Sentences with phrase «to kill the fungus»

The phrase "to kill the fungus" means to get rid of or destroy a type of microorganism called a fungus that is causing harm or problems in a particular situation. Full definition
The RNA interference doesn't kill the fungus, but it reduces its toxicity to levels that are safe enough for human consumption.
You can kill the fungus by washing the products in hot water, boiling them, or let them soak in 10 % bleach.
Unfortunately, it is much less effective since it does not actually kill the fungus.
It really does an excellent job killing those fungi.
This is due to garlic's active ingredient, allicin, which kills fungi on contact and also gives the herb its distinctive odor.
«Therapy is directed at killing fungus on the animal (s) and decontaminating the environment.
Krysan and his colleagues also demonstrated that tamoxifen does not kill the fungus in the same way it works against breast cancer.
He argued that sunlit mats of mosses can sometimes reach the 86 °F (30 °C) that was known to be lethal to Bd, and those sunlit mats would have served as healing zones to naturally kill the fungus if not for CO2.17 However Pounds knew that the Golden Toads retreated to their dark burrows immediately after breeding and would never have visited those hypothetical «healing patches.»
It's an anti-fungal and antimicrobial, which kills fungi and yeasts that are the cause of candidiasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections.
But I'm someone who has been making my own specialty salves for about 6 years — because I have a fairly good collection of essential oils and know which ones to add for which salves, what soothes, what kills germs, what kills fungus (tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract!)
The researchers also are hoping to find new disinfectants that will kill the fungus so that researchers who are studying snakes in the wild will not spread it to new locales on their equipment or shoes.
But the castration of the ant - killing fungus means that it will not go on to turn other local ants into zombies.
A salamander - killing fungus hitchhiking via the international live - animal trade may prove especially disastrous if it invades three regions of North America.
A salamander - killing fungus first described in 2013 looks as if it originated in Asia and is hitchhiking around the world in the pet trade.
Whilst ants care for pathogen exposed brood, the response to an infection is much more radical: in a series of experiments, the researchers found that the ants kill fungus - infected pupae to stop the pathogen completing its lifecycle, so that it can not spread any further.
Tamoxifen, a drug currently used to treat breast cancer, also kills a fungus that causes a deadly brain infection in immunocompromised patients.
«These creams work either by inhibiting the growth or spread of a fungus, or by killing the fungus completely
I'd ditch the antifungal pills and focus on killing the fungus with honey and tea tree oil first (which are good choices for killing microorganisms).
Imazalil is also used for killing fungi during storage after harvest.
A study, published in Journal of Medical Microbiology, found that lavender oil kills fungi by damaging their cell walls.
When your pet takes fluconazole, the active ingredient within the medicine kills the fungus that causes infections by interfering with the cell membranes of the fungus.
As the evidence for Bd mounted, evidence for Pounds» link to global warming continued to weaken because high temperatures and dryness killed the fungus, and protected the frogs.
In contrast, temperatures over 86 °F killed the fungus, 12 which explained why populations of the same species living in warmer habitats were surviving, and why outbreaks were more common in winter than in summer.
For example, Burke's group recently synthesized a derivative of the anti-fungal medication amphotericin (pronounced AM - foe - TAIR - uh - sin), which led to a big breakthrough in understanding how this clinically vital but highly toxic medicine works and the discovery of another derivative that is nontoxic to human cells while still effective at killing fungus.
With regular use, coconut oil can kill the fungus in the scalp and dandruff issues can be eliminated.
ACV can help naturally kill fungus and bacteria on the skin and offers relief for many with eczema and other skin conditions.
[This gene (which is unrelated to gluten) doesn't kill the fungus, but rather breaks down a toxin the fungus uses to kill the tree.]
However for those exported, or made elsewhere, it is hygienically sealed in plastic and the tempeh is slightly cooked to kill the fungus to stop the fermentation process, so that its shelf life is longer.
These immunities are called marcophages which are cells that can kill fungi, bacteria and viruses.
The nystatin will kill the fungi / yeast.
In addition, a smaller dose of chemicals will kill fungi - infected mosquitoes, good news as one of the chemicals is DDT which persists in the environment.
This is because most antifungal treatments merely paralyse, rather than kill the fungus
They also created Cavendish lines with Ced9, a nematode gene known to confer resistance to many kinds of plant - killing fungi.
Whenever they spot Escovopsis, they secrete phenylacetic acid from a special gland in their thoraxes, a strategy that kills the fungus and sets the ants apart from close relatives that cultivate bacteria and other microbes to fight off the fungi.
«Bacteria inhibit bat - killing fungus, could combat white - nose syndrome.»
Something very similar happens in Lasius neglectus, as Christopher Pull describes: «The ants produce formic acid that can kill the fungus, but it needs to enter the pupa's body for it to work.
Urea, a key chemical in urine, is known to kill fungi and bacteria.
Two of the harlequin's protective peptides squelched growth of bacteria and an insect - killing fungus.
They are toxic, so they affect other organs, and they are static, meaning they may be able to stop a fungus from replicating but they are not able to kill the fungus
«Because fungi are so similar to human cells, developing new drugs that kill fungi — but are non-toxic to humans — is a challenge.
«Finding new treatments to kill fungi is a major health priority.
For animals that can take the heat, like fire salamanders, 10 days at 25 °C will kill the fungus.
After the footpath, soak those socks in the solution over night to kill any fungus.
It turns out sticking your sneakers in the freezer for about 24 hours may kill the fungus and prevent it from growing further.
Additionally, you could use an anti-fungal essential oil spray like the one suggested above to spritz your sneakers and kill the fungus.
I was still having a bit of die - off, but I credited that to the supplements I was taking to kill the fungus and bad bacteria that had been building up in my body, fed by the copious amount of carbs and sugars that they thrive on.
High - temperature roasting is preferable because it kills any fungi present on the beans, and reduces the phytic acid even more.
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