Sentences with phrase «to kill one's family»

Beyond that, a period Chinese thriller about a Japanese spy looking for the «former friend» who killed his family.
But also in some societies it's okay to kill a family member if they have brought shame to the family.
The only thing keeping your from killing your family is some ancient book?
People tend to get angry when someone kills their family member.
Those expecting a sinister turn — as the script puts it, «a Lifetime movie where the nanny kills the family» — will be disappointed.
He then sets out for — you guessed it — revenge on those who killed his family.
Unfortunately for them, terrorists are seeking revenge for a drone strike intended for an international criminal arms dealer that killed family members instead.
In the high - profile trial that started this week of the man accused of killing the family of singer / actress Jennifer Hudson, the court has barred reporters from tweeting or posting messages to Facebook from inside the courtroom.
A domestic violence victim returns to her abuser because he threatens to kill the family pet if she does not.
After the Crow kill his family in retaliation, Jeremiah's frenzied moment of payback precipitates a long - running vendetta, turning him into a legendary Indian killer at the expense of his original ideals, on the way to a final moment of grace.
Gamora and Nebula hate each other and hate Thanos, who tortured them by pitting them against each other; he also killed the family of Gamora's Guardians of the Galaxy teammate Drax (Dave Bautista).
When I made house calls — before anybody knew who I was — people had an expression on their faces that seemed to say: «Don't kill my family
A bandit killed your family and you're on a quest to avenge them.
Rating: R Year: 1995 Cast: Jet Li, Chingmy Yau, Kelvin Wong Director: Jing Wong, Wai - Lun Lam A former cop turned stunt double must defend a group of people when the terrorist group who killed his family years earlier take over a hotel.
Scott Kosar's script never manages to rise too far above preposterousness, be it in big scenes (separate scenes of confrontation for the children when Rachel Nichols» pin - up stoner babysitter meets an unfortunate fate) or small (a ridiculous expository microfiche headline, «DeFeo kills family after 28 days,» meant to give parallel urgency to the current proceedings).
Despite having reformed enough to be released from the asylum, she still sees hallucinations and has nightmares about the tragic fire which killed her family so many years ago.
BTW, the bible commans people to kill their families if they serve other gods.
Poverty, hunger, homelessness, joblessness, the violence against one another, - not just being a victim of a robbery — I'm talking high school shootings, teens killing parents, or parents killing their families.
I know I would find it a personal challenge to shake the hand of a bloodthirsty tyrant who had tortured then killed family or friends (e.g. Hitler and Jews, Nero and Christians, Stalin and Ukranians, Pol Pot and half the population, Kim Jung Ill and any dissenters, especially Christians), or someone who had deeply hurt family or friend, and genuinely love and forgive the enemy.
In my own experience, these forced marches too often result in scenarios that find Moses confronting the Pharisees, or pitiful essays about Job, «a faithful, God - fearing Christian into whose life Jesus brought sickness and sorrow, even killing his family members and friends, to see how much Job loved and cherished him.»
They perished for the same things this great nation is practicing: praising Immorality and killing Family values God gave us to live in harmony with Him and one another.
I seriously doubt that since everyweekthere are a large number of whites killing their families and committing crimes.
Recall that the dreaded cultists killed a family of four on Sunday, this being the latest of the activities of the group.
Finkel is desperate to get the scoop (did Longo really kill his family?
When settler John kills his family's murderer, he unleashes the fury of notorious gang leader Delarue.
Does she behave differently once she is convinced the crooks will kill her family whether or not they corporate with them?
His journey brings him across Cable (Josh Brolin, looking like a massive slab of leather), a time - traveling badass with a bionic arm who is trying to kill a teenage mutant (Julian Dennison) whom he claims kills his family years in the future.
Although a previous caretaker had developed cabin fever and subsequently killed his family and himself, Jack remains committed to the stay.
Titan warlord Thanos kills the families of Gamora and Nebula, and then adopts the two as his daughters.
Davis rescued George in the jungle after poachers killed his family.
To be fair, I also came pretty close to doing that watching Get Out when he starts killing the family, which I think goes back to the whole point that assessing what makes something enjoyable, memorable, or good all requires hugely different criteria.
A daring synthetic biologist who, after a car accident kills his family, will stop at nothing to bring them back, even if it means pitting himself against a government - controlled laboratory, a police task force and the physical laws of science.
It's unclear whether or not Christian is guilty, but would you so casually take the risk of teaching a man accused of killing his family how to craft a narrative if you didn't know?
Marius is on the verge of starting fresh, when two thugs, believing he is Pete, threaten to kill the family unless he takes them to Pete's estranged mother, Maggie (Jane Adams), and the millions she stole from their mysterious employer.
wait for it had a blow out on the way home almost killed my family so he sent me a check for 250.00 for one tire.
Since this is a very high expectation, and there are many cases of dogs attacking and killing the family cat after years of living together, you are wiser to keep them separated or keep the dog crated while you are not home.
Alice's house is burned to the ground killing her family and leaving her as the sole survivor.
The shortest version is this: he was a mighty Spartan warrior who was tricked by Ares into killing his family, then rose up with Zeus» help to kill Ares and become the new Greek god of war.
As somebody else noted, this is mainly going to replace the 2 wheelers that kill families!!
Republican factory owners killed your family and friends in the catastrophic blizzards, floods, tornadoes, massive wildfires and other climate change that has been wiping out the bible - belt.
Star Wars is the story of an orphaned farm boy that is radicalized after a military strike kills his family.
The first blow came in March, with the revelation that cat food and dog food were killing family pets across the United States; it contained wheat gluten, an ingredient imported from the People's Republic of China, which was laced with deadly melamine.
After discovering her brother may still be alive, Christy must go back to the man responsible for killing her family and into the heart of danger.
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