Sentences with phrase «to jump through hoops»

I think a lot of indie authors are like myself, just tired of jumping through hoops for agents and publishing houses.
Using our child support officer resume sample, you can more efficiently jump through the hoops of applicant competition.
However, job seekers can still be contenders for many jobs without jumping through hoops to send a perfectly customized resume.
Companies often make candidates jump through hoops in order to avoid high employee turnover, which can wind up being a costly affair.
They shouldn't have to jump through hoops like checking in with a manager once an hour or running every decision past their superior.
Despite clear cut laws in most states about the laws breastfeeding / pumping moms have, you often have to jump through hoops just for adequate times and space to pump.
I have tried using other online payment structures and that is okay, but it's a little... You have to do a little bit more jumping through the hoops with the accounting.
Keep in mind, this isn't dual - climate control, but it doesn't require jumping through hoops to turn on the air conditioning.
If the Coalition were truly interested in helping people back to work, it would make sure there was work there in the first place rather than constantly making people jump through hoops.
He's been forced to jump through hoop after hoop over the last five years, but he's survived again and again.
Thankfully, nowadays you don't have to jump through hoops trying to find a company that will agree to print your masterpiece.
If you see this as jumping through hoops, it might be something you have to put up with in a worst case scenario.
Second, do nt make parents jump through hoops to get involved, which happens too often in many schools, especially those that do nt value parent participation.
Before I ate that — that being a bacon mac - and - cheese burger — I had to jump through hoops at The Cell.
«Unique marketplace» is a nice description for «making foreign companies jump through hoops while allowing your own companies to ignore patents and copyright and allowing your citizens to pirate».
Most importantly, no more jumping through hoops to get your next investment underway.
But recruiters who make strong candidates jump through hoops, particularly when the employer has already indicated they want to meet with the candidate, are recruiters of questionable quality.
Competition for some grants can be quite fierce, so be prepared to jump through hoops if necessary.
Why make talent jump through hoops during the application process?
The path to wild success does not involve jumping through hoops.
You also jumped through hoops to find us a rental property during our transition period and worked through a difficult negotiation on the home we finally purchased.
Sometimes we'll hear talk about how agents or publishers make writers jump through hoops to get their attention.
Finally, you would click only when the dog actually jumped through the hoop.
For more tech - savvy users, it's worth jumping through some hoops to get there.
For instance your rabbit may stand up on his back legs, turn in a circle, or even jump through a hoop.
Shopping center developers, for example, often jump through hoops to obtain environmental assessments, title insurance and appraisals.
Being an entrepreneur isn't about jumping through hoops — it's about doing things your own way.
Or in everyday language, start - ups, not unlike religions, make folks who want to get in on the action jump through some hoops to prove their dedication.
Making investors from abroad jump through hoops to ensure good behaviour doesn't make sense in our well - regulated corporate landscape.
Sure, you'll have to follow procedure just like everyone else, but you should have more energy for jumping through hoops today.
A true fact indeed: it's dumb to make volunteers jump through hoops to get involved, a rule that's broken ridiculously often online.
Imagine an American teaching force that jumps through every hoop politicians put in front of them?
These families are less able to jump through hoops no matter how bright their children are or how much they want them to succeed.
Their style sheets are beautiful and their code jumps through every hoop of digital distribution.
It's not a good thing to make visitors jump through hoops to get the information they need.
Many banks jump through hoops to ensure that when a purchase is made in a foreign country, it is actually you who is making the transaction.
Once they have jumped through the hoop give them lots of praise and a treat for their efforts.
During the event, each dog will be tested on its agility by undergoing a series of tests including jumping through hoops, running up angled surfaces and navigating obstacles.
You have to join their club or jump through hoops daily.
It's really inconvenient and I'm curious as to why they make the players jump through hoops to replay content.
Up until now I had ignored those feelings throughout the application process because I was too busy jumping through hoops.
My family and I have jumped through every hoop imaginable in an attempt to get the best care possible.
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