Sentences with phrase «to keep readers engaged»

The fact that so many new initiatives have launched in 2016 leads me to believe that sending out free content is a great way to keep readers engaged with reading digitally.
This combination helps keep the reader engaged in a story that has complicated story threads.
Proper spacing and low visual clutter brings your pictures to life and helps keep your readers engaged in your writing.
It also keeps your readers engaged and offers opportunity for people to link to your blog posts.
The following are some ways authors can use to market their own books while keeping their readers engaged.
To keep readers engaged for the entire length of an article, break it up into sections.
Remember, the best cover letter is one that keeps the readers engaged throughout the reading.
These succinct narratives keep the reader engaged and illustrate the job seeker's unique brand.
These quantitative results are what keep your reader engaged and demonstrate your value to the organization.
This is a great way to keep the reader engaged by using facts or quotes.
This will keep the reader engaged in 5 - 10 second increments and motivate them to keep reading.
Using accomplishments is important throughout the entire document to help keep the reader engaged.
Simple easy - to - understand language is best on a resume, it will help with the flow of the document and also keep the reader engaged.
Both books keep the reader engaged with illustrations, anecdotes, easy - to - understand explanations and glossaries.
Engaging events keep the reader engaged, or interested, in the story and should include: dialogue, good descriptions (adjectives & adverbs), sound words, and action.
Pubslush goes on to support the authors once the book is live, assisting with all - important marketing and promotion, keeping readers engaged through book interaction, personalization and education, and more.
I really like how Roald Dahl keeps the reader engaged into the book, because when the Girl uses her magic finger you want to what happens to them straight away.
INDIE authors Steve [S.J.] Scott and Patrick King have both published numerous nonfiction titles and their books are fast, informative and well - written, with snappy paragraphs that are short enough to keep readers engaged from the start.
Although the content of a resume is what will ultimately win the interview, a format with a bit of flair may be required to help get your file noticed and keep the reader engaged longer.
One's resume writing strategy needs to revolve around keep the reader engaged POSITIVELY.
-- Mark Dawson @pbackwriter, How to Keep Readers Engaged With Email Autoresponders
Keep your reader engaged in 5 - 10 second increments no matter how long your resume is.
Blending the correct font, size, and white space helps the eye flow and using bolding for highlights, italics for quotes, and other type enhancements help keep the reader engaged and prevents information overload!
The goal is to keep readers engaged and their eyes moving.
The advantage that content marketers have over publishers is the ability to experiment with different formats to keep readers engaged.
With this latest book he's trying to lead by example, utilizing online design methods intended to keep readers engaged.
They keep your reader engaged with your article.
Visual content breaks up the monotony of text and keeps readers engaged.
Keeping things consistent so that your readers can expect to be able to go to your social media and blog and view fresh content is key as it keeps those readers engaged!
This keeps readers engaged with your content from flirting to relationship tips.
Stick to the facts and stats in order to keep your readers engaged and enlightened.
Tell them that in this story they should focus on incorporating various literary devices such as similes, metaphors, descriptive language, and / or humor to keep the reader engaged.
The following techniques can be combined together or used individually to keep readers engaged:
But we can also look at how we can keep readers engaged — even after they reach «The End» in our story.
It's one of the easiest ways to keep your readers engaged, and today's readers expect it.
If what an author wrote isn't useful or interesting enough to keep the reader engaged, why should the author be paid disproportionately for the borrow?
As I said in a previous post, I thought this was an interesting tactic employed by the author to keep the reader engaged and to create doubt in the reader's mind.
Libraries are always looking for opportunities to keep readers engaged.
The standard model in comics is to have a monthly comic that both brings in the dollars and keeps readers engaged with your story, and original graphic novels don't allow for that.
While sometimes stereotypical, they are still interesting enough to keep the reader engaged.
Converting and keeping readers engaged is a lot like a relationship.
In order to keep the reader engaged, it's important to be mindful of both clarity and style.
BookBaby's expert designers will help you deliver the best possible reading experience with a custom format complete with an inviting page hierarchy and clear typeface designed to keep your readers engaged.
Keep the reader engaged to your statement from the start and throughout it all.
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