Sentences with phrase «to keep up with the changing times»

In keeping up with the changing times, Glo - Marr recently launched a new website and catalog, and has rebranded its logo.
In other words, it's not about innovating, or even keeping up with changing times and technologies.
The Authors Guild launched its «fair contract initiative» earlier this year contending that book contracts had «not kept up with the changed times».
In this post, we'll lay out a simple framework that lawyers can use to determine how much to charge for flat fee legal services in order to help your firm keep up with the changing times.
Term life insurance, Universal life insurance and Whole life policies change as the time goes by and the life insurance agents have to keep up with the changing times also.
BlackBerry's failure to keep up with the changing times resulted in a dramatic shift in fortunes for the once extremely popular smartphone manufacturer.
Showing up in a suit from the eighties tells your interviewer that you're not all that concerned about keeping up with the changing times — and that's definitely not the message you want to send.
At bottom he's a mix of barber, businessman, and artist, a man adept at adapting to new styles to keep up with changing times.
I think she was so successful as an advice columnist because she kept up with the changing times (she realized that Viagra may be useful for some men), was courageous and not afraid to take controversial and unpopular views (like to accept and support gays), and was compassionate (she personally called some people on the verge of suicide rather than just responding to them in writing).
Governor Cuomo, a centrist Democrat who has promoted his tax - cutting bona fides, insists that many of the revenue proposals in the 2017 - 18 budget are merely meant to close loopholes and keep up with changing times, as well as age - old efforts by some to dodge taxes.
The latter project means making future adjustments to keep up with the changing times will be a much simpler matter.
To keep up with changing times, you just need to convert them to HTML5 format.
What themes of change do you predict schools will be putting in place to keep up with the changing times, e.g. the dramatic evolution in technology?
While the basic layout has been retained, every single part has been redesigned to keep up with the changing times.
The show evolved as did my own booth in an effort to keep up with the changing times.
Keeping up with the changing times and evolution of veterinary medicine, we offer convenient, state - of - the - art pet care and wellness plans for our patients, whether old or young.
As is only natural, most products on the market tend to evolve over time, getting new features, new designs, and new names every few years to keep up with changing times.
To keep up with the changing times and shifting market, since last year the name has been changed to the Nusa Dua Fiesta.
Actually agents and broker have to go to new product seminars on a regular basis to keep up with the changing times.
The independent agents always take seminars to keep up with the changing times.
Agents have to go through a constant flow of training seminars in order to keep up with the changing times.
The modern day life insurance agents and brokers have to go through a constant flow of training seminars in order to keep up with the changing times.
Quite naturally, aviation companies are trying their best to keep up with the changing times and the ever - increasing demands of the sector.
The only plausible answer to this question is that the cover letter failed to keep up with the changing times and has almost become outdated.
To keep up with the changing times, commercial Realtors will have to learn about going green and be able to pass this information along to their clients.
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