Sentences with phrase «to italicize»

Some resume experts recommend replacing formerly bold and italicized words with ALL CAPS, but this can come across as tacky — especially in this era where typing in all caps equals shouting.
Or an award placed in italicized text can help to break up some of the dense content and enable the reader to quickly grasp the message.
The job section uses standard headings and a brief italicized statement about the company and scope of work.
Many readers will recognize that italicized phrase as the title of the excellent 2014 film about Turing, which starred Benedict Cumberbatch and won an Oscar for best adapted screenplay for Graham Moore from the book Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges.
For example, use bold, large and eye catching fonts to draw the attention of your readers to the most important headings or links found on your site and use italicized fonts for links that will lead your reader to another website you might be affiliated with.
Hurtubise finds no such contrast, since for him God is conceived as the nontemporal valuation of eternal objects both in the context (italicized portions) and in the text.
** For italicized complaints, start with behavior modification, then initiate a medical work up if success seems delayed.
In a recent line editing webinar I took from Jerry Jennkins, (I've never read his books but the webinar was a mind blow) he said contemporary genre writing is tending towards not italicizing thoughts.
Many people like to use italicized text to differentiate lines of text, but there's no need for that.
Click on italicized, underlined terms throughout the site to go to the glossary.
I usually do this myself to get more familiar with the book and to flag idiosyncrasies in the manuscript for the formatter, (such as italicized text and other special formatting).
Pending and Estimated amounts of upcoming capital gain distributions are shown in red italicized text.
These alterations are instantly dated and, instructively, of the wrong date besides, and if there's a drawback to this HiDef rendering, it's that its clarity only italicizes the contrast between the old and the new.
In October 2015, the NOSB passed a recommendation to amend the NOP regulations at 205.601 (m) and 205.603 (e) by removing references to EPA List 3 and 4, and replacing them with the new language italicized below:
Only names of publicized media get italicized.
That last italicized bit is just flat - out unequivocally wrong.
My view at that time was that underlining allowed to reader to distinguish easily between italicized case names and the text I wanted to emphasize.
The professional experience section uses italicized description of the company and paragraph to describe job responsibilities.
Not sure what the deal is with the little italicized line regarding not offering a tethering plan.
Most things were on sale but I've tried to link everything I could - new items are bolded and italicized so you can recognize what's from Monday's video.
That last italicized bit is unequivocally wrong.
Unless otherwise indicated, italicized quotes contained in this document are taken from the submissions of Osgoode JD students.
The C.V. is written in a paragraph style, not broken up with bulleted or italicized information to highlight any skills, accomplishments, or achievements for each specific position.
In the original text (here italicized) «transcendent decision» refers to transition in contrast to the «immanent decision» of concrescence.12 But because «transcendent» is so closely identified with the divine, Whitehead uses this occasion to introduce his notion of nontemporal concrescence.
If you want to get to the review proper, skip to the first italicized subheading.
Other elements like bullet points, bold fonts, underlining or even italicized words may be used with care and only when needed.
agreeing with the comments about italicizing «from» on the subtitle.
Note: Italicized comments are by Jack Tworkov.
Further, get rid of colors and make sure that you're not bolding or italicizing too many elements of your resume, this ultimately de-emphasizes everything in the document.
The following synopsis contains italicized assumptions that are basic to Hendrix's Imago Relationship Therapy followed by a few of the corresponding parallels in object - relations literature (with a few references to Carl Jung): 1.
Probably 90 percent of the emails close with the same bolded or italicized request:
Cobb published God and the World in 1969, pointing out to his students what readers and critics alike tended to miss: that the word «and» in the title was specifically italicized.
3 Francis H. C. Crick, Of Molecules and Men (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1966), p. 10: note that Crick italicizes the word all.
Indeed his expression actual entity (in what follows I shall italicize Whitehead's technical terms) is a much better translation for ousia energeia / ousia entelecheia than actual substance» would be.
Griffin italicizes «unit of experience» to show that already at the time he gave the Lowell Lectures, Whitehead understood all the events in nature as units of experience.
My expectation is that few teachers of moral theology will deny the main points of the encyclical, including the three italicized propositions, but that cautious speculation regarding the beginning, development, and end of life will continue, even in Catholic institutions.
Thus, communalism is ruled out; so also is stark individualism, one again italicizing the last three letters of each word to indicate that a perversion of true community and of true «personeity» (which, as I have said, I prefer to the talk about «individual») is intended.
Sorry, I can't stop italicizing things.
Paterson's encounter with a Japanese poet (Masatoshi Nagase from Mystery Train, again making a cultural pilgrimage) subtly italicizes everything that has gone before.
They deploy slow motion, fast motion, freeze - frames and other visual flourishes not to highlight pivotal narrative moments, but to italicize feelings — some sorrowful or profound, others fleeting, playful, sensual.
«Disney Song Selection» plays five songs from the film (HD) with italicized white subtitles displaying the lyrics.
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