Sentences with phrase «to indulge in chocolate»

These seriously delicious waffles make it totally acceptable to indulge in chocolate for breakfast.
She is allowed to indulge in that chocolate cake from time to time (who cares if she eats the entire thing!).
This book will enable you to indulge in chocolate treats while keeping to your healthy way of eating.
It doesn't contain any refined sugar, so you don't have to feel too very guilty for indulging in a chocolate peppermint smoothie every night every so often..
This is one way to indulge in chocolate without gaining a pound!
So go ahead, make this bread and simply indulge in some chocolate goodness!
It'll feel like you're indulging in a chocolate candy bar, without any of the guilt.
Chocolate lovers, nature enthusiasts, and those looking to learn more about Costa Rica's rich history of cacao should indulge in the Chocolate Forest Experience.
If you want to indulge in a chocolate bar then go for the ones with lower calories, swap out a Snickers bar (319 calories) for a Cadbury Flake (170 calories) instead and save 149 calories.
Host movie night with a delicious snack like Salted Peanut Butter Popcorn, or indulge in Chocolate Coconut Cream Puffs for dessert.
Snack balls are all the rage and I usually indulge in a chocolate concoction of some kind but today I feel like something different.
Indulge in chocolate recipes for brownies, cakes, cookies, and frosting that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Stop into Godiva to indulge in chocolate covered strawberries and you may get a glimpse of them being dipped.
Indulging in chocolate today may lower your risk of future cardiovascular events later in life, according to a new long - term study.
Tap into your inner child and indulge in chocolate milk, one of the best post-exercise recovery drinks, according to research presented by the American College of Sports Medicine.
Seeing how these sweet treats are made is sure to be a great way to pass the time but indulging in the chocolate once everything has been created will be the high point of the date when dating Southampton singles.
Adrienne TomAdrienne Tom, Career AdvisorAdrienne graduated with a BA in English before starting her career on campus with the Engineering Internship Program.Joining Career Services in 2002, she continues to enjoy assisting students with their job search.Adrienne indulges in chocolate and good books, and has a love for cats.
I love all of the delights that you have shown and I do believe I'll indulge in the chocolate extravaganza!
When you pass the snack table on the way to the photocopier you have to make a decision not to indulge in the chocolate cake or to remain committed and keep walking.
Chocolate lovers, nature enthusiasts, and all those looking to learn more about Costa Rica's rich history of cacao should indulge in the Chocolate Forest Experience, an in - depth exploration of chocolate from the cacao seed to the to the fruit from the tree to the bean, and finally, to the bar.
For example, if you have indulged in a chocolate bar, write about how you felt before and after eating it.
The danger in reading an article like this is thinking that it gives us permission to indulge in chocolate to our heart's content!
Every once in a while it is imperative that you indulge in some chocolate (it's good for your health right???).
I think they're worth the higher price to be able to indulge in chocolate.
I can tell you that as a kid, my mom never really allowed me to indulge in chocolate.
I love the idea of being able to indulge in chocolate and yet eat reasonably healthily at the same time.
This one may come as a shock, but rest assured, it is okay to indulge in some chocolate, you just do not want to go overboard if you are breastfeeding your baby.
Avdeyukphoto / ShutterstockAnother reason to indulge in chocolate: Long - term ingestion of dark chocolate has been shown in a German study to protect the skin against sun damage, so it makes the perfect dessert for your summer skin - care diet.
But the good news is — you CAN indulge in chocolate and stay healthy!
Now, science brings us another reason to indulge in chocolate.
It's also a great excuse to indulge in chocolate, and look for new healthy chocolate treats to make for myself and my family.
As if we needed another reason to indulge in chocolate, right?!
I have a day full of meetings at work tomorrow, so I'll be festive by wearing some red and indulging in some chocolate and Sweettart hearts.
We spent an enjoyable afternoon at the rents» opening Easter baskets, indulging in chocolates and reliving childhood by dyeing eggs.
A flourless chocolate cake is one of my favourite ways to indulge in chocolate!
It may come as no surprise that plenty of seasonal favourites will be eaten over the festive period, although it seems that we are a nation with a sweet tooth, with 94 % of Brits choosing to indulge in chocolates and 71 % enjoying mince pies.
All pillow fluffers unite and indulge in the chocolate.
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