Sentences with phrase «to keep someone quiet»

If he plans to approve it, why not just keep quiet about it in a speech targeted to greens?
We did keep it quiet for a few days, so we could have the joy to ourselves for a short time.
I was actually planning to leave the blog empty, but two exciting things came up yesterday, that I couldn't keep quiet about it.
He might as well just kept quiet about it and said nothing as it's old, outdated news about a possible event that never happened!
Assuming there's one plan for the future and you guys are just keeping quiet in order to maximize digital sales... That's fine.
If keeps quiet, those families get nothing and it's business as usual for everyone else.
I will not keep quiet because I was part of this party from the very beginning.
We must do things better than before and I can not keep quiet when I see things going wrong.
It was hard enough being my son, much less to struggle with mental illness; it was his story to tell, so to protect his dignity we kind of kept it quiet.
Plus, it's a great activity during flights that will keep them quiet as they listen to songs they've never heard before.
As I was nursing the baby to keep her quiet while the flight took off, a woman across the aisle from me lost her mind.
The question is: Was this a routine adjustment, the kind that car makers often do, or was it a more serious problem that they tried to keep quiet until now?
Up until now, nothing has happened just yet and the company is making things worse by keeping quiet about the same.
To be keeping quiet over this deliberate pushing to a dangerous objects outside the field of play by the FA may get a player killed one day.
If your child thinks he can safely get loud occasionally, he will not mind keeping quiet at other times quite as much.
That's why dogs have to be kept quiet during the treatment and then for several months afterward.
English law is clear about what happens when a false statement is made, but what if a party simply keeps quiet?
I contacted him first asking if he would like to chat and I haven't been able to keep him quiet since!
In these places, you should also keep quiet or talk with them in low voice.
These women also reported feeling more at ease with their decision to share information compared to mothers who kept quiet.
We didn't feel it was OK to discuss mental illness with others, so we mostly kept quiet about it when we were away from home too.
I have never kept quiet about vanity publishers, and I do not intend to stop now.
Put your cell phone away, turn down the radio and give your kids an activity to do that will keep them quiet before you begin driving.
I dare not keep quiet given the grace I have been given.
Then the group was asked to open the discussion to the larger audience sitting around the room, many of whom were having trouble keeping quiet any longer.
Everyone kept quiet, but we were all highly entertained.
And I think we can all agree: She did a bang - up job keeping quiet.
I think of that song from this winter «I can't keep quiet anymore».
This post is already so long and full of pictures, I'm just gonna pretty much keep quiet now and let you look!
Why would these children allow it and why would they and their families keep quiet?
In the prisoner's dilemma, if both players keep quiet, each gets a brief sentence.
That can lead to a shy child keeping quiet rather than offering answers or thinking for himself.
The startups in these cities aren't keeping quiet either.
Oh I see so we just keep quiet like wenger follower the boss want.
If a player is going to play through an injury — they do all the time — it's not a lack of transparency when management keeps it quiet.
She will strive for high grades and will try to keep a quiet demeanor.
Be sensitive and keep quiet wherever possible, but you don't have to make dramatic lifestyle changes just to smooth your child's way.
Continued breastfeeding makes toddlers easier travel companions — nursing on an airplane keeps them quiet and happy.
Then I would start cluster feeding in the evening if I could and then overnight keep it quiet and dark.
You're becoming politically active, and your friend feels more comfortable keeping quiet.
My favorite piece of advice from my mentor was to purchase a piece of jewelry that would serve as a reminder to occasionally keep quiet.
They would have a ball and certainly keep them quiet!
We've got the place closed off, but it won't be easy keeping this quiet.
Small companies with something good going keep it quiet, so that management can buy more of the company.
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