Sentences with phrase «to keep the environment clean»

Our line of cleanup products help keep your environment clean and you stress free.
So keeping the environment clean and keeping your pet clean will result in less hair balls.
Along with our community we have taken an aggressive stand on keeping our environment clean and healthy.
These programs help wild dolphins keep their environment clean and pristine.
If there's a silver lining, expensive oil and no growth should help keep our environment cleaner.
The commissioner used the opportunity of his visit to solicit for media support in sensitizing the public about the need to keep their environment clean at all times and refrain from indiscriminate refuse dumping.
The commissioner commiserated with the families that lost their loved ones to the killer disease and urged all residents to always keep their environment clean.
Bedding also will help keep their environment cleaner whilst soaking up hamster waste.
Miller agrees: «If you work long and hard on getting rid of ringworm in the animal but don't keep the environment clean, the animal can get reinfected.»
The EPA is an agency that was instated by Nixon to keep Americans healthy and prevent excess pollution, after all — what's so nefarious about keeping the environment clean and people healthy?
In the area of haulage, transport, and multi-drop delivery business, GPS fleet tracking plays an important and documented role in the reduction of carbon emissions — thus keeping the environment clean.
Although Feng Shui may seem complex, its philosophy includes commonsense practices and simple suggestions such as keeping your environment clean and organized, clearing clutter, arranging furniture so you can move easily from room to room, surrounding yourself with things you love that reflect and support your goals, and putting safety and comfort first by making sure your home is healthy and functional as well as beautiful.
We are also very proud of our green state - of - the - art lab and manufacturing facility because helping keep our environment clean is an important part of what we do.»
Our infographic below takes a look at the rise in awareness of keeping the environment clean, gives tips for undoing the damage, and gives advice for making the switch to eco-friendly products.
Isamotu who stated categorically that there is no specific vaccine to be used to cure the disease urged the residents in the state on the need to keep their environment clean at all times.
The cluster also worked to inform legislators about the fuel - cell industry's potential to create jobs, create revenue and keep the environment clean, he says.
Community waste management is highly necessary to keep our environment clean, healthy and free from any epidemic.
It serves you by drying off your damp towels and keeping the environment clean and mildew - free.
These help keep the environment clean and are eco-friendly.
He said most of the diseases in this part of the world are environmental related, and keeping the environment clean will keep a lot of sickness and diseases away.
He further urged residents to imbibe regular washing of hands, keep their environment clean and dispose their domestic waste to avoid rats.
We have to win that fight to keep our environment clean, and protect our heritage for our descendants.
Thankfully, we were blessed to find schools who partnered with us to keep her environment clean.
These help keep the environment clean and are eco-friendly.
If there was no organizations or laws to help keep the environment clean, we may not have clean air to breath and it would affect our health.
If there was no organizations or laws to help to keep the environment clean...
If there was no organizations or laws to help to keep the environment clean, we might not have clean air to breath and our well - being would be affected by it.
Educational establishments have a duty of care to keep the environment clean and safe for pupils, and this can be achieved through regular, expert cleaning.
Good news has arrived for Honda City lovers who are also looking to keep the environment clean and their wallets heavy.
How to motivate the students towards social work for giving their contribution to keep the environment clean.
Keeping his environment clean and dry is important to prevent further outbreaks.
To lessen the risk of contamination, make sure to keep your environment clean.
The small dogs can help to keep the environment clean and good in keeping away rodents and mice in the vicinity.
The volunteers provide humane care for the kittens in the nursery and help keep the environment clean, healthy and safe for the kittens and cats there.
This keeps their environment clean and hygienic.
It is up to each store to figure out which green cleaning products work best so that they can offer their customers what they want — a product that will help keep their environment clean both on and below the surface.
«In addition to helping keep the environment clean, this initiative allows Zuke's employees the chance to appreciate and be inspired by nature each and every day,» notes Rizzo.
It is also important to control the pests that carry worms including fleas, and keep your environment clean.
«The several improvements we are recommending to the SMART program regulations are critical to energizing the Massachusetts economy, maintaining and growing jobs here, and keeping our environment clean and safe for our communities and for future generations.»
U.S. wind farms benefit wildlife by helping to keep our environment clean, as wind energy emits no air or water pollution, requires no fuel, uses no water in the production of power, and creates no hazardous or radioactive waste.
Increasing efficiency in this way will keep our environment cleaner, while reducing carbon emissions.
«Now you'd think, given this extraordinary sight, given the fact that this is creating jobs, generating power, helping to keep our environment clean, making us more competitive globally
It is often an unpleasant task; that is why we are so excited about Poop - freeze, the new way to keep the environment clean of unsightly dog poop by spraying it with something that freezes it on contact.
Most people that buy hybrid cars do so because it helps keep the environment cleaner and cuts down on fuel costs.
Head chefs take the task of controlling and monitoring the chefs and workers in the kitchen to keep the environment clean and healthy.
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