Sentences with phrase «to know about a school»

But here is what we do know about school choice programs and what we would expect to see from any new school choice program.
Private schools know about school choice, are interested in participating in a larger program, and have the capacity to serve students tomorrow.
Think about how much we now know about school food.
They need a network of other adults they trust who know about school quality and, specifically, about the quality of the available schools, to help them understand their options.
Real estate experts in markets across the country share what you should know about a school district's impact on real estate, whether or not you plan on using the school system.
Before you go out and purchase a phone and a plan, you will need to know about school rules regarding cell phones.
We wanted to tell them that what their hearts know about school culture is as vital as what their brains know about best practice.
The parents we represent in our litigation know about those schools.
Raise your own awareness and let your family know about the school's efforts.
The Report Card has two major purposes: to make each individual taking the survey aware of what he or she knows and does not know about school safety issues and to develop a database for use by school safety planners.
Yes, we are always interested in knowing about schools that are implementing good formative assessment practice and that want to be considered as demonstration sites — especially during the 2015 - 16 school year in Florida, where it will be easy for folks from the Dylan Wiliam Center to visit them frequently.
She added that staff members found meaningful and real - life connections around what they already knew about their school community, and saw that it was important and beneficial to engage with the framework.
Another article that was a big hit on our Facebook page was this one from the Daily Meal entitled ’11 Things Parents Need to Know About School Lunch Programs».
This doesn't mean that regulators should never close a school or should ignore test results (both of which are strawman arguments), but they should be significantly more humble about what they really know about school quality.
Feeling safe at school from potential violence and health hazards is critical to effective learning and teaching, and International Horizons Unlimited is trying to learn through an Internet survey what educators and the public know about school safety issues.
No. 9: From the Courthouse to the Schoolhouse: What School Board Members Need to Know About School Law
Use #ShrinkYourDormPrint to let everyone know about your school's efforts to save energy.
staff members found meaningful and real - life connections around what they already knew about their school community, and saw that it was important and beneficial to engage with the framework.
The Chi, Season 1: Kevin, Papa and Jake break what you need to know about school on the South Side.
FLORIDA TODAY compiled a list of questions — everything you need to know about schools post-Irma: Will students need to make up days in the summer?
Being considerate includes letting your ex know about school functions, being flexible with your schedules, and recognizing that — regardless of the circumstances that led you to this point — learning to work together and put your kids first requires sacrifice, which isn't easy for either of you.
It seems like there is a lot of talk about management companies, but I want to know about the school employed directors, as I think there must be some incentive to keep french toast sticks on the menu
Here's what parents and tweens need to know about school schedules.
Further, districts often compound these inequities by distributing a smaller share of unrestricted funds to the same schools that are shortchanged in salary dollars.What we don't yet know about school funding inequalities is whether and how these discrepancies have changed in recent years.
At the start of 2017, Steinberg and Lacoe published a useful overview of what we do — and more of what we don't — know about school discipline reform.
Don't you know quite a bit more than you need to know about a school when you learn that it deserves an A for proficiency and a C for growth — or vice versa — than simply to learn that it got a B?
Public reporting requirements so families will know about school environmental testing results and health program offerings
«What Do Stakeholders Know about School Library Programs?
What should PA personal injury lawyers know about school bullying and the tort liability of school administrators in light of the recent bullying events?
Coming up this week, I'll be sharing a guest blog post from Jill Castle, a registered dietitian and child nutrition expert, on «What Young Athletes Need to Know about School Lunch
«Finding the Flaws in Claims about School Choice: What Do We Really Know About School Choice and Student Outcomes» is an extremely strong essay that tackles the challenging questions surrounding who uses the availability of school choice.
Finding the Flaws in Claims about School Choice: What Do We Really Know About School Choice and Student Outcomes
It should not be left up to A + or Colorado School Grades to help parents know about school quality; this should be a primary job for the state and districts.
This magazine issue also continues the Principal's Brief series for early career principals, tackling what every principal should know about school law, and previews a message from Michael Schmoker, who is a 2017 National Principals Conference keynote speaker.
procedures use a whole - school approach, are consistent across the school, are embedded within school policies and everyone knows about them
I don't know about your school but mine offers a ton of different exercise classes such as bodypump, zumba, kickboxing and kettlebell.
What we know about the school is that it doesn't have grades and the education caters to the aptitudes of the children.
Another report says that the menu will now include «Salvadorean beef stew, chicken tandoori, Asian pad thai, California sushi roll and teriyaki beef and broccoli with brown rice,» but also notes the district says the changes were already in the pipeline well before Jamie even showed up in L.A. (And given what I know about school food procurement in my own large urban district, which I'm told can have a year - long lag time, that seems likely to be true.)
I think it will be obvious once you know about your school board members, which ones are the likely candidates to support you.
Now that you know what you know about school food, will you let your kids eat Chicago school lunches when they're old enough?
But a big problem haunts the justifiable outrage over massacres of innocents going about their daily affairs: Whatever we think we know about school shootings, or mass public shootings in general, is either sheer speculation or wrong.
And we know about school environments supporting bullying?
A partnering agreement It's important that when dealing with service providers you ask the right questions; such as, «with your expertise and based on what you know about our school and our requirements, can you tell us which one of those many options you think is best for us?»
In an article in the Winter 2017 issue of Education Next, «What Do We Know About School Discipline Reform?»
For more on this topic, please read «What Do We Know About School Discipline Reform?»
What parents and policymakers need to know about a school is how much its students learn relative to what they would have learned at the school they would otherwise have attended.
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