Sentences with phrase «to lead to aggressive behavior»

Lack of mental stimulation for a pig can also lead to aggressive behavior toward humans, such as charging or biting.
The dog may become protective of the object and territorial around the nest, leading to aggressive behavior unlike her normal personality.
Physical punishment could lead to aggressive behavior in the child and develop into abuse.
The research continued, and in May 1982 the National Institute of Mental Health released the findings of a ten - year follow - up to the surgeon general's 1972 study: «After ten more years of research, the consensus among most of the research community is that violence on television does lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch the programs.
Unrealistic expectations can put significant pressure on a child and cause a great deal of frustration and stress which can lead to aggressive behaviors as well as conflict in your parent / child relationship.
«But we're much more tolerant as a society of aggressive thoughts, as long as they don't lead to aggressive behavior
► Never allow your puppy to chew on people or their clothing; this can lead to aggressive behaviors later in the puppy s life.
It will also lead to aggressive behavior such as biting and unprompted attacks, so make sure to avoid overzealous play!
Carelessly using the metaphor of war for acts that are clearly not war and, as a result, moving to formally alter definitions of armed attack «inevitably leads to aggressive behavior, the planning of escalating countermeasures and — eventually — to real war» (Dunn Cavelty, 2011).
Staff Perspectives of Precipitants to Aggressive Behavior of Adolescents in Residential Treatment Facilities DosReis & Davarya (2008) Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 25 (2) View Abstract Presents findings from interviews with 18 staff in public psychiatric adolescent residential treatment facilities to gather a better understanding of what may lead to aggressive behavior among adolescents.
Most research conducted over the past decade supports the contention that televised violence does lead to aggressive behavior in children, according to a 10 - year review of such studies released last week by the Department of Health and Human Services.
However, when it is uncontrolled, it may lead to aggressive behavior.
According to psychologists, such exposure can lead to aggressive behavior, decreased social competence, and diminished academic performance.
Unfortunately, some Briards — especially those who are not well - socialized — are overprotective, which can lead to aggressive behavior.
In fact, punishment - based training and other types of negative reinforcement can lead to aggressive behavior.
Uncertainty can lead to aggressive behavior or flight attempts.
Teach children not to run past the dog and scream, for this can excite the dog and lead to aggressive behavior.
Children tend to tease tethered dogs even without realizing it, which can lead to aggressive behavior.
How you play tug of war might lead to aggressive behaviors, but it's remarkably easy to stay on the right path.
This kind of play will lead to aggressive behavior.
This shouldn't be a surprise to most people — but does highlight that there could be some other significant issues that lead to aggressive behavior that doesn't show up on anyone's dog bite «statistics».
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