Sentences with phrase «to keep up the good fight»

For those of you reading this post who are gay, please keep up the good fight.
Working with an oddball staff, no budget and no sleep, Liz keeps up the good fight against long odds.
nakedpastor said, on June 25th, 2009 at 3:32 pm For those of you reading this post who are gay, please keep up the good fight.
Anyway, I enjoy your posts and keep up the good fight against training idiocy that gets pushed out there!
Keep up the good fight!
Kudos HAHAHA, keep up the good fight!
Keep up the good fight.
Keep up the good fight.
Let's keep up the good fight with real zeal as we demonstrated against liecester city, and we'll win the title.
Keep up the good fight!
Keep up this good fight!
«Keep up the good fight
Keep up the good fight and know that you've got someone in San Diego that appreciates you and all you do!
Keep up the good fight, Nadia!
Keep up the good fight my friend.
Keep up the good fight, Ernie.
And if you're one of the folks running one of those sprawling comics news websites that might just be impossible these days — keep up the good fight.
Keep up the good fight!
If your stamina bar is depleted, you will not be able to use your skills but much like your health, you can use items to replenish your stamina so you can keep up the good fight.
Keep up the good fight.
For the sake of one - third of our nation's children (that's how many kids are now affected by child custody issues), I encourage you to keep up this good fight — and here are five of the many reasons why.
We've come a long way; let's keep up the good fight!
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