Sentences with phrase «to know someone needed»

But how can we do that if we don't know they need help?
They may need help, and may not even know they need help.
And it results in better budget decisions - because who better knows the needs of our community than the people who live there?
And one win and a loss from them and we're closer still so no need to be so dramatic.
So fresh and bright — goodness knows we need something like that right now!
It's a flavor arrangement you never knew you needed in life.
By following these for a full calendar year, you'll have a well rounded experience of healing parts of yourself you didn't even know needed healing.
The Gods know it needs more substance and this might have been nice.
Just about everyone knows they need life insurance — the «just in case» coverage you buy and hope you'll never need.
They just knew she needed someone to love her.
Eight months on from that statement, the 24 - year - old now knows he needn't have worried about either of those things.
If you already know you need renters insurance, just click above and you can get a quote in sixty seconds.
You, as the classroom teacher, will best know the needs of your students, and how to adapt, expand, or contract as necessary.
Get ready to spend hours on something you never knew you needed in your life.
The kids then know they need to finish what they are doing or do that last thing they wanted to do before bed.
And then there's the things you didn't know you needed until someone else has it.
If you already know you need renters insurance, just click above and you can get a quote in sixty seconds.
In fact, 86 percent of consumers who know they need life insurance haven't purchased a policy because they think it's too expensive.
First time around, they're okay, and fun to watch, but second time knowing you need to skip each one over and over really kills it fast.
Let's start with cardio, everybody knows you need cardio exercises to keep on top of your weight.
And lord knows I need all the help I can get these days.
No one knows the needs of women better than women.
And goodness knows we need all the inspiration we can get to curb household spending.
Will really be embarrassing to watch the way they will defend and make a mess of our team knowing we need to score 3 goals more to progress.
When someone would bring him an offer, he would simply turn everything over to his lawyer before he signed it; he is smart enough to know he needs counsel.
Agents know they need other agents, administrators and team members to fully realize their vision.
The fans want a striker, the world knows we need another striker.
He had always known he needed renters insurance, he just didn't want to put the time and energy into getting it.
All hiring managers know you need solid references at some point in the job hunt.
At the time I was a wide - eyed high school student and only knew I needed to pull my weight while on the clock and make my parents proud.
The more you get to know them, the more you'll be able to offer assistance by knowing their needs.
The Canadian company knows it needs to achieve brand awareness like it has at home to be successful.
Social media is a specific marketing specialty that most business owners know they need, but few are capable of doing well.
The government knows you need income to live on, so they allow you to keep a portion of your income for living expenses.
I also know I need extra protein and veggies in the morning.
Upon receiving the blazer, I instantly knew it needed minor surgery.
But I'm betting 2 out of every 3 first - time home buyers do not know they need closing costs.
Seeing this beautiful bunch though, I immediately knew I needed to rethink my opinion on these baby roots, and certainly show them more respect than I had previously.
I'd prefer to get the things I actually know I need on sale and save those up for fall!
But there is some merit to the argument that while law firms know they need to change, they don't know how to change in visible ways that will satisfy their clients.
Every real estate professional knows they need to prioritize communication with their leads.
It's important to remember the consumer doesn't begin the buying process knowing they need a product.
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