Sentences with phrase «to kill someone off»

You also want to make sure that it's actually getting to your intestine, where it needs to go, without getting killed off by stomach acid or other things.
I get to play the main protagonist's long - lost friend and hope not to get killed off in the first episode.
He will do it again at the end, when instead of killing off people in a great flood, He'll cast them into hell.
It was a fantastic performance but if you don't kill off teams like this you are always going to be a bit edgy at the end.
The starter contains probiotics but once it is baked all the «good bacteria» gets killed off by heat.
You will find short 1 minute gameplay experiences good for killing off boredom.
This is particularly important if you need to take antibiotics, which kill off millions of good microbes along with the bad ones.
He stuck to the facts but also managed to make clear how he feels about the funding prohibition, which had effectively killed off most research on gun violence.
In other films, dogs who weren't featured all that much were randomly killed off as more fodder to show just how far the filmmakers were willing to go.
While antibiotics kill the infection, they also kill off healthy bacteria that keep your dog's digestive system functioning smoothly.
The show doesn't shy from killing off characters you wouldn't expect to die so soon.
It can also help kill off harmful pathogens and bacteria.
It carried on in 1977 too but was killed off at the end of the season as a result of the lack of tyre development.
The movie introduces way too many characters, and then usually kills them off before we get to know them.
So you put them up for say $ 5 each and then kill off things that don't work.
For example, an 80 percent efficiency rating for PC power supplies is required, effectively killing off items such as this 2000 watt monster.
Nevertheless, breast milk is probably not potent enough to completely kill off infections and other illnesses.
That's because antibiotics kill off «good» bacteria that keep yeast in check.
None of it needs to cook & get hot, you will only kill off good nutrients.
It will not only kill off ear mites but it will also remove ear wax.
I wasn't killed off so I could possibly be coming back.
Under direction from a mysterious, blood - soaked stranger, you must utilize this temporal anomaly to prevent the mansion staff from killing off the dinner guests.
Any poor soul (well, I can't say that, because that suggests religious messages) or person who tried to advance science was just killed off.
Yep, make sure you carry that gun everywhere you go so you can quickly kill any off - leash dogs that cross your child's path!
Once you start playing that one, the game will kill you off because of a programming glitch and it will ultimately end the game.
Many can start killing off fleas in as little as 12 hours.
Let's go at them and kill them off early on.
If he gets them, he can put his deadly plan into motion — that is — kill off half of the world's population.
The reality is that it is slowly killing them off.
This is a good way to detox the body, relax, plus by raising the body's temperature, it may selectively kill off cancer cells according to some theories.
How are you planning on killing off the debt monster?
Contrary to popular belief, the wax is not hot enough to kill off harmful bugs.
Good bacteria in the gut helps support the immune system throughout the entire body, kills off bad bacteria and an overgrowth of yeast, and removes toxins consumed through foods and beverages.
It took me 22 deaths to finally kill off the first boss.
They also learn that the government isn't worried about killing off groups of survivors in their drastic attempts to keep zombie numbers contained.
It was quietly killed off years ago because not enough people were using it.
With so few characters, the writer has to make it interesting without killing off everyone in sight, right?
Almost as soon as humans evolved, we began killing off other species, not just by hunting but also by changing the landscape with fire.
They can just as easily kill me off if I threaten to tell the story before it's time.
Many ecosystems are very delicate, and the slightest change can kill off several species as well as any other species that depend on them.
That's ironic when you consider that it was streaming that nearly killed off the industry in the first place.
Yet as is often the case, that means killing off features that don't gain traction.
This leads to two market gaps that kill off too many promising new energy technologies in the cradle.
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