Sentences with phrase «to induce disease»

So «diet» researchers first have to become experts at quickly inducing disease in rats and mice.
In my opinion metabolic syndrome / insulin resistance is a vaccine induced disease.
They can not induce disease with it in the laboratory.
Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle induced disease caused by lack of exercise and consuming too much sugar, no matter if it's processed or natural.
They are seeing the results their medications have on dogs who have natural forms of cancer, rather than artificially induced disease.
Our rescue dogs and adoption centers are really needing to be told the damage from repeating vaccines is only advancing adverse events and vaccine induced disease.
Consuming large amounts of antioxidant rich vegetables and herbs reduce the amount of free radicals and reverse the growth of candida yeast and stress induced diseases.
The hTNFR1KI mice have normal phenotype and can be used in combination to other genetic models (e.g. Tg197hTNFR1KI) or with a variety of induced disease models in order to test the efficacy of anti-human TNFR1 therapeutics.
Diet - induced disease models rely on diet to drive the desired phenotype.
Topical Resiquimod Can Induce Disease Regression and Enhance T - cell Effector Functions in Cutaneous T - cell Lymphoma
Scientific 4 years Development of disease - resistant rice using regulatory components of induced disease resistance
Pesticide induced diseases include: certain cancers, autism, Alzhaimer's, endocrine disruption, fertility issues, asthma, allergies, diabetes and more!
While there aren't any such studies for animals, it's not a big leap to accept that these sentient creatures are likely to be just as susceptible to the same stress - induced diseases as us.
On the Standard American Diet, many diet - induced diseases do not show up for 40 to 50 years.
Since the presence of phytoestrogen containing sources (i.e. soy protein and isolated isoflavones) has been found to influence atherosclerosis and lipoprotein metabolism in various rodent models (7 - 13), the use of purified Western - type diets provides a clean «reagent» for inducing this disease.
Annually, more than 1 million people die prematurely from tobacco - induced diseases such as lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Novel treatments for biofilm - induced diseases also are being investigated, but we have a long way to go,» Scott said.
Researchers then induced a disease in these mice that mimics human MS.. In one genetic group, both males and females fed a high salt diet showed worse clinical signs of the disease.
«The next stage would be to repeat the study in primates, a more suitable animal model where HIV infection induces disease, in order to further demonstrate elimination of HIV - 1 DNA in latently infected T cells and other sanctuary sites for HIV - 1, including brain cells,» Dr. Khalili said.
When they have looked at the genetic components of nutrient studies it tends to be a very, very small component of the health risk [that] allow for these behaviorally induced diseases.
Stress - induced diseases like headaches, memory loss, insomnia, poor libido, high blood pressure and heart diseases occur during this phase.
It also deals with risk management, junk - food induced diseases afflicting modern pets and the epidemic of canine oral disease and «dog breath.»
A vaccine is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
If recurrent, severe FHV - 1 induced disease develops frequently in a cat, then laboratory testing to rule in or rule out various diseases that may decrease a cat's immune competence and as such predispose the patient to frequent recurrences should be considered (e.g., FeLV, FIV, FIP etc).
What we now know is that ii vaccine induced disease became so common that by 2009 veterinarians gave it the acronym: VID.
The Committees commented that tobacco smoke was a highly complex chemical mixture and that the causative agents for smoke induced diseases (such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, effects on reproduction and on offspring) was unknown.
If a missing nutrient can cause diabetes within a few years for Leonie and 12 to 18 months for the Rose Corn Oil trial volunteers, it's likely to be pretty good at inducing disease in animals too.
OpenSource diets are custom made to induce disease phenotype expression in your animal model to address your specific research questions.
Project Title: Topical Resiquimod Can Induce Disease Regression and Enhance T - cell Effector Functions in Cutaneous T - cell Lymphoma
Vaccine - induced disease resistance is not long - lasting, so all cats should be re-vaccinated annually.
Referring to the feline leukemia outbreak in the cat rescue, I suggested the obvious - that the feline leukemia vaccine induced the disease and pointed out that the first parvo shot was a feline derivative.
Chavez speculated that US agents may be inducing the disease in South American leaders by feeding them or injecting them with an unspecified substance.
If you choose to keep your baby in very cold and ventilated rooms, this system weakens your childâ $ ™ s constitution, to induce disease, and makes the skin highly susceptible to the impression of cold.
Together, these results support the use of the nuclear translocation of p38 and JNK as a novel drug target to treat various cancers and inflammation - induced diseases.
They've already begun work on transfusing blood from mice with diabetes to healthy mice, to see if they can induce the disease.
The healthy human intestine is populated with trillions of microorganisms (collectively referred to as the microbiota)-- some that are beneficial to our health and some that induce disease.
Investigators are learning how superantigens overstimulate the immune system and induce disease
Our study suggests that the immune response to an early infection, HSV - 2, may be the additional factor that increases the risk for severity of Zika virus - induced disease,» said Dr. Gil Mor, senior author of the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology study.
In California, another X. fastidiosa - induced disease, Pierce's disease, threatens the state's $ 2.6 billion grape crop.
(Only one copy of a dominant mutant gene is necessary to induce disease.)
At NIMBioS, a group of disease experts, climate modelers and mathematicians have come together to improve the forecasting and prediction of climate - induced disease.
In Edward Mellanby's pioneering experiments, he induced the disease by feeding dogs a diet of oats or wheat bread, and then cured it by adding cod liver oil (which contains vitamin D).
A 2011 report published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines echoes Chaudhary's praises, confirming that ashwagandha is an effective regenerative tonic that offers anti-stress, neuroprotective, and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help combat diseases like Parkinson, dementia, memory loss, stress - induced diseases, and more.
Reliance on sleeping pills, anti-depressants, and a host of other pharmaceutical medications related to stress - induced diseases.
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