Sentences with phrase «to lay off teachers»

So, let's see — if we indeed have a shortage, why exactly are districts laying off teachers?
Another thing to consider when laying off teachers is that by not limiting your choice to newest hires, not as many would have to be let go.
The law had an impact on districts during the early 1990's, when the economic recession forced some districts to consider laying off teachers.
Without state funds, they argue that it's unclear how many teachers they'll be able to hire or if they'll have to lay off teacher assistants.
Within the education field, some cities faced with rising pension costs are already laying off teachers and freezing salaries.
Many doubt such a strategy is possible with an elected board, because closing schools and laying off teachers triggers fierce resistance.
They have eliminated support staff and are now laying off teachers.
Schools would be barred from laying off teachers based on seniority if a bill approved by the Senate Friday becomes law.
In addition, AB 114, backed by teacher unions, prohibited districts from laying off teachers in anticipation of midyear cuts.
But with a new California law barring school districts from laying off teachers even in the face of mid-year budget shortfalls, it's altogether foolish to contemplate rehiring hundreds of teachers.
It's not about laying off teachers for laptops, it's about enhancing the role of the teacher in America's classrooms.
Both moves have guaranteed that the two unions have gotten their way on nearly every educational issue — including the passage of a law last year that bans districts from laying off teachers at the expense of fewer days in school for children in need of more time in classrooms, and Brown's decision to cancel funding for the CalTIDES teacher data system (effectively ending efforts to overhaul teacher evaluations).
But we found out, by like 90/10, that if there were a federal contest, with seven hundred million dollars at stake, at a time when we're talking about laying off teachers in districts all over the place, New York State should be doing everything they can to win it.
State Superintendent Tony Bennett says school districts can find 3 percent savings without laying off teachers.
A state where a librarian in NYC is paid $ 600,000.00 a year in salary, a convicted felon former state senate leader and comptroller are collecting large pensions but we can only balance the budget by laying off our teachers.
In the last few months, Vallas as distributed millions of dollars in no - bid contracts to consultants and companies while laying off teachers who live and were educated here in Connecticut.
For instance, it is irresponsible for officeholders to reduce school funding while giving more tax breaks to big corporations and the super-rich, while laying off teachers and increasing class sizes, and while forcing educators to teach to the test rather than teaching critical thinking or problem - solving.
The Los Angeles Board of Education approved Tuesday what would be a landmark court settlement that radically limits the traditional practice of laying off teachers strictly on the basis of seniority.
The second thing that might be even more interesting: When revenues were growing in public schools, they had a preference for non-teaching staff, but when revenues were falling, they actually laid off teachers more than they laid off administrators and all other staff.
TRENTON — The first major change toNew Jersey's tenure law in a century, but one that leaves intact the practice of laying off teachers based on seniority, won unanimous backing today of a Senate committee.
Moving quickly, Teach Away set up a recruitment office in Houston to sign up the newly laid off teachers in that city.
I do believe that as it looks for school districts right now here in America, while they are laying off teachers left and right.
Washington (CNN)- Education Secretary Arne Duncan says a West Virginia school district is laying off teachers due to deep spending cuts across the federal government set to take effect on Friday.
There was some dispute between Walcott and Education Committee Chair Robert Jackson on the administration's proposal to repeal the city's last in, first out policy — which requires the city lay off teachers based on seniority.
The decision has already influenced other California school districts, including San Francisco and Sacramento, to stop blindly laying off teachers — and the lawsuit could be a model for more ambitious legal action in other states.
School boards and superintendents are faced with a situation where they lose enrollment so quickly that the only thing they can do is close schools, lay off teachers according to seniority not quality (thanks to «last in, first out» requirements), increase class sizes, and slash their central office staffing and support levels.
Is there any data on the number of districts that are laying off teachers vs implementing teacher furloughs.
Ironically, the polar opposite is the reality: when California's economic woes required laying off teachers over the last few years, teachers were pink - slipped according to seniority only, and because those who have been in the system for fewer years are lesser - paid, i.e. the newer, younger teachers, many more of them had to be laid off to save the required amount.
The Senate initially proposed laying off all teacher assistants in the second and third grades in order to pay for hefty teacher pay raises — but after intense negotiations, they backed off their proposal though the final budget resulted in a reduction of teacher assistant positions varying from district to district.
Teach Plus, for example, which connects groups of teachers to top policy makers in six cities, including Boston, Chicago and Memphis, helped alter the Indianapolis contract to ensure that teacher effectiveness was considered when laying off teachers with less than six years of experience.
It's an interesting shell game, one that we've seen play out recently in the «teacher bailout» pushed for by President Obama; the Wall Street Journal reported that the $ 10 billion subsidy to states to keep them from laying off teachers led to at least $ 100 million in additional dues for the National Education Association.
Only a corporate belief system would think it's okay to hand off our kids» education to another company created so recently that if it were a recently laid off teacher seeking unemployment benefits, it would still be in its waiting period before claims could be disbursed.
Arne Duncan, the federal secretary of education, urged state and local authorities to avoid short - sighted decisions as they cut school budgets, and said laying off teachers based solely on seniority was «a wrong way to cut spending.»
«The injunction granted by a conscientious and courageous judge establishes the principle that government may not deny children their right to equal educational opportunity by disproportionately laying off teachers in communities such as Watts and Pico - Union.
They've led to a reevaluation of how you might lay off teachers if you have to reduce the size of the teaching force,» he said.
Without real pension reform, hundreds of schools across those districts may have to cut programs, increase class sizes or lay off teachers as more and more new state dollars are directed away from operations toward retirements.
Quality - blind layoffs can cost students entire months of learning: When schools lay off teachers based on seniority instead of performance, they lose better teachers and keep less effective teachers more than 80 percent of the time.
About two - thirds of school districts in the state have deficits in the current school year, Chamness said, and many are likely preparing to lay off teachers for lack of other options.
In light of the continuing budget crisis, LAUSD was facing another round of teacher layoffs, and these three schools again were expected to bear a disproportionate burden of layoffs, so we moved for a preliminary injunction to prevent LAUSD from laying off any teachers at these three schools.
UFT President Michael Mulgrew said, «We have every confidence that Cathie Black, whose management skills the mayor has repeatedly cited, will be able to manage a reduction like this without laying off teachers and raising class sizes.»
The Republican majority in the Minnesota House took a solid step forward for K - 12 education last week when it voted to require school districts to consider performance — not just seniority — when laying off teachers.
Villaraigosa praised Melvoin's role in the Reed v. California lawsuit, which challenged the L.A. district's system of laying off teachers based on seniority.
Tenured teachers not picked were given temporary assignments at a cost to the district of $ 8 million because state law prevents Anderson from laying off the teachers who were not chosen.
«If the state was paying 50 percent of the Department of Education, we would not be talking about laying off teachers
When traditional public schools have to lay off teachers because of enrollment shifts or changing student needs, they are required (in New Jersey and nine other states) to lay off tenured teachers with the least seniority, even if that teacher won a Teacher of the Year award.
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