Sentences with phrase «to know that someone are loved»

My first computer class at public school and my eyes locked with those back in the day apple computers, I just knew it was love at first sight.
I'll know it's loved when it's full of hay.
Change only comes from a position of knowing we are loved.
Be sure children know they are loved and that the divorce is not their fault.
He makes a good case in showing that the starting point is in knowing we are loved.
Now I know that there a million ways to reach the same result: children who know they are loved and who can love others in return.
Let's let everyone know they are loved no matter what.
I could go from photo to photo and say something... but just know I am loving almost every single thing you've done.
They can even learn how to disagree in a safe, respectful way in which everyone knows they are loved.
It has little to do with faith but everything to do with knowing we were loved.
If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.
I wanted her to know she was loved even before she was born.
You're stronger than you think, trust me You already know I'm loving this look too.
This jazz standard is different: it's a glorious celebration of just how thrilling it feels to know you're loved right back.
Second, we are all too lazy to do what it takes to let our spouse know they're loved.
Children need to know they are loved equally and are special, regardless of how they act, but that you as an adult feel most happy when they are at their best.
I picked up a leopard print sheer silk chiffon top, and instantly knew it was love.
I want a gentleman who knows how to make his woman know she is loved and appreciated.
He will make sure every day that his new parents know they are loved!
Have some comfort in knowing how much your puppy knew he was loved... and that other people out here are feeling your pain.
I will be praying for you, know you are loved by so many here in the blogging world!
When you see the light, and it's so clear, so obvious, you see someone who knows they are loved and they reflect love in return.
How many new ways can you think of to let your child know he is loved?
I'm sure by now, everyone knows I'm loving the jumpsuit trend.
16) I would not have to answer the question why do I have so many dogs from people who will never have the joy in their life of knowing they are loved unconditionally by something as close to an angel as they will ever get.
As an author, blogger and podcaster, Stuart has helped couples around the world to experience a unique relationship in which they can feel special and important, confident in knowing they are loved deeply...
We don't know how got her hands on these matching printed Tanya Taylor separates before, but we do know we're loving the surprising, so - Kerry spin she puts on them with her blue - and - white Christian Louboutin heels and white crossbody.
Letting kids know they're loved even thought they don't get what they want, rather than a condition of not getting what they want, makes for a happy, emotionally healthy young person.
I hope and pray with all my heart that everything goes smoothly during my scheduled c - section and that our beautiful little rainbow, Colbie, will be healthy and brought into the world knowing she is loved beyond.
Hi I am the Caribbeanskb all the from st kitts would love to meet and get to know u all I am loving caring and very affectionate
Again, regardless of whether you accept or reject the existence of God, those who are criticizing this group might want to ask themselves when was the last time they risked their lives when it mattered the most, just make sure someone else knew they were loved.
If gays know they are loved by God and have a personal relationship with Him who are you to assume otherwise?
She speaks the truth of herself and liberates others to know they're loved as they are.
You see it in people who don't believe they are loved, or don't know they are loved, or have not embraced their brokenness, their darkness — they're still living in the shadow self.
And live relaxed, joyfully slipping into the warm waters of grace... knowing we are loved completely, just as we are... am I the only one missing this?
Add some Valentine's sprinkles, and the receipient will truly know they're loved.
Little Cottage of Learning thank you for caring for my baby the way you do and I can come to work with peace of mind knowing she is loved and well cared for.
Babies know they're loved and cared for when they're held, hugged, and kissed.
I loved Julianne's advice to, «Make sure everyone in the house knows they are loved and cared for, and welcomed into this new day, before any of the many mundane chores gobble up your attention.»
It is comforting to know that our sweet friends knew they were loved.
Hope your day is filled with lots of love whether it be from your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, sibling, or parents, know you are loved ♥ I'm glad I made it back to LA for the holiday, and wanted to share one of my favorite looks from NYFW just in time for Valentine's Day!
rocking the soccer world im 18 blonde and love soccer and the out doors ill date anyone really cause ull never know were ur love is or his age so yeah...
«If there is money left over, I would let the teachers know they are loved and appreciated by getting each of them a new, comfortable chair for the classroom.»
Charlie was happy and knew she was loved until her very last day.
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