Sentences with phrase «to know one's dog»

Then ask friends who don't know your dog well to drop by.
Dogs can't talk, but their DNA can ™ Over 25 million mixed - breed dog owners know their dogs... but not as well as they could.
Everybody wants a breeder that knows their dog breed information.
Even if you tell a personal trainer all this information, they still do not really know your dog like you do.
Please get in touch if you'd like the relief of knowing your dog will be relieving themselves outside.
As with many of my clients, she worked with another well - known dog trainer who was unable to help her.
Peace of mind knowing your dog is having fun and well taken care of while you work.
I know now you are thinking how I can know my dog food have all these ingredients and completely balanced as well as it's the best food?
Know that dogs with aggressive problems require diligent management and regular training sessions over an extended period of time.
It's more than just dog training, it's people training, and our handlers have a vested interest in knowing their dogs on a deeper level.
Twenty years ago, most people didn't even know dogs got cancer.
We want to get to know your dog before putting them in a new environment with other canine guests.
To prepare your dog for times when real visitors arrive, ask friends who already know your dog well to drop by randomly when you'll be home.
He is so sweet and gentle with my kids, very laid back, and VERY easily trained, I never knew a dog who could learn so easily..
I didn't know dogs ate their own poop until recently having a discussion with my husband about his childhood memories with dogs.
Some dogs have high prey drive so if you are going to foster a cat be sure you REALLY know your dog's temperament.
What this does is help people get to know the dog for who they are, including their quirks, energy level, and whether they prefer a quiet or more active home.
Used and recommended by a nationally known dog breeder friend of mine.
Still, even a perfectly trained attack dog can be dangerous if its owner or trainer doesn't have enough experience or doesn't know the dog very well.
You will now know your dog's habits more accurately and will be able to react in certain ways that will be beneficial for yourself as well as for your dog.
You must be firm and consistent all the while knowing this dog could go off at anytime.
With this series, I'm asking some questions that are a bit different to get to know these dog training legends on a deeper level.
It also means keeping in mind that nobody knows your dog as well as you do, and your decisions about what's right for your dog are inherently valuable.
Your vet knows your dog best and will advise you if he or she thinks cranberry therapy should be used.
If your dog lays that one on you, your best recourse is to show him the world's oldest known dog art.
If you are considering one, just know these dogs need a strong pack leader, especially for males.
And no, you don't always no the dog is infected.
Remember that you and your veterinarian know your dog best and together you can decide what product is best for your fur baby.
After a change of career, she became a certified veterinary assistant and then manager of a well - known dog day care facility.
Let children know a dog has the right to walk off and they should not chase after him or force him to stay.
Everyone knows dogs shouldn't roam free, and since many municipalities have leash laws, it's perfectly within a parent's right to play target practice with a dog's head.
Each one has a distinctive coat pattern, suggesting the artists knew the dogs personally.
We will get to know your dogs temperament, personality and observe him in the home environment.
With time, you will get to know your dog pretty well.
I love that the staff knows your dogs name when you walk in.
Any family with a dog should know dog first aid procedures and the route to the nearest emergency clinic for pets.
However, shelter staff and volunteers know the dogs on a personal level, most work with them on a daily basis — they walk them, feed them, and clean their kennels.
You are the one that actually knows your dog, so you are in the best position to fine tune this general guideline.
They will sleep a bit easier knowing your dog is protected against rabies and this knowledge may prevent them from needing the human rabies shots.
She also had spent a month reading all she could about dog behavior, including reading a pretty well known dog related web page.
Without knowing the dogs and the situation, there's no way for you to definitively say what caused the attack.
The more the boarding place knows your dog, the better the stay will be.
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