Sentences with phrase «to lay down one's life»

He makes all things new by laying down His life for us.
A hearty thanks to all those who've laid down their lives so a...
Known for their fierce loyalty and dedication, the «Neo» is a born protector and will gladly lay down his life to keep his family safe.
You will also meet some people that you will have a life long bond with and would happily lay down your life for.
Recognizing that I am the one at fault, I am the one to blame, is the first step toward laying down our lives for others.
His own are the servants he has bought by his own blood through laying down his life for them.
Understanding and bringing out the good in these dogs rewards you with a gentle dog that will without hesitation lay down his life for you.
Even though He knew people would still reject Him after laying down His life for them: He chose to obey.
As we follow Jesus, we will inevitably follow him in laying down our lives in love for those who suffer.
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.
Jesus laid down his life for you, you should return the favour.
If Jesus is our guide, we bring peace, not by killing others, but by laying down our lives for others, and especially for our enemies.
Neither can we be following the request Jesus made before laying down his life for us.
This is why I want my son to know the witness of the Martin Luther King who laid down his life on April 4, 1968.
Numerous people, still young and filled with hope, had to lay down their lives here - their mortal remains decomposing somewhere, in between trenches, in mass graves, at cemeteries...
Peter was saved once by prayer but did not hesitate 2 lay down his life 2o.
1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Yahushua laid down his life for us.
For this he would sweat blood, endure mockery and freely lay down his life.
We should do everything in our power to lay down our life if we must to get in the way, non-violently, of that which might hurt another person.
CHRIST DID NOT SAY TO LIVE FOR OTHERS He said to live for Him which includes laying down our lives when He directs us to do so.
Where the Bible only speaks about laying down this life for Christ, in order to receive peace and eternal salvation.
On other occasions Jesus insisted that following Him meant laying down your life and forsaking all else, even your parents and your siblings.
To summarize briefly, he is one who has been given and has accepted a calling from God, and devoted himself body and soul to his service, bearing witness to the truth of God, enduring many sufferings, and in the end laying down his life for the sake of others.
While we might prefer to make a single dramatic sacrifice as an expression of our commitment, usually the way of faithfulness involves laying down our lives in little pieces, through small decisions and unremarkable acts of kindness and generosity.
, Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, did not put anyone or anything to death, but instead laid down His life for the sheep (John 10:11).
You do not have to believe what I believe but I truly hope you do because my faith has made me someone who cares more about others than myself, cares more about people than things, and do everything I can for the sake of my brothers and sisters in need, even laying down my life.
We are not to make sacrificial scapegoat victims of others, while at the same time we are to willingly lay down our lives for others.
When you heard many sermons on how women submit to husbands but 0 on how husbands lay down their life for wife #ThingsOnlyChristianWomenHear
Our agendas can block out Gods, but thats our fight to keep laying down our lives together in finding Jesus in the midst of us.
Not just because it seems ripe for either mishearing (an adult movie star lays down her life) or mistyping (one shrimp to save them all)-- but because its high - end chess reference suggests a treatment more oblique than the one this movie delivers.
The other is the love that leads to loyalty and sacrifice: «greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.»
The 30th of May this year sits at home and Remembrance Day celebration will be a remarkable event in the history of Biafra as we must always remember those who laid down their lives so that we may live».
This relation was made possible by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Who submitted to the Father's will by obeying Him to the extent of laying down His life for us.
It invites us all to join in, to lay down our lives so that others might cash out at the top; to renounce forever our middle - American prosperity in pursuit of a crimson fantasy of middle - American righteousness.»
---------------------------- 1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.
Jesus said, «Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends» (John 15:13).
I would gladly lay down my life for my Lord and Savior.

Phrases with «to lay down one's life»

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