Sentences with phrase «to isolate the area»

"To isolate the area" means to separate or cut off a specific place or region from its surroundings, usually for a specific purpose such as quarantine, security, or containment. Full definition
It shows no signs of repair from an accident, but some rust can be seen in isolated areas in the doors and engine bay.
They have isolated areas of the cerebral cortex that control our various sensory perceptions and motor functions.
From the resort area's busy beaches with all the amenities you'll need to rugged beaches found in more isolated areas around the island, you can create your own experience.
The report acknowledged that there were a few isolated areas where a longer growing season had been good for farming.
Only about 88 percent of women in rural towns live within a 60 - minute drive, and in the most isolated areas that number is 79 percent.
Additionally, the school funding system should take into account varying classroom and district sizes, districts in geographically isolated areas and differing transportation costs.
It drills into key indicators of firm culture at the individual, group, and location level helping your firm isolate areas for improvement.
Highly gifted children growing up in isolated areas need educational and emotional support in their earliest years.
The beach is in a very isolated area and you might even have difficulty locating it.
The secret is to isolate areas of your normal spending and use miles instead of dollars for this spending.
This means that schools in more isolated areas are limited in who they can recruit.
That's something I've done though my career... analyze what I've done and isolate the areas where I've not been strong and work on those for the next year.
Yet simply measuring flow in isolated areas was not enough.
It is all a matter of isolating the area with the leak.
The Sierra Giganta Range plunges into the Sea of Cortez, effectively isolating the area from the rest of the peninsula and creating a stunningly beautiful backdrop the entire trip.
It may seem counterintuitive that protection can lead to cracking of steel, but by protecting most of the steel surface oxygen channels all the degradation to occur on isolated areas of steel that is highly stressed.
First, the beehives are specifically placed in isolated areas away from any type of contamination (golf courses, agricultural areas, heavy traffic areas, landfills).
A power outage is affecting most, if not all, of the Port Schuyler Section of Watervliet as well as isolated areas of uptown north of the Arsenal
Additional migrations and other demographic events occurring after the Neolithic Age in Europe then partially replaced G2a with other lineages, except in geographically isolated areas such as Sardinia.
iObservation is not only able to identify the most effective teachers, but it also isolates areas where teachers are most proficient.
According to GIZ's Country Director, Thomas Kirsch the hybrid power systems based on new and renewable energy sources, especially photovoltaic and wind energy, are an effective option to solve the power supply problem for remote and isolated areas far from the grid.
There are almost always isolated areas of excess, fraud, or aggressive accounting, but it gets widespread during manias.
Threats made by water pollution, plastics and debris in the ocean, gill net entanglement, oil spills, overharvesting of fisheries, toxins, and pesticides affect even isolated areas like Point Bennett.
«The Four Corners methane source is in a relatively isolated area with little other methane emissions, hence causing a well distinguishable hot - spot in methane abundances.
Seamounts are also created at hot spots, isolated areas within tectonic plates where plumes of magma rise through the crust and erupt at the seafloor, often creating chains of volcanoes and seamounts, such as the Hawaiian Islands.
While the 45 ° row worked this angle along with the upper front pull, you have more strength from this position and can add thickness to the inner lower lats by isolating the area.
The steep mountains rise abruptly from the sea, effectively isolating the area from the rest of the peninsula.
Building a squad is easy - you just isolate areas in your squad where you need another player, either because you're a player short or because your strongest player in that area is a weak link in the squad.
When you perform deadlifts, the most important aspect of your form is the shape of the back — many lifters make a crucial mistake by rounding their back and putting isolated areas of it under too much pressure.
At the time of writing (2009/02/28) there are rebates for installing photovoltaic power on private homes and schools, but no rebates for installing small wind turbines, except in isolated areas not connected to the electricity supply grid.
Channel Islands National Park lies in a remote, isolated area at the confluence of two major ocean currents, a region of persistent ocean upwelling, and the border of two tectonic plates.
In regards to precipitation, it was relatively dry this month as most of the region received less than 50 percent of normal precipitation and only a few isolated areas received at least 150 percent of normal precipitation.
Efforts to get farmers to grow other crops have faltered because they aren't economically viable — in part because getting those crops to market from rural, isolated areas eats away the profit margin.
New Democrats have long been advocating for the expanded use of midwifery services across the province as we believe that midwives play an integral role in the health care system and can be of particular benefit to women, families and First Nations communities by bringing specialized maternity care to otherwise isolated areas.
The Andromeda Galaxy is easily visible to the naked eye in a moderately dark sky, though such a sky is available only in smaller towns and isolated areas reasonably far from population centers and sources of light pollution.
Although isolated areas like Christmas Island are particularly vulnerable, his conclusion applies everywhere alien species are taking hold: «Once invaders are in, it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to remove them.»
Writer Amy Jump and Director Ben Wheatley are a much witness duo that takes fiery folks and puts them in uniquely open isolated areas.
Books for the Barrios sends much - needed materials to some of the most remote isolated areas in the Philippines.
Online learning environments have been a game changer for Australian distance educators whose «classrooms» cover thousands of square kilometres, but it's more than just a case of being able to reach isolated areas.
We live in a fairly isolated area in the foothills where there are a lot of wild animals that pose a danger to a domesticated cat.
Further, because they are short - lived, these sulfate dimming effects really only can be expected to operate over in a few isolated areas around land - based industrial areas, limiting their effect on global temperatures since they effect only a quarter or so of the globe.
Starkly juxtaposed next to the soft greens of the shrubs and gumtrees, this extremely isolated area of Australia is breathtakingly beautiful.
The entire city is infested with zombies and the National Guard has already isolated the area, while keeping the truth away from the public.
This is of vital importance to slow the endemic brain drain of young artists from Alabama's culturally isolated areas.
Embracing isolated areas, the compositions portray the wildness of the organic world when devoid of human presence and cultivation.
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