Sentences with phrase «to inhibit proliferation»

The selenium in barley not only inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells, but also prevents heart disease and decreases the symptoms of asthma and arthritis.
This protein plays an essential role in the development of certain cancers, as it can activate or inhibit the proliferation of malignant cells.
Regorafenib, a recently characterized RIPK2 inhibitor, did not significantly inhibit the proliferation of these cells in an MTT assay (3 -(4,5 - dimethylthiazol -2-Yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)(Fig. 6A).
Omega - 3 and its smaller molecule derivatives inhibited proliferation in all breast cancer cell lines, but the effect was dramatically stronger in the triple - negative breast cancer cell lines.
The proteasome is a novel downstream target for the anti ‐ cancer drug palbociclib inhibiting proliferation by reduced proteasomal association with its inhibitor EMC29.
Nopal cactus fruit inhibits the proliferation of cervical, ovarian and bladder cancer cell lines
This is extremely problematic, as melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cell types, as well as triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self - destruction).
Not only does milk thistle exert activity through inhibiting proliferation and angiogenesis, but also in response to epigenetic - influences — making it... Read More»
The sunshine vitamin has been linked to several anticancer effects, such as inhibiting the proliferation of tumor cells and limiting the growth of new blood vessels that feed expanding tumors.
The researchers observed the effect of the synthetically produced molecule, JK - 31, on the growth and proliferation of a model human breast cancer cell line and found that it effectively blocked the protein cyclin - dependent kinase 1 (CDK1), which plays a key part in the process of the division of cancer cells, and therefore inhibited the proliferation of the cells.
A recent paper in the experimental biology publication The FASEB Journal describes how peptides found in hookworms inhibit the proliferation of effector memory T cells, which, unlike regulatory T cells, can actually trigger inflammation.
The protein encoded by BRCA1 must in some way inhibit proliferation of cells in the breast, says Holt.
«We show for the first time how HIV / AIDS inhibits proliferation of neural stem cells and prevents the formation of new nerve cells in the adult brain,» said Dr. Stuart Lipton, Director of Burnham's Del E. Webb Center for Neuroscience, Aging, and Stem Cell Research.
MicroRNA -140-3p inhibits proliferation, migration and invasion of lung cancer cells by targeting ATP6AP2.
ROR2 inhibits the proliferation of gastric carcinoma cells via activation of non-canonical Wnt signaling.
Wnt blockers inhibit the proliferation of lung cancer stem cells.
Pyrvinium pamoate inhibits proliferation of myeloma / erythro - leukemia cells by suppressing mitochondrial respiratory complex I and STAT3.
Niclosamide inhibited proliferation of breast CSC - like cells [44].
STAT6 specific shRNA inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in colon cancer HT - 29 cells.
The identified RIPK2 inhibitors potently inhibited the proliferation of cancer cells by > 70 % and also inhibited NFκB activity.
Antagonists of growth hormone - releasing hormone inhibit the proliferation of experimental non-small cell lung carcinoma.
These NSC - secreted antibodies assemble properly, possess tumor cell - binding affinity and specificity, and can effectively inhibit the proliferation of HER2 - overexpressing breast cancer cells in vitro.
Trastuzumab directly inhibits the proliferation of HER2 - overexpressing breast cancer cells and induces immune - mediated killing of target cancer cells through antibody - dependent cellular cytotoxicity [20].
Studies on peripheral blood T cells show that 1,25 -(OH) 2D3 inhibits the proliferation and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines whilst promoting the expression of regulatory markers.
«The extracts from cruciferous vegetables as well as those from vegetables of the genus Allium inhibited the proliferation of all tested cancer cell lines whereas extracts from vegetables most commonly consumed in Western countries were much less effective.
Roaccutane inhibits proliferation of sebocytes and appears to act in acne by re-setting the orderly programme of differentiation.
In neoplastic cells butyrate inhibits proliferation at the crypt surface, the site of potential tumour development.
F3 - IgG significantly inhibited the proliferation of BT474 cells in a dose - dependent manner, comparable to the trastuzumab (Fig. 3B).
Extracts of the kiwi fruit inhibit the proliferation of cancerous cells and protect endogenous DNA damage.
In addition to helping you fall asleep and bestowing a feeling of overall comfort and well being, melatonin has proven to have an impressive array of anti-cancer benefits.4 Melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cell types, as well as triggering cancer cell apoptosis (self destruction).
Not only does milk thistle exert activity through inhibiting proliferation and angiogenesis, but also in response to epigenetic - influences — making it an anti-cancer super star.
It is able to modulate skin cell growth in such a way as to favor keratinocyte proliferation in normal tissue and inhibit the proliferation in psoriatic tissue (which is marked by excessive proliferation).
The scientists discovered that cannabinoids help prevent the accumulation of dead epidermal cells by inhibiting the proliferation of living cells.
The researchers were able to inhibit proliferation of the cells in vitro using the FGFR inhibitors PD173074 and pazopanib.
One of his latest studies, published in 2015, found that exposure to bright blue - white light during the day has the opposite effect of light exposure at night: It greatly enhances the release of melatonin and inhibits the proliferation of prostate cancer cells in an animal model.
The researchers showed that it inhibited ALDH in yeast, reduced ALDH1 activity in cell - culture spheres of mesenchymal GSCs, inhibited proliferation of glioma spheres in cell culture, and inhibited xenograft growth of GBM in mouse brains.
«Boveri brilliantly hypothesized that having the wrong chromosome number disrupted an equilibrium in cells between signals that promote and inhibit proliferation, leading normal cells to be transformed into cancerous ones» Sheltzer says.
Subsequent clinical trials led by Dr. Brian J. Druker at Oregon Health & Science University in collaboration with Dr. Charles Sawyers and Dr. Moshe Talpaz demonstrated that STI - 571 inhibits proliferation of BCR - ABL - expressing hematopoietic cells.
MicroRNA - 24 inhibits the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells in patients with atherosclerosis by targeting importin - a3 and regulating inflammatory responses.
Here we report that HB1.F3 NSCs can be engineered to express and secrete functional full - length HER2 - specific human immunoglobulin molecules that can selectively bind to and inhibit the proliferation of HER2 - positive breast carcinoma cells.
To assess the ability of F3 - IgG to inhibit the proliferation of HER2 - overexpressing breast carcinoma cells, we measured the proliferation of BT474, MCF7 / HER2 and MCF7 breast cancer cell lines in the presence of trastuzumab, F3 - IgG, or an isotype - matched control antibody.
In addition, F3 - IgG binds to HER2 specifically and inhibits the proliferation of HER2 - overexpressing breast cancer cells.
F3 - IgG did not inhibit the proliferation of MCF7 / HER2 cells, which is consistent with previously published reports for trastuzumab [16], [17].
Usnic acid appears to inhibit the proliferation of bacteria by disrupting its metabolic function, although it does not adversely affect that of human cells.
Sunflower seeds are also a good source of selenium, which has been shown to induce DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells, to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, and to induce their apoptosis, the self - destruction mechanism the body naturally produces to eliminate worn out or abnormal cells.
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