Sentences with phrase «to keep kids in school»

These skills also teach perseverance, which helps keep kids in school and enables them to push through the tough times all adults experience.
The problem is that schools often assume that if they have over a 90 % ADA they must be doing a pretty good job at keeping kids in school.
Together ~ stakeholders ~ including those in the community ~ can do their part to collectively keep kids in school ~ help them succeed and encourage them to discover their passion.
That's why many districts are hoping to keep kids in school by trying an alternative to suspension.
Get your own promotional tool kit with messages, flyers, articles and more to help spread the word about keeping kids in school.
Education: School fees can be expensive but you only need a home equity loan to keep your kids in school no matter how hard things are financially.
Healthy communities keep our kids in school, keep our adults in the workforce and provide a greater opportunity for participation in broader society.
PASA offers a creative alternative to those vulnerable after - school hours while building strong relationships with peers and adults — another key strategy for keeping kids in school.
Charter schools can also keep kids in school longer, offer more one - on - one attention and try different ways of teaching and learning.
Charter schools also can keep kids in school longer, offer more one - on - one attention and use different ways of teaching to adapt to different learning styles, supporters say.
«People say there is no point keeping a kid in school who doesn't want to be there because he won't learn anything and he'll be disruptive,» Cook said.
Aidan's attempts to keep his kids in school through auditions and even a little charity (which should stoke the metaphorical flames of the Kickstarter naysayers) prove unsuccessful.
* Strategies to Keep Kids in School States can learn a lesson from a recently released report about dropout rates in 16 states.
«This SEL work isn't just feel - good: We know through research that relationships and connections keep kids in school
Keeping Kids in School examines initiatives that help keep high - risk students in school and ways to organize academic programs that minimize the chances a student will drop out.
«Secondary reform plan is an essential building block to the state's reform strategy and the in - school suspension law is key to keeping kids in school so they can continue to learn and graduate,» said McQuillan.
Policies that help parents keep kids in school, such as family leave policies and effective transportation systems; coupled with programs that help the child, such as attention to bullying; and improved policies at the school level, such as collecting the right data and working with families to identify barriers to school attendance will ensure that every child succeeds.
Stella Connell Levy, president and executive director of the Restorative Schools Vision Project — a human rights organization that uses restorative justice to keep kids in school when they make mistakes — emphasizes that the circle and other such activities come to function as «safe spaces.»
The principal of a high school in Memphis, Tennessee, discusses such challenges as keeping kids in school, meeting Adequate Yearly Progress goals, and being an instructional leader.
Preventative treatment made possible by CHIP also keeps kids in school more days, allowing working parents to remain more productive.
for most of us its about family stability keeping the kids in the school district you want them in..
In addition to the article, «Truants: The challenges of keeping kids in school,» which will appear in the Winter 2011 issue of Ed Next, a new podcast has been posted on the website about what causes truancy and about different ways of fighting truancy.
Meanwhile the Special Master has already announced that he will dismantle the district's acclaimed preschool program and dramatically reduce some of the other core and extracurricular programs aimed at keeping kids in school.
We hope that the renewed attention on chronic absenteeism by policymakers will be accompanied by greater collaboration between educators and researchers to develop and assess strategies for keeping kids in school.
Perhaps it was coincidence, but New York City seems to have gotten the message of the Civil Rights Project (CRP) about discipline and has revised its student code of conduct to help keep kids in school.
Elmore says parents have to keep kids in school, know who their kids hang with, and learn the value of a job.
People who manage their HIV infections from an early stage are able to work more and keep their kids in school
«It gives them stability, and they've taken ownership of it» — just the kind of commitment Providence was looking for to keep their kids in school, build their confidence, and prepare them for success as adults.
Here are some groups that are working to keep kids in school.
Restorative practices — an alternative to punitive justice — keep kids in school, where they can learn how their behavior affects others.
Education World talked with administrators in several districts who use everything from fines to rewards to keep kids in school.
Social workers are available twelve hours a day for students and their family members, and provide another vital piece of the safety net designed to keep kids in school.
The goal, says the school's Web site, «is to keep these kids in school
The Safe Schools Consortium is a multi-stakeholder collaborative in Chicago that works to keep kids in school and promote safe school climates for all students.
In fact, many school districts across the nation have been adopting these new transformative methods as a way to improve their school climates and keep kids in school.
Normally, you have a bias toward keeping schools open and keeping kids in schools.
Their primary goals: Keep kids in school, and raise student achievement.
Developing technical skills through hands - on learning is keeping kids in school and setting them up for success in college and the job market.
As the title of the article puts it, «keeping kids in school is no easy task.»
Perhaps flow is the secret to transforming schools, retaining quality teachers, and keeping kids in school.
There also are big financial incentives to keep kids in school.
It focuses on strategies to keep kids in school and engaged — from a rich curriculum to restorative justice to wraparound supports — so that every student has a fair shot to reach his or her potential.
The Zone was born in 1994, when Canada (then a director of a truancy - prevention program in Harlem) concluded that his only hope of keeping kids in school and out of prison was to take a holistic approach.
Keeping kids in school was a main focus of King's report.
Some of these suggestions include creating partnerships for comprehensive services (e.g. health services) that keep kids in school; providing equitable funding so schools have access to resources specific to this population; and allowing alternative accountability measures such as measuring concept mastery rather than how much time students are in their seats.
(Calif.) Programs aimed at keeping kids in school and out of the so - called «prison pipeline» would receive a big boost under a bill being carried by the chair of the Senate Education Committee that lays groundwork for the use of millions of dollars in prisoner - release savings.
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