Sentences with phrase «to lay someone off»

I recently got laid off from the coal mines and my girl friend of 7 years left me.
After getting laid off from a high - paying, yet stressful job, I had no career direction.
I worked as hard as I could not to have cops and firefighters and teachers laid off in a time of recession.
Another thing to consider when laying off teachers is that by not limiting your choice to newest hires, not as many would have to be let go.
We might propose that instead of laying off workers, the factory should reduce the hours of all.
He said the core team took about a 75 % pay cut, so that the company did not have to take any radical steps of laying off employees.
And The Honest Company recently laid off staff in its quest for profitability.
Who just got laid off at work and can't pay rent?
I would love to be able to give my daughter but I was recently laid off from a job so I would really appreciate it if you picked us!
So often, companies are only focused on the bottom line — they want to make more profit by laying off more staff and compromising on quality.
The news comes nearly two months after the hospital operator said it would lay off about 1,300 employees in order to save $ 150 million next year.
However, his reasoning is pretty solid, and something that a lot of companies should follow instead of just laying off people to increase profitability.
Double check to make sure you're not violating the law by laying off people based on things like race, age, or gender.
They want raises, but not by laying off thousands of teacher assistants.
When the senior director got laid off after 11 years with his employer, the details of his experience were fuzzy — until a certified resume writer helped him discern fluff from fact.
Companies lay off workers, consumers stop spending, and the average American experiences a financial pinch.
Many European - American couples stay healthy after either the wife or husband get laid off because she knows how to save money for future use.
The oil majors always shoot themselves in the foot by laying off hundreds if not thousands of people In leaner times.
With several people getting laid off due to recession every company is facing the problem of too many applicants.
So lay off the «adult» terminology until you reach that stage yourself.
You ought to lay off on who you are calling good.
Oh, guess who was laid off last month!
He took a chance after a long lay off.
I'm tired of working 3 - 4 years and then get laid off over and over and over.
I was then laid off from my company with a great severance which drastically pushed up my income for 2013 and consequently my taxes for 2013.
I was recently laid off with 60 % of my department.
It has also laid off employees and revoked campus job offers as part of a restructuring.
But are there other educational programs that might make sense for laid off lawyers seeking to make a fresh start?
Twice the company laid off nearly its entire staff when its bank accounts hit zero.
He was forced to lay off several of his valued staff members and fell behind on accounts with suppliers that he had developed a great relationship with.
One condition was that she give up various rights if laid off in a budget crunch.
In general, employers can not temporarily lay off employees unless there exists explicit contractual authorization or agreement by the employee.
Your DVD's on puppy training gave us a good foundation to build on when we got back to training after an 8 month lay off.
This gave him some marketing experience that he put to good use after he got laid off again in 2012.
Being laid off does not make it any easier for an employee to realize what his / her rights are or what next steps should be taken.
While there are many reasons it would be foolish for finance professionals to immediately lay off half their staff, any good investor will leverage technology.
On the other hand, veteran teachers at some campuses could be laid off even as younger teachers at other schools are spared.
Despite the fact that most law firms are laying off associates because business is down, could they be taking cuts too far?
At this time, the company started laying off almost 1/3 of their entire staff and in a few days will be totally closed.
So, let's see — if we indeed have a shortage, why exactly are districts laying off teachers?
That meant laying off dozens of customer experience associates they'd so recently brought on.
I'm on a super tight budget as I got laid off earlier this year and have yet to find a job.
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