Sentences with phrase «to know scripture»

I am not that much of a Biblical person and I do not know scripture up one wall and down another.
And it's questioning by one of the flock — so there can be no arguments that he doesn't know the scripture or the bible.
It appears that Casey knows scripture better than you Elvisisback.
For all your proclamation of knowing the scripture so well... you sure seem to have fucked up this passage.
This rustic design features a well known scripture verse embossed on rustic metal, ready to inspire your daily life.
His judgment upon that evil out of context confuses those that do not know the scriptures in context.
Satan knows Scripture, he knows what is in Revelation and knows his fate.
This is why knowing Scripture, a devotion to prayer and the spiritual disciplines, walking in the Spirit and the communion of the saints in the local church are so important.
We have so many people that do not even know scripture enough to claim what is written yet condemn others when they uphold the word that God gave each of his sheep to pass down to the down and out and lost that we meet.
Remember demons knows scripture as well and will do whatever it takes to mislead others and tarnish the Creator.
it makes sense, read your bible... but this time, try starting at the beginning and finish at the end instead of jumping thru the birth of jesus — he isn't special enough to believe in the god you claim yet not read the part that came before the man as he himself tells you to know the scripture!!!
Some Faithful know the scripture extensively and can quote the same with computer precision.
as a Christian that does not know every scripture up one wall and down the other... where does Jesus say such.
At this level you not only know your scriptures and some doctrinal theology, but you begin to understand how to apply it to your personal life and real life situations.
They presumably know the scripture; they know the pitch and cadence of Jesus» voice, maybe even the sounds he made in his sleep, the way he chewed his food — and yet once he's crucified, dead, buried and raised, they actually look him in the face and can't see him.
Pastor Marcear knows his scripture; prudential morality is indeed biblical.
Perhaps CNN should say «Act Christian», since it's how a person treats others (the golden rule) that marks the difference — even the devil knows Scripture — but he doesn't act Christian, since he isn't, and as Scripture says, that's how to determine whether a person is Christian or not, and that is by their «first fruits» or how they act towards others...
This gives the impression to lots of people that if they don't know Greek and Hebrew, and don't have the time or money to attend seminary or read all the theology books, then they can not actually know Scripture.
You clearly do not know scripture at all... Jesus loves every soul on this earth... He does not love all that we do on this earth... and there are plenty of scriptures to back that up.
He is NO scripture scholar, and EVERYTHING he says about the bible is so easily refutable, it's child's play.
I have met some Christians that know the scriptures by heart but at the same time could not tell you how God has touched their lives.
We must be renewed as a holy church, defined by our passionate worship and its content, with every Christian knowing scripture, prayerful, humble and evangelistic.
For instance, you might know your scripture verses and be able to recite a creed or know the facts about doctrinal theology.
Jesus knew the Scriptures, but He did not learn them by spending years locked away in His study, even though that was the «popular method» of His day.
The Bible is clear that these guys know Jesus and know the Scriptures very well.
Obviously Mr. Osler doesn't know scripture because Peter is not the rock that the Church is built on.
They know every scripture, chapter and verse, that condones them pointing out your sin and feel its their duty before God to get other people in line.
I think he knew the scripture that rebukes blanket prejudice: «One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, «Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.»
Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God... which are able to make you WISE unto salvation.
We are the chosen because God speaks through out prophet, No, scripture says that God stopped doing that therefore we are the chosen because we know scripture better, the ONLY way God speaks.
Oh, what the heck, I know the scriptures used to condemn us... I'll just go ahead and cut out the jib jab and prove you wrong.
My favorite line comes from John 20:9 «for as yet they did not know the scripture that he must rise from the dead.»
Since moving to Virginia I have experienced a divided mind although I know scripture warns against such.
The reason the Pharisees were so despised and rebuked by Jesus was because they knew the scriptures, including the prophecies that Jesus was fulfilling before their eyes, and yet they'd do anything to stop him or even kill him.
You just do nt know the scriptures.
Satan knows scripture better than any human, so knowing scripture is not enough.
How do you know the scriptures are true?
But there is so much more that we know scripture covers in its totality, not simply in just its parts (and I am not good at theological debating).
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