Sentences with phrase «to interact with humans»

Instead of interacting with another human being, learners could load an eLearning activity and work through it at their own pace and convenience.
You know, actually interact with humans in the real world.
To train a puppy to stop using their mouth when interacting with humans is simple.
I didn't want to be asked how I was, nor have conversations about how I was feeling, nor interact with humans on anything more than a superficial level.
These proteins can be comparatively tested to identify the most promising vaccine candidates, and to understand how the parasite interacts with the human host and cause disease.
For example, a healthy microbiome (the full complement of microbes that live on and in the human body) interacts with the human immune system establishing protective activities when necessary.
These dogs are very intelligent as well as affectionate, and they love to interact with their human families.
But they are all connected by the simple pleasure of interacting with another human.
Most importantly, she is a cat that wants to be close to and interact with her humans at all times.
These high - energy breeds enjoy interacting with human companions and are always game for playtime.
While some parts of the process are automated, clients of these new firms do interact with humans, and all the trades are made by a flesh - and - blood portfolio manager.
In addition, as we develop robots that can actually interact with humans and survive in these less controlled environments, we will find them to be an indispensable tool.
The research proposed should not be defined as clinical research, or research for which an investigator directly interacts with human subjects / patients.
I've personally found that dogs are very social creatures and they love interacting with their human counterparts as much as possible.
A puppy who doesn't get a chance to interact with humans during the first couple of months of their lives is extremely unlikely to ever feel really safe or comfortable around humans.
They are intelligent, playful and can socially interact with humans like no other animals can do.
When was the last time we spent a full 24 hours without interacting with another human being?
These three skills are best learned through repeated and varied experiences of hearing and interacting with human language.
Even if not all the details of the stories were retained, stories of animals interacting with humans and exploring moral problems are always packed with potential.
A robo - advisor is also a good fit for you if you prefer not to have to interact with a human financial advisor.
They will initially interact with humans the same way because they don't realize that it hurts us.
For hundreds of years he has been living with sheep and only interacting with his human «flock» when he had to.
Others have shown that the wolves began interacting with humans when promised food and eventually created a bond between humans and wolves.
Your dog needs to learn how to properly interact with both humans and dogs.
They also have had lots of experience interacting with humans and getting to know what their behaviors mean.
Because she loves to interact with humans in their natural attitude to others who are nothing..
Go to any store, purchase any item, or interact with any human being and you'll notice a pattern: I give something, and I get something else in return.
Some cats may seem to enjoy interacting with humans but become stressed and uncomfortable when attempts are made to socialize them.
Dogs by nature are social creatures and thrive to interact with their human counterparts.
The NBA will also benefit by gaining scientific expertise from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI), which employs scientists who study how nutrition interacts with the human body before, during and after physical exercise.
Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites can interact with our human cells in a variety of helpful ways.
«Forty - one million of us and counting are Prime members, but you can spend a lot of money and never interact with a human.
Characters, often mimicking members of Mull's family, are shown as cartoon figures interacting with human beings styled in 1950's attire.
«DIHR aims to promote human rights around the world by engaging with all actors who interact with human rights,» said DIHR Director Jonas Christoffersen.
By stray, I mean, parrots are smart & like to interact with humans even when they're wild!
To test the homing beacon — or «Alphamer» — against live strep bacteria, Mullis enlisted the help of Victor Nizet, MD, professor of pediatrics and pharmacy at UC San Diego, whose laboratory studies how pathogens interact with the human immune system.
Vitamin K2 also interacts with human growth hormone (GH) to signal jaw growth.
It features the Cat and Kitten characters from the previous videos, and in it, Cat provides Kitten with a «survival guide» for interacting with humans during the game.
Feral cats are pet cats that have never had human contact, and will not willingly interact with humans.
In her series «Hidden in Plain Sight,» Voulgaris creates studio constructions with common objects that interact with the human form.
Paul interpreted the indwelling, empowering, and transforming Spirit as personal Spirit interacting with human personal spirit.
«Now, using genomic methods that were not available 10 years ago, it appears that components made by the virus interact with human DNA in the places where the genetic risk of disease is increased,» Harley says.
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