Sentences with phrase «to infect another animal»

"To infect another animal" means to transmit or spread a harmful disease or infection from one animal to another. Full definition
Introduction of the disease to such areas is thought to have resulted initially from the free movement of infected animals from warmer, higher incidence areas.
The virus can be easily spread through contact with infected animals in boarding kennels, dog parks, doggie daycare, rescues, and anywhere dogs interact.
It is transmitted by bites or saliva from infected animals.
Both viruses can lead to immune deficiency, which can lead to severe illness in infected animals from other infectious agents that would not affect healthy animals.
However, not all bites by infected animals result in infection.
Treatment for infected animals includes limiting their exposure to other animals and people.
Usually dogs contract rabies when infected animals bite them.
Typically, influenza is transmitted through direct contact with other infected animals.
It is spread through contact with the saliva of infected animals through bites or any break in the skin.
It is most useful for treatment of pets in hospital, boarding or grooming to ensure rapid kill of fleas on infected animals and to prevent fleas being transmitted to the home.
The product is topical, applied monthly and is fully approved for safe use in heartworm infected animals.
Using ferrets, the most common animal for influenza testing, the experiments found the virus did not infect the animal.
Death always occurs once a rabies - infected animal shows signs of disease.
It is possible that dogs and cats could become infected by eating dead infected animals such as birds, but this is undocumented.
This parasite spreads when dogs consume infected animal protein.
But the good news is that, if the disease is spread only through bites, keeping infected animals away from healthy populations might be enough to save them.
The most likely sources of exposure are the addition of a new cat to the household, or exposure to other infected animals at boarding or grooming facilities.
Each mosquito season put animals at risk for developing the disease or growing numbers of worms in already infected animals.
It is important to wear gloves when handling infected animals and wash hands thoroughly afterwards.
Even with the best available care, severely infected animals have a very slim chance of surviving.
The delay is dependent on the distance the virus must travel through the body to reach the central nervous system of the newly infected animal.
It should be considered, however, that infected animals remain a source of infection for others even if not ill themselves.
There are many such others, and many of them can also occasionally infect animals or people.
Scientists are also using gene chips to detect genes that the bacteria «turns on'to infect its animal host.
Unfortunately, your dog can pick up a wide range of parasites from the soil and other infected animals whether you realize it or not.
Because of the potential of spread to humans, health departments in many states may order such infected animals destroyed.
This strain can infect people who may be exposed by contact with infected animals, by drinking raw milk, or by consuming other contaminated food products.
Because this virus was, and is, shed in gigantic numbers by infected animals, and because this virus is especially hardy in the environment, worldwide distribution of the virus rapidly occurred.
As discussed, treatment for heartworm disease in dogs is possible, but it is a complicated and expensive process, taking weeks for infected animals to recover.
People and animals can also become sick after coming in contact with blood or tissues from infected animals.
It has always been assumed that plant viruses can not infect animals, and vice versa.
It is important to minimize the contamination of environmental soil with the feces of infected animals so as to reduce the exposure hazard to both humans and other animals.
They are spread by direct contact between the dog and other infected animals, or by coming into contact with surfaces where these parasites are found.
Fleas can pick up the plague by biting infected animals.
Tapeworms can be contracted by eating infected animals or dirt, but Dr. Petryk says they're most commonly contracted by ingesting fleas.
Infected animals usually receive a series of intramuscular injections, hospitalization and then strict confinement to limit exercise for weeks.
Valley Fever is a treatable disease but owners of infected animals need to be aware it can be a long process to completely clear this disease.
Infected animals shed infective eggs in their feces that are ingested by routine sniffing behavior, direct ingestion of feces, or the sharing of a litter box.
The increasing rate of human encroachment into animal habitats is removing the old buffers, making contact with potentially infected animals more common.
I read on a well known medical website that even by «touching a farm gate where infected animals pass through may be enough to infect your skin with ringworm».
Rabies virus is most commonly transmitted from the saliva of infected animals via bite wounds.
Infected animals develop skin erosions, followed by deep ulcerations and microscopic skin necrosis.
In breeding facilities, animal shelters, kennels, and other areas where numerous pets may come into close proximity with one another, it is wise to isolate infected animals from those that are not.
The parasites infected the animals» livers, but none of the mice developed symptoms of malaria.
«My focus was on human parasites, but through my training I became more interested in parasites that infect animals because those parasites can have a tremendous impact on humans in terms of their livelihoods being dependent on the health of their animals,» Zajac says.
Research in mice shows that cytomegalovirus - infected animals do better at fighting off bacterial pathogens.
Infected animals also can develop tapeworms, lose weight, and get anemia, as well as have skin and coat problems.
The University of California, Los Angeles — led group reported in this week's Science that they may have created the «Goldilocks» of flu vaccines — one that manages to trigger a very strong immune response without making infected animals sick.
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