Sentences with phrase «to induce muscle growth»

The potential for inducing muscle growth makes this chemical highly effective.
With over 50 extra references, and over 150 % larger, this expanded version covers some exciting new information — including the role that satellite cells and genetics play in your ability to build muscle AND the difference between Juvenile and Work Induce muscle growth.
Moreover, L - Leucine induces muscle growth by helping in protein synthesis.
In order to induce muscle growth you need to present mechanical stress, but you must allow it to recover properly afterwards.
The most common method to induce muscle growth, or muscle hypertrophy being the scientific term is to progressively overload the muscles over a longer period of time.
That way you induce muscle growth.
So, in order to achieve an ideal rep speed to induce muscle growth you should lift faster and more explosively on the concentric phase, and use a slower controlled speed on the eccentric one.
As a warning to the reader, this article may stir one to confirm their stance on which protein you have determined is the best for post - exercise - induced muscle growth.
It gets everyone revved up with its naturally - induced muscle growth.
Is mechanical tension enough to induce muscle growth or do you also need to damage the muscle?
This repair mechanism will induce muscle growth.
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