Sentences with phrase «to induce change»

The solar induced changes in the lower atmosphere affect surface features such as temperature and pressure.
The key issue is of course, if a human induced change of climate can be detected.
I have been trying to identify a measurement that says how much the climate has changed over a time frame that might represent human induced change.
Maintaining observation programs will make it possible to assess the effects of human - induced changes on the capacity of these seas to uptake and store anthropogenic CO2.
My wife and I had some relationship questions due to a number of recent stress inducing changes (job induced separation, etc).
Size - selective harvesting also induced changes in fish behaviour.
Today we can see these compression - induced changes playing out.
Unfortunately, inducing these changes with accuracy or speed has proved difficult.
This technology is based on observing drug induced changes in the thermal stability of cellular proteins.
This is a classic case of anthropogenic drought and human - induced changes leading to substantial environmental degradation.
Or are recession - induced changes like practical associate training programs here to stay?
Specifically, is the climate dominated by positive feedbacks, such that small CO2 - induced changes in temperatures are multiplied many times, or even hit a tipping point where temperatures run away?
Climate varies naturally and the issue is if we can detect a human - induced change of climate in spite of the «noise» due to the natural variability.
Furthermore, other human - induced changes on the atmosphere can lead to regional cooling.
Psychological stress exacerbates NSAID - induced small bowel injury by inducing changes in intestinal microbiota and permeability via glucocorticoid receptor signaling.
Consuming protein supplements with meals, instead of between meals, could however be a more effective strategy for improving resistance exercise training induced changes in body composition by the reduction of fat mass, which could be relevant for individuals wanting to improve lean body mass.
Similarly, responses revealed in the qualitative interviews as wells as items across the three dimensions revealed in EFA and CFA demonstrated both natural and induced change as perceived in intimate relationships.
These naturally - induced changes via fasting can have a lasting positive effect on the body and mind, check out a few of the most common benefits associated with micro fasting below:
What is happening now is that the rate of technological innovation which induces changes in the jobs market is happening on time scales that are shorter than the time scale on which the job market can adjust itself on.
The researchers theorized that the transplanted cells induced changes in neighboring cells, leading to today's view of development as a series of cell - cell interactions.
Our study suggests that westernization of the diet induces changes in biomarkers of colon cancer risk in the colonic mucosa within two weeks.
This will help scientists explore, more accurately than is possible today, how rising temperatures, shifting precipitation patterns, increasing greenhouse gas levels, and other natural and human - induced changes affect tropical forests» influence on Earth's climate.
It is conceptualized in such way that relationship malleability could involve induced changes in the relationship as a result of purposive action by the self or the partner in the relationship, whilst natural change is a change that occurs without any deliberate intervention or purposeful effort.
Employers seeking guidance in instituting pay equity in their own companies can access the National Committee on Pay Equity's Self - Audit, which provides a ten - step guide for evaluating current organizational pay policy and implementing equity - inducing changes where necessary.
The evidence of the size of climate zone shifts and the associated changes in atmospheric heights from Mediaeval Warm Period to Little Ice Age to date suggests that the natural solar and ocean induced changes in the effective radiating height are far greater than anything that could be achieved by human emissions.
Robust sales of mass - priced watches, including fashionable plastic watches stand testimony to the recession induced change in consumer perspective over purchase of watches and clocks.
However, experiments have shown that yawning doesn't induce these changes
«By studying how education changes the brain, we can find out how this uniquely human experience induces change in both brain structure and function — something we can not do with animal models.»
Zika induced changes that were more focused on genes involved on DNA replication and repair, indicating that Zika infection disrupts cell replication more.
NEPTUNE's continuous monitoring allowed Thomsen's team to make the first connections between hydrate release and climate - induced changes hundreds of meters above.
«Potential to predict peanut allergy immunotherapy outcomes: Successful immunotherapy induces changes in immune cell subtypes.»
In addition, the KDM4 inhibitor induces a change of the molecular make - up of the cancer stem cells and drives them out of stemness.
«Wii Balance Board induces changes in brains of people with multiple sclerosis.»
The loss of snow and ice caused by the ongoing climate change poses a direct threat to the subspecies, and climate change induced changes to the environment may have indirect effects, too.
However, more recent investigations have shown that opiates induce changes in multiple brain circuits, including reward and memory circuits, and that these changes are not static, but rather that many drug - induced adaptations could be reversed.
The identification of these opiate - induced changes offers the best hope for developing more effective pharmacological targets and therapies to prevent or reverse the effect of opiate exposure and addiction.
The researchers caused stress - induced changes at an early stage of embryonic development with microRNA injections.
«We take the lightning induced change in the electric field and it's converted to a voltage reading by our equipment and that's transmitted to our computer,» said Dr. Phillip Bitzer, an assistant professor of atmospheric science, co-developer of the HAMMA device and the lead author of the study showing its usefulness.
This study demonstrates that the sweetener induces changes in gut bacteria and gut wall immune cell reactivity, which could result in inflammation or disease flare ups in susceptible people.
How emulsifiers induce these changes is still unclear, but the study offers a few hints.
These variations that are registered along different directions from the receiver induce changes in signal propagation, and these changes are then modeled and used to discriminate the location of the source of the signal.
A team headed by R. Steven Nerem of the Center for Space Research at the University of Texas at Austin recently concluded that the ENSO induced changes in sea level are not confined to the Pacific but effect sea level on a global basis.
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