Sentences with phrase «to irritate the stomach»

"To irritate the stomach" means to cause discomfort, pain, or a feeling of uneasiness in the stomach, often as a result of consuming something that is not easily digestible or is known to cause indigestion. Full definition
This supplement has been a major life - changer in dogs suffering from irritated stomach, frequent vomiting, lack of appetite and loose stools.
I prefer to grind up the aspirin and put it in some food to make sure it does not irritate the stomach lining.
Vomiting results in dehydration, so offer the puppy small amounts of water every 20 minutes as to not irritate the stomach further.
The pumpkin seeds, in addition to containing high levels of magnesium, are soaked overnight to increase their digestibility and ensure they don't further irritate your stomach.
Aspirin can also irritate the stomach even in small doses, and it doesn't always get along well with other drugs heart patients might take, especially warfarin.
If you can, to be on the safe side, induce vomiting with 3 % hydrogen peroxide and afterwards washout Frank's mouth; the mouthwash may irritate his stomach causing him to vomit.
Same goes for slamming a glass of juice: The acid in OJ can irritate your stomach even more.
I have read and truly believe many grains have to much gluten, so wheat bread is actually not that healthy since it usually irritates the stomach, even if people don't have celiac disease.
According to the Human Biochemistry and Disease, drinking additionally sweetened juice may also irritate stomach ulcers and acid reflux disease.
Vinegar and pizza irritated the stomach lining, and the most irritating substance tested was aspirin.
The acid of the digestive juices irritates the stomach and esophagus, making baby irritable.
Bland foods are easier to digest, and irritate the stomach less.
Sometimes, the taste or smell of them can make you sick; other times the vitamins irritate your stomach.
Eating food or drinking water with very high levels severely irritates the stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhea.
To test whether chronic childhood gut problems could lead to adult anxiety and depression, researchers performed experiments on baby rats, irritating their stomachs for six days.
If you are sitting there reading this, thinking, «meat irritates my stomach» — then you need to read my blog post on gallbladder dysfunction, and look into digestive enzymes.
I don't recommend owners let their pet chew on plastic as it can be consumed, potentially irritating the stomach and intestines.
Induction of Vomiting: Some dogs eat grass, because they're striving to consume material that will mechanically irritate their stomach lining and lead to induction of emesis (vomiting).
Many NSAIDs are slightly acidic, so they directly irritate the stomach lining.
Because the bile is acidic, it lowers the pH of the stomach even further, which irritates the stomach and causes the dog to vomit.
These diets consist of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates that should not further irritate the stomach.
Since bubbly booze like beer and sparkling wine tend to irritate the stomach lining and speed up alcohol's absorption rate, you might get drunker faster if you move to hard liquor after initially drinking beer.
Just be careful; since they're strong, they can also irritate the stomach.
No one else mentioned this... I made this according to the recipe but was afraid to have my daughter eat it for fear the cinnamon would irritate her stomach.
And the mucus produced during a cold can drip down the back of the throat and irritate the stomach.
Breast milk can help babies with an irritated stomach because it is more easily digestible to the baby's system.
But bear in mind that the drug can irritate the stomach, which may be problematic if your baby's already refusing to eat (which some teething babies do).
The mucus can irritate the stomach.
As far as your intestines go, alcohol can irritate the stomach and intestines and suppress the hormones which protect against the inflammation that contributes to leaky gut syndrome.
Long - term it can irritate the stomach lining and affect good bacteria.
Aspirin, which works to reduce inflammation, activates enzymes that can irritate stomach and intestinal tissues, causing ulcers and bleeding.
FOODFACTS: If you're sensitive to the alkaloids in plants from the nightshade family (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplants), baking, or cooking them down (like in my Ratatouille recipe) can reduce the alkaloids by 50 %, making them far less likely to irritate your stomach.
The synthetic form is known to irritate the stomach, but willow bark is far less likely to do so.
These tannins interact with the salicylates to protect the stomach and intestines, which can soothe intestinal upset; aspirin, on the other hand, has no tannins and can irritate the stomach.
Many tried Raw Maca and felt that it irritates their stomach causing stomach pain after taking raw maca root for some time.
When aspirin is ingested continually, it can irritate the stomach lining and contribute to bleeding.
Mucilaginous herbs, such as marshmallow, licorice, and slippery elm, will soothe the irritated stomach lining.»
Gastrointestinal diseases can be tricky to heal with conventional medicine because the gut flora is already in duress and drugs can further irritate the stomach's lining.
Flexoplex provides LASTING results and is formulated to address all of the major causes of joint and arthritis pain without injections, pharmaceutical compounds, or over-the-counter anti-inflammatories that can irritate your stomach.
Additionally, as some do contain higher amounts of caffeine, doubling up on this can irritate the stomach and cause the heart to race, so stick to one at a time.
I also took Milk Thistle for the same purpose, but I think it irritated my stomach)-- Magnesium — Vitamin D, and a lot of it!
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