Sentences with phrase «to keep the government open»

But if it's about keeping the government open, I'm going to support it.
Lawmakers could pass a short - term spending bill that would keep the government open in the interim, perhaps another week, while a longer - term measure is finalized.
After congratulating Trump for keeping the government open for «almost one year,» Colin Jost opened the «Weekend Update» segment saying he was excited he could finally Google «Stormy Daniels» on his work computer.
Some conservatives want to block any post-election session and are pressing for a continuing resolution that keeps the government open until March or so.
On December 21, 2017, Congress extended the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as part of the continuing resolution to keep the government open through January 19.
President Trump last night appeared to back off his threat to risk a government shutdown if he didn't get his demand for a down payment on a border wall with Mexico, removing the major barrier to keeping the government open at the end of this week.
West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, one of five Democrats to vote with most Republicans to keep the government open on Friday, left the meeting Monday saying it was «very positive» and predicting the government would reopen shortly.
«The only people standing in the way of keeping the government open are Senate Democrats,» Ryan said Thursday night.
The House had passed a monthlong bill to keep the government open last week, but Senate Democrats and four Republicans opposed the bill Friday night, leading to the shutdown.
The House approved a stopgap spending bill last night to keep the government open past today, but Senate Democrats — angered by President Trump's vulgar aspersions and a lack of progress on a broader budget and immigration deal — appeared ready to block the measure.
The House approved a massive spending plan that not only keeps the government open but includes money for the Gateway Tunnel, a massive project that would create a new link for trains under the Hudson River.
Just before Monday night's vote in the House to reopen the government, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that while it was «good for them» that Senate Democrats had received an agreement from McConnell on DACA, the House still needs to pass a bill that will keep the government open for longer than a few weeks at a time.
The bi-partisan budget agreement that saved $ 85 billion and is keeping the government open until right through 2015 that I supported, he opposes.
Congress sent President Barack Obama a short - term spending bill to keep the government open through next Wednesday as lawmakers and the White House rushed to finalize a $ 1.1 trillion government - wide spending bill and a sprawling tax package.
«Make no mistake: refusing to support clean legislation to keep the government open at the 11th hour was the act of extortionist Tea Party Republicans plain and simple.
An «unhappy» President Donald Trump signed the $ 1.3 trillion spending bill into law Friday, his second about - face in 24 hours on the measure to keep the government open.
Democrats are demanding that legal rights for so - called dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children be part of the spending bill Congress must pass this week to keep the government open.
Congress has given itself until Dec. 13 to reach a deficit - reduction agreement that will keep the government open, and there's reason to believe Democrats and Republicans can work out a modest compromise by then.
Last month Congress passed a $ 15 billion relief package for Texas and Florida after Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, tying it to a three - month debt ceiling raise and stopgap funding measure to keep the government open.
House GOP leaders are proposing to keep the government open for another six weeks by adding a year's worth of Pentagon funding to a stopgap spending bill.
Keeping the government open and funded is the bare minimum to expect from Congress after the Houston disaster.
For all the talk of change in Washington, lawmakers return to Capitol Hill this week in a familiar position: up against a series of difficult deadlines to keep the government open and raise the nation's debt ceiling.
He struck an agreement with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to keep the government open and fund hurricane relief, to the chagrin of his own party.
The record shows that Mitch McConnell voted against cloture for a continuing resolution which would have kept the government open.
President Donald Trump unleashed a tweetstorm of criticism of Democrats involved in tense negotiations on a spending bill to keep the government open, accusing them of trying to close national parks and jeopardize the safety of U.S. troops over demands to provide Americans with health care.
«Last night, I was disappointed to watch Senate Democrats oppose a clean spending bill that would have kept our government open and reauthorized the Children's Health Insurance Plan for six years.
«Senator Schumer and Senate Democrats had the option to keep the government open and provide funding for at - risk children and our troops, but instead American families are experiencing a shutdown.
The deal that passed on Friday did the opposite by attaching an increase in the debt ceiling to more spending to keep the government open, as well as adding money for hurricane relief without making any spending cuts elsewhere.
Negotiations, however, continued through the evening, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R - Ky., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D - N.Y., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R - Wis., working to pass a resolution to keep the government open, White House sources said.
In fact, both parties» immigration stances — Democrats» efforts to protect the so - called Dreamers and Trump's insistence on funding a border wall with Mexico — are viewed by voters as less important than keeping the government open.
As Congress returns to town today, the president faces weeks of hard negotiations to overhaul the tax code, raise the debt ceiling, keep the government open, finance his border wall, and secure relief and reconstruction money for areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey.
A funding bill is keeping the government open through the first week of February.
«If the continuing resolution does not have funding for the wall, I will vote for it to keep the government open, and there will be supplemental budgetary things they can do to make that happen anyway.»
«If the continuing resolution has in it funding for the wall, I will vote for it because I want to keep the government open,» Katko said.
Congress has passed a short - term spending bill that will keep the government open, preventing a shutdown, as a flurry of last - minute action takes place just before the holiday week begins.
A continuing resolution would keep the government open until March 23 — well after DACA expires on March 5.
Updated 11:09 p.m. While a majority of House Republicans appear ready to support a short - term continuing resolution to keep the government open through Feb. 16, enough Freedom Caucus members remain uncommitted to make passage questionable.
The House of Representatives seemed poised to pass a bill to keep the government open until 16 February, after promising conservatives a vote on a major increase in defense spending, a hard - line immigration bill as well as other unnamed concessions that the conservative House Freedom Caucus leader Mark Meadows called «subplots» on Thursday night.
«I think Senator [Charles] Schumer and Senator [Kirsten] Gillibrand should take their own advice, which is stop playing politics and keeping the government open.
But some lawmakers are still hoping to avert a shutdown with a last - minute deal to keep the government open for a short time while the two sides continue to negotiate.
Unless lawmakers reach a last - minute deal to keep the government open, at midnight tonight the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) will go into a sort of hibernation mode.
Late last night congressional leaders released details of the next continuing resolution (CR), a stopgap measure needed to keep the government open until lawmakers agree on a final 2017 budget.
September 30, 2013 • As the U.S. government braces for a shutdown, the Senate voted Monday to reject amendments to a stopgap spending bill passed by the House of Representatives that would have delayed the healthcare law for a year and repeal a tax on medical devices, and returned a «clean» continuing resolution that would keep the government open until Nov. 15 — and leave Obamacare intact — to the House.
Just in time to make it home for the holidays, Congress passed an omnibus spending bill that keeps the government open for another year and included a number of policy priorities for both parties.
Tobacco lobbyists and their congressional allies are working to insert these harmful provisions in the spending bill Congress must pass by April 28 to keep the government open:
The National Association of REALTORS ® urges Congress to come together and reach an agreement to keep the government open and avoid any negative effects on our military, federal employees, housing markets and the economy.»
On December 8, 2017, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was extended as part of a continuing resolution to keep the government open for two weeks.
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