Sentences with phrase «to invade surrounding tissues»

Understanding how margin length decreases from surgery to pathology — because of how the removed tissue shrinks and tumor cells invade surrounding tissues — can lead to better surgical margin planning and in turn a better prognosis, said corresponding author Milan Milovancev, a board - certified veterinary surgeon at OSU's College of Veterinary Medicine.
If the tumor is large, local effects of the tumor invading surrounding tissues in the brain can be the limiting factor in survival.
Localized tumors that do not invade surrounding tissues have the best chance to be cured.
Cancer Research UK scientists at The University of Manchester found that some melanoma cells are particularly fast growing, but not very good at invading the surrounding tissue, while other melanoma cells are the opposite — highly invasive but slow - growing.
The prognosis is excellent, but it can cause significant disfigurement by invading surrounding tissues.
Abnormal and uncontrolled production of this class of proteins, known as transcription factors, allow for cells to bypass growth control mechanisms and to develop characteristics necessary for invading surrounding tissues.
Cancer begins with a series of genetic changes that prompt a group of cells to overreplicate and then invade surrounding tissue, the point at which true malignancy begins.
In absence of this characteristic cells are able to grow rapidly and invade surrounding tissues even though they may be receiving, but not processing appropriately, external signals to halt growth.
Benign tumors are masses that for the most part stay contained within their own constraints, and do not typically invade surrounding tissues.
The bacteria contained in plaque is 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics than other types of bacteria, and secretes toxins which invade surrounding tissues and cause inflammation.
In addition to becoming immortal, cancer cells invade the surrounding tissue, rendering it nonfunctional.
Because malignant mammary tumors invade surrounding tissues and organs, they are often very difficult to remove.
The term «in situ» means that the cancerous cells are contained within the breast's milk ducts and have not invaded the surrounding tissue.
In contrast, mice implanted with cancer cells containing the protein developed larger, irregular masses and showed signs that cancer cells had invaded the surrounding tissue.
Dixon's team also looked at the ability of breast cancer cells to migrate and invade surrounding tissues, with and without Fam20C.
For several years, the research team from the Turku Centre for Biotechnology lead by Professor Johanna Ivaska has focused their efforts on understanding how cancer cells move and invade surrounding tissue.
Even though the invasive cells have an advantage because of their ability to invade surrounding tissues, that invasive nature also has its drawbacks: increased susceptibility to changes in limited resources and their environment.
«Due to the nature of how a cell nestles among its immediate neighbors, a scientist can now look at cell shapes and make a reasonable guess as to why, and how fast, those cells will migrate, remodel, or invade surrounding tissues
The result are cancer cells that are capable, from the very start, to invade surrounding tissue and spread metastases.»
Their studies showed that one of these chemicals, sarcosine, helps prostate cancer cells invade surrounding tissue.
Staging is based on whether the tumor is local to the lungs, or has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body — as well as how deeply it has invaded surrounding tissues.
It is based on whether the tumor is local to its area of origin, or has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body — as well as how deeply it has invaded surrounding tissues.
«In situ» breast cancers haven't spread to surrounding tissue, which makes them more treatable, while «invasive» breast cancers have invaded surrounding tissue.
Cancer starts when cells (internal or external parts of the body) grow too rapidly and get out of control, and as a result, invade its surrounding tissue.
They tend to invade surrounding tissues and metastasize (spread to distant tissues) even when the primary tumor is very small.
Fatty tumors are benign, which means they are a group of cells that multiply without normal control but do not travel through the body (metastasize) or invade surrounding tissue.
Cytology can not show whether the cancer is invading surrounding tissues or if it has been completely removed.
Cancer is a class of diseases in which cells grow uncontrollably, invade surrounding tissue and may spread to other areas of the body.
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