Sentences with phrase «to know one's child»

You are the parents who know your children best and want to give your kids the tools to succeed in school.
It's so true — you really do know your child best and come to know what will or won't work.
This video talks about the importance of knowing children within the context of their family and community.
Our therapists may know about attachment, adoption, and many therapy techniques, but they do not know the child as well as the parent.
Trust your instincts because no one knows your child like you do.
No one knows your child like you do, and if your gut tells you to keep her home, than keep her home.
As parents, we take pride in knowing our children so well that we can predict and anticipate their every whim.
It's fun to get to know our children in a different way, and I hope that this post helps accomplish that!
So it comes from knowing the child really well and it's different for each child.
Everyone knows children love technology and school holidays (and a lot of extra time on their hands) means digital devices might be a major part of their activities.
For the teacher, this allows time to know the children more deeply and help them develop academically and as individuals.
When teachers know the child, understand the function of the behavior, and teach the child skills to meet their needs appropriately they can make a real difference in a child's life.
Location tracking is an important feature among friends and family, especially for parents who want the peace of mind knowing their children arrived safely at a destination.
Many after school activities even though it is large the staff seems to know the children by name.
Many parents make the mistake of falling back on the default go - to foods that you already know your child likes.
As a single parent, one of the best ways to increase your chances of winning child custody is to get to know the child custody laws in your state.
They're sometimes repetitive but often moving, particularly for parents and staff who have know these children for many years and have witnessed their struggles, growth, and achievements.
A sense of fulfillment comes from knowing your child wants and needs your help, insight, love and guidance.
In addition, parents and caregivers also know the child's routines and patterns of eating, sleeping and going to the bathroom.
Most people know children learn many skills simply by watching people around them.
Our outstanding teachers get to know each child through small classes and an active partnership with parents.
Families know their children far more deeply than the teacher.
You will sleep better at night knowing your child feels better and has stopped coughing.
Even if you've breastfed more than one child, breastfeeding moms know each child is different.
I don't think you can really do # 3 or 4 without knowing your child well and observing her / him.
Quality daycare also allows parents to go to work knowing their children are well cared for.
A well known child care expert also mentions fears of monsters and ghosts in toddler hood.
Their two little ones are some of the most darling and sweet children I know, and I feel blessed to know my children call them friends.
Featuring exhibits, food and nationally known children's productions.
You'll know your child gets regular rest if he can nod off 15 to 30 minutes after he goes to to bed at night.
When educators know children well, they can use the relationship to expand their learning experiences and to support each child's social and emotional development.
Most women experience a great deal of comfort knowing the child is in a loving, secure, financially stable adoptive family, selected by them.
For some of us, it means being trapped at home knowing our children keep us from pursuing our passions and ambitions.
You, as the parent, truly know your child best.
With our skilled product liability team taking care of your case, you can rest assured knowing your child's best interests are being protected.
Of course, this is a dialogue, and parents often know their children better than anyone else, teachers included.
It is important that educators know children within their care well.
You can also get your baby in a similar seat and ride safely knowing your child is comfortable safe from crash forces due to bumpy roads.
I wish we'd thought about all this before Z started school really, but its good to know children joining has not been a problem at your school.
It is more expensive than other car seats, but it is worth the money knowing your child is protected in any situation.
These are just some of the things that make «knowing your child process» is essential.
Parents and guardians know their children better than anyone else, and have the most complete understanding of a child's physical, social, developmental, and family history.
As an added layer of security, let your neighbor know your child won't be answering the door but will come to the window and wave.
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