Sentences with phrase «to kick some serious ass»

I enjoyed the simple challenge of mastering car control, and then using those skills in the games much improved online mode to kick some serious ass in things like Capture the Flag.
And like you say the gameplay still kicks some serious ass and is addictive as ever!
I love that they show off the new characters by having them in high velocity action and kicking some serious ass on another character!
With Deadpool kicking serious ass at the box office and making over $ 150m within 4 days, we thought it would be nice to include the films...
With Deadpool kicking serious ass at the box office and making over $ 150m within 4 days, we thought it would be nice to include the films red band trailer and supportits success.
You have really kicked some serious ass in this training girlfriend... you are going to do GREAT!!!!! Good luck and I can't wait to read all about it
It also happens to feature that same suited - up, debonair Brit kicking some serious ass, and surprise surprise, Firth really does sell it, despite always keeping his perfectly tailored suit neat and clean.
But the women also kick serious ass against a host of patriarchal «enemies,» so Women in Film classes will have thesis topics for years to come.
Meanwhile, the Orcs are heading towards our heroes» location, guaranteeing that the title battle will indeed take place — Orcs, Dwarves, Elves and Eagles spend an almost wordless 45 minutes kicking serious ass.
Watch Michelle Rodriguez kick some serious ass in a new preview for Robert Rodriguez's upcoming sequel, in theaters this fall.
Whether that comes as a surprise to you or not, the NPD Group has just released their sales numbers for the top - selling titles of 2017, and NBA 2K18 kicked some serious ass all around.
His character of course couldn't do all this without the help of a well - known soldier played excellently by Emily Blunt who kicks some serious ass in this film.
Thankfully, when Ravenna does return (it's in the trailer, spoiler - haters), Theron kicks serious ass.
Each character has their strengths and weaknesses although Grim kicked some serious ass.
So there we have it, my top five reasons as to why Skyrim is going to kick some serious ass when it releases on 11/11/11.
We're guessing it won't be long after the game's release that co-op videos of Jack & Bayonetta kicking some serious ass together flood the internet.
Bred from hardened Cannon Fodder stock, the environments are beautifully natural and the gameplay kicks some serious ass.
After wiping the floor with Channing Tatum, Carano is seen in the action filled and very intense trailer kicking an enemy out of a window, snapping someone's neck with her powerful legs, and basically just kicking some serious ass.
Not counting voice work in animated features, it's been almost a decade since I've seen Jackie Chan on the big screen and I'm happy to report that, even at age 63, the man can still kick some serious ass!
Theron has shown she can kick some serious ass in Mad Max: Fury Road, so I am sure that will only continue with this one.
Collaborate and kick some serious ass!
The bombshell isn't just #bodygoals, she's also smart, sexy, and able to kick some serious ass.
Yeah, you feel like you can kick some serious ass and take names with a pair of those on.
The strapless style is all the better for showing off Ridley's buff arms (she can kick some serious ass!)
I'm a spunky little human who can kick some serious ass.
If you serious about testing out your online dating game offline, check out these that kick some serious ass.
Chat lines Free dating service chatIf you serious about testing out your online dating game offline, check out these pick up lines that kick some serious ass.
So dating app Hinge If you serious about testing out your online dating game offline, check out these pick up lines that kick some serious ass.
10 Of The Best Pick Up Lines For Online Daters YourTango — If you serious about testing out your online dating game offline, check out these pick up lines that kick some serious ass.
I can't wait for everyone else to finally be able to experience Battle: LA this weekend - it kicks some serious ass!
This gal can kick some serious ass!
He can play the cocky comedic one - liners in one moment, kick serious ass in the next, and then have touching dramatic scenes with Pepper in an another scene.
Basically, a scientist (Samuel Le Bihan) and his crew, including a trusty Iroquois sidekick named Mani (Dacascos) who can kick serious ass, try to capture the creature and study it.
Whether it's Wade's love Vanessa (Gotham star Morena Baccarin), or his septuagenarian roommate, the aptly named Blind Al (screen and theatre icon Leslie Uggams), or the sorta - superhero Domino (Zazie Beetz of Atlanta), «They can all, under the right circumstances, kick some serious ass,» Baccarin, 39, says.
The film's VFX were far from finished, so the studio kept the actual aliens under wraps, but Moretz looked ready to kick some serious ass.
the game will kick some serious ass..
Most fans will be happy that Godzilla is back and kicks some serious ass, however, those of us that are looking beyond that aspect will be disappointed with several elements of the film.
The good news: It kicks serious ass
He also happens to be a combat robot who can kick some serious ass!
Aliens have come to Earth and are kicking some serious ass.
Ordered to visit a bizarre and hidden island, your goal is to investigate a new terror that threatens mankind as you use your half human half Cyborg powers with your all American attitude to kick some serious ass.
We kicked some serious ass squeezing the massive console game into a tiny Game Boy Advance cartridge, and I'm still proud of how well everyone on the team did it!
Frankly, the adventure game is kicking serious ass.
By the end, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.
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