Sentences with phrase «to laugh something off»

So the next time you're up against an incompetent lawyer, don't just laugh it off.
But, he paid his fine and laughed it off as a simple stupid mistake.
Beyond the blood and gore, we're waiting for inevitable scare lurking around the corner to make us jump out of our skins and then laugh it off with friends.
If they're being downright disrespectful, don't laugh it off, let them know.
In reality, it became a cult film on the independent circuit after people laughed it off the screen during its first run.
I've learned to shake my head and laugh it off when it comes to being a mom.
Also, have backup choices ready and laugh it off if something goes wrong.
Fortunately, her boss laughed it off and blamed her pregnancy - score for moms with pregnancy brain everywhere!
I was trying to decide whether that was a moment to just laugh it off too or explain a bit more about why he's still in our bed.
I was very young and laughed it off b / c I had no intentions on going to jail (which I have not), but my money did.
When it's all over maybe you can laugh it all off together over a cup of hot chocolate.
«Generally he would rather laugh it off,» he says.
Most just answer it by laughing it off or saying we will think about it.
Instead of becoming frustrated at a slight inconvenience, you'll find that you're able to more easily laugh it off.
I had laughed it off as a cute sentiment.
What I am saying is that maybe there are some hippie parenting moves that other parents could get on board with, instead of laughing them off.
I'd laugh it off with them but it made me conscious, I wish I could've gone back and told myself to stop worrying!
I'd simply laugh it off, even though it was tearing me up inside.
She says she gets them monthly but just laughs it off because to her it's a sign of success.
and we kind of laughed it off at first and thought it was a silly thing.
Following the much - publicised mistake by the Golden Globes nominations in identifying America Ferrera as Gina Rodriguez, the latter has laughed it off saying «we always make mix - ups in life, man.»
Jennifer Lawrence, who took another fall on the red carpet, laughed it off in cheery red Dior with side peplums.
For instance I'd be sitting around with a group of women and someone would say something silly and then laugh it off as «mommy brain.»
Ben Roethlisberger laughed it off after beating the Bills on Sunday, telling reporters that they used «Nerf balls.»
He often laughs it off with self - deprecation that goes just a little too far, such as when he said he was going out to get an economics primer on being appointed Shadow Chancellor.
Related: OJ Mayo tries to start beef with Jimmy Butler, who laughs it off Related: Mike Dunleavy lands punch on Michael Carter - Williams
A few in our group talked about the trip being a failure, then goodheartedly laughed it off and added, «Maybe next time.»
Lawrence laughed it off, while still delivering a memorable acceptance speech.
When New Democrats came to the legislature with stories of young people struggling to find homes for their families, her B.C. Liberal colleagues laughed them off.
This should be obvious, but it seems sadly necessary to rebuke the idea in a world where Americans largely ignore the awful ubiquity of sexual assault in prison, or else laugh it off.
Arsene basically laughed it all off, and hearing him talk about Arsenal needing to keep the same failed players is just ominous.
Nothing changes.We laugh it off and move on quick,» the former England manager was quoted by the Independent.
Do you guys remember in preseason camp, Franklin was asked about his concerns for this year and he mentioned long snapping and everyone in the media laughed it off?
The players laugh it off; they will still curse like teenage boys do, though never as much as the junior varsity coaches.
nwdays if u tell smone arsenal will win the league he jst laughs u off even if we are 5points clear.
good some gooners on ere laughed u off......... U don't seem to know exactly what u believe in.....
I remember posting here about how much I wished Wenger would use Vela as leverage to get Griezmann and loads laughed it off and said pretty much «HELL NO», now he's doing the business at Athletico Madrid.
In fact, there have already been reports in the press that the billionaire has offered the former AC Milan coach a four - year deal to take over at Stamford Bridge in the summer, but the Bianconeri boss has since laughed them off.
Other candidates laugh it off and say you need a thick skin in this game and also that it's healthy to be able to voice genuine concerns about an aspect of a candidates» past etc..
Seeing red: Harriet Harman was forced to apologise for her insult, but Danny Alexander laughed it off, saying he was «proud to be ginger»
My doctor laughed it off and said it made no sense since it was acidic, but after doing some research, I learned that I needed to increase my stomach acid for the acidity to stop coming back up, and that's exactly what apple cider vinegar did!
Many overweight people who use cream and sugar in their coffee laugh it off with a hand wave when you suggest that part of their weight problem is the «little bit» of cream and sugar in their coffee but it all adds up!
Alas, Lindsay laughed it off, and now we'll never know what Chris Harrison would look like in an Elvis jumpsuit.
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