by nearly 50 percent when enrolled in a rewards program at independent hotels.
-- It really brings more potential employers to find you in LinkedIn, I can see it by increasing visits per day to my LinkedIn page.
Participants can choose to challenge themselves in three different ways: Reach a certain weight loss goal; lose inches around the areas they would like to shape up, or create their own Fitness Challenge, such as increased visits to the gym over the 100 days, or working up to run a distance.
This helped to increase visit frequency and group fitness participation
The chair of the museum's board of directors, Jack Matukas, was also enthusiastic about the impact of the motorsports park, saying when the gates open next year, «our region will not only see increased visits and events sponsored by Corvette owners and fans, but from just about every different sports car club in America.»
Leon's worked with Canadian vendors to bring in a smorgasbord of cushions, mirrors, paintings, lamps and rugs, betting that accessory sales will increase visits and drive revenue growth in the future.
Find what's driving consumers to a variety of full - service restaurant segments and how to increase visits...
But what all online marketers know is that Video is GREAT for getting traffic (increasing visits) to a website, or page, and is GREAT for getting a wide audience, including links back to your site or page.
Make an announcement on your Twitter account and Facebook Author Page so as to increase visits to your site and build an appreciative audience for your writing.
QUESTION: What face - to - face methods have you used to successfully pitch your author website and increase visits?
Dog maulings and cat fights: With increased visits to dog parks and increased outdoor activity in general, dog fights occur and some can cause very bad injuries.
When it comes to preventive health care, many practices are looking to incorporate wellness plans, billed in monthly installments, as a profitable means to increase visits and improve care.
For the last couple of years many of the long - range boats from San Diego have increased their visits to Cedros Island because the size and quality of the fish in this area.
The theaters weren't losing money due to MoviePass, to be clear — if anything, they were seeing increased visits.
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