Sentences with phrase «to justify one's choices»

Students have 15 minutes to analyse different purchasing options from a number of stores and justify their choice of retailer.
While these explanations don't justify his choice not to be involved, they can help affirm for your child that the decision was not about them.
Students then choose one of the paths and justify their choice with mathematical reasoning.
In the end, however, it provides only scraps of the various theories that might justify choice as an independent value.
It is only this latter description that justifies the choices in use - of = force, but the description does not appear to fit the facts.
In Kennedy's experience people buy by emotion and then justify their choice with logic.
Using scripture to defend your bigotry in no way justifies your choices.
Here he comes, justifying the choice once more by democracy.
With those who feel uncomfortable, sometimes a quiet one - on - one chat can help them understand, but if you know characters who just won't, or perhaps you simply don't feel like justifying your choices, then I would continue as you are.
Soon's study helped justify its choice of inaction, Davies said.
Parents spend a great deal of time and energy justifying their choice of school but I'll let you into a little secret known only to the advertising industry.
Interestingly, the tyres are regular Pirelli P - Zeros rather than Corsas, Ferrari justifying this choice on the grounds that it wants the 812 to be perceived as a fully usable road car first, not a full - on track weapon that can merely be tolerated on the road.
But even with that in mind, it's really hard to understand how President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, who has repeatedly pressed for strong global action to curb climate change, could possibly justify her choice of Aldo Rebelo as her new minister of science, technology and innovation.
[The authors justify their choice of 1970 because of the pooorer data quality before that date, which is fine, but they do not fully recognize the possible implications of that choice for the generalizability of their results.]
Curry justifies her choice of giving attention to two papers from people from a clearly politically motivated group (EIKE):
Kerry justified his choice of not looking further back than 1935 on increasing uncertainty with respect to inferring wind speeds (if I remember correctly).
We believe that there's no point to indulge in self - praise, and that a simple overview of the features we have to offer will be more than enough to justify your choice in our favor:
In any case, I wanted to confidently present OUR reasons for OUR choices and also arm those that feel that they need to justify their choice not to CIO with some information to help them do so.
And sure, one could justify that choice as a metaphorical one, emphasizing the claustrophobia of the entire situation, but this a film that requires performances to carry what the isn't in the (endless) scenes of dense dialogue.
Solving the mystery of dark energy's value then becomes a case of justifying the choice of a particular quantum mechanical description of space - time.
Sounds to me like the people who piss and moan about passion being bad are people who gave up following their dream, so they are justifying their choice to abandon their passion for the pursuit of money.
There is a need to justify their choice.
This biblical patterning of yes - and - no justifies my choice of the nonviolent Jesus of the Incarnation over the violent Jesus of the Apocalypse as the true Jesus.
And you are justifying his choice of Ospina by showing how Mourinho used to rotate Cech and Courtois.
And you are justifying the choice of a second goalkeeper for CL games by saying,» Wenger's priority is the league, that is where he is going to use Cech.»
Centre forward: Eric Cantona Need I justify this choice?
When I ask bottle feeding moms I can tell they feel like they have to justify their choices.
Read the American Academy of Pediatrics recomendations to them or do not even go out of your way to justify your choice.
Once again a mother who chose homebirth for no better reason than her «experience,» risked her baby's life, nearly killed him, subjected him to prolonged oxygen deprivation and may have sentenced him to a lifetime of developmental disability is now trying to justify that choice.
I feel likea lot of these moms are just repeating the same things over and over again to justify their choices.
That phrase just makes me think of some poor woman desperately trying to justify her choices, and I just want to give a giant internet hug and be like if you truly want to breastfeed and your child isn't being injured then the work IS worth it.
He needs to satisfy extremely high expectations, silence his critics and justify his choices, strategies and style that many within the party have not yet digested.
This government has found a vivid and compelling rhetoric to justify its choice to slash services and squeeze the middle.
In one case, the foundation entered into a contract for legal services without clear selection criteria to justify the choice, the report found.
As expected, they were justifying their choice of which CD to keep.
The largest category used to justify their choice was that that it is «necessary» followed by the other three categories.
Patel would argue with his residents about the right cuts to make, but often he didn't have persuasive evidence to justify his choice.
«It is possible that participants were more likely reporting satisfaction in an attempt to be consistent with and justify their choice to have surgery,» the authors wrote, «leading to an underestimation of symptom rates and an overestimation of satisfaction rates.
Whether I'm eating a certain way, drinking bone broth, or being a stickler about my rest and how much stress I take on, I always felt like I had to justify my choices.
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