Sentences with phrase «to jump in a lake»

I am enjoying the continued breastfeeding of my 16 month old and people can go jump in the lake for all I care.
What he actually said was that he'd jump in the lake if we went 1 - 15 again, so technically he's in the clear.
The rest of it can go jump in a lake as far as I'm concerned.
Have you always wanted to tell your favorite politician / local celebrity to go jump in a lake?
The organization rallied nearly 50 local leaders («dignitaries,» as organizers described them) to jump in the lake in a show of pomp and circumstance.
And I've put my bathing suit in front of God and everybody and then jumped in the lake.
«This could be the year,» observed Los Angeles Times columnist Jim Murray, that «the sportswriters jump in the lake
The fact that the club wasn't willing to demonstrate a shred of commitment by telling Milan to go jump in the lake from the get go, is extremely disappointing.
We would put her in the DockATot on the bed in the back bedroom and enjoy the afternoon sitting under the canopy, watching the fish jump in the lake.
Onondaga County Legislature Chairman Ryan McMahon jumped in the lake Tuesday afternoon, citing a scheduling conflict with Wednesday's event.
He was one of the officials who jumped in the lake Wednesday.
«But who would have thought in 1998 when looking at that cesspool of a lake... that Tim Burtiss and I would have been jumping in that lake last year?»
Or the fact that letting your popsicle melt all over you isn't that big of a deal considering you can just jump in the lake and wash it all off?
We are beating the heat in Vegas by jumping in the lake and doing all sorts of water activities.
Just outdoor's in general, suit's me just fine!!!! Jumping in a lake.
There's nothing particularly fun about this group, not when it's just matriarch Violet (Meryl Streep) screaming at patriarch Beverly (Sam Shepard), suggesting in her R - rated outburst - y way that he should fornicate with a pig and certainly not when the whole gang gets together later in the movie after Beverly decides that he'd rather jump in a lake than take Vi's advice.
Brian, Do you mean to tell me I've been missing out on the golden goose for over 20 years??? If we weren't in the middle of a blizzard right now, I'd jump in a lake here somewhere....
But if I am labeled because I like their chicken then lets filter some of the BS out and u labelers go jump in the lake.
Another woman spoke about attending a conference for portfolio companies of a certain VC firm, when everyone was told to strip down to their underwear and jump in a lake.
The Egyptians decided to tell God to go jump in a lake.
So I can tell any old person to «shut up», «jump in a lake» or «sit on it, Pottsie» without violating the First Amendment.
Ruth, who could double his salary in those days on barnstorming excursions, considered the rule unfair, so he openly defied it, suggesting that Landis «go jump in a lake
If you are among them, here's some advice from Lynn and Glenn McWaters: Go jump in a lake.
For Crystal Lake residents who thought the kids in town needed a public swimming pool, there was always one standard answer from those who did n`t: Go jump in the lake.
«While you are jumping in the lake I will be with you in spirit at Tulane University as I tell the country about our success,» Mahoney tweeted this morning.
Hi - I am a down to earth - take a walk in the park - smell the roses kind of lady - Looking for someone who wants to go jump in the lake: --RRB-
-- made him jump in a lake.
Ross's defiantly perky version of heartbreak finds apt expression in this jaunty, bruised, up - tempo waltz, written by Peggy Lee and Duke Ellington, some of whose lyrics graze other elements in the movie: «He's a real good one for having his cake» reminds us of an undelivered birthday cake in the film's most affecting chain of events, while the following line, «I'm gonna go fishin» or jump in the lake,» evokes the specter of suicide.
The email from the woman yesterday gave me three choices of reply: 1) IN (still in the market) 2) OUT (not buying at this time) and 3) JUMP (tough luck, go jump in a lake.
Then when you suggest it, they look at you like you just suggested that they jump in the lake.
This is a great starting point for a nice shaded day hike, a jump in the lake, or relaxing under the stars.
They are rugged, hardy, large dogs equipped with the thickest coats, making them ideal candidates for romps in the snow, jumps in the lakes, and general time spent in the great outdoors in those cold winter days.
and if you jumped in the lake out the back, fully clothed, you'd get 100Q (# 8).
Walkappa Walkappa makes you want to go for a swim — or jump in a lake!
Authorial intent can go jump in a lake, as far as I'm concerned.
You feel like telling them to go jump in a lake, but you can't afford to lose them.
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