Sentences with phrase «to lead to cavities»

Most snacks that children eat can lead to cavity formation.
Unchecked mouth bacteria can also lead to cavities and weakened teeth.
However, you need to look at the causes and reasons that actually lead to cavities and caries in babies to be able to take the right steps to prevent them.
Breastfeeding at night won't lead to cavities.
If not cleaned it time, it may lead to cavities as soon as they get their first tooth itself.
One Alzheimer's - associated mutation in the PKC protein leads to a cavity that enhances its activity.
You know candy leads to cavities, and wine can stain your pearly whites.
This creates an optimal environment for bacteria like S mutans and allows them to take hold, eventually leading to cavities and gum disease.
All that led to greatly elevated accumulation next to the teeth of the acid that dissolves enamel, leading to cavity formation.
It can also lead to cavities, tooth decay, and tooth infections.
These types of snacks can lead to cavities.
Not too much fruit purées, since they are full of sugar (fruit sugar), which can lead to cavities and obesity in the future.
What is more important is actually to reduce the night feeding since it can lead to cavities.
Halloween candy can lead to cavities, making the holiday the perfect time to talk to your children about the importance of brushing their teeth.
Over time, the milk or juice that pools in her mouth as she falls asleep can lead to cavities and tooth decay.
Sugar is a cause of tooth decay, which can lead to cavities that may lead to dental restorations, so you don't want to be covering your toddler's emerging tooth buds in sugar.
Most liquids other than water have the potential to decalcify teeth which can lead to cavities.
Babies are born without the bacteria that causes caries - the disease that leads to cavities.
Sugary drinks can lead to cavities and unhealthy weight gain.
Longer bottle use may lead to cavities or cause your child to drink more milk than he or she needs.
If the bottle contains anything other than water, what you have is an acidic solution that is washing over the teeth and decalcifying them, which can lead to cavities, says Art Nowak, MD, a professor in the departments of pediatric dentistry and pediatrics at the University of Iowa.
Sucked from a bottle though, the sugar and acid will stay longer on her teeth, which could lead to cavities.
However, it is most recognized in dentistry as the clear mass of microorganisms that colonize teeth and lead to cavities and gum disease.
3 Yet your teeth can not always stand up to your mouth's native population of bacteria, which produce acids that leach calcium and phosphate from the enamel — the process that leads to cavities.
Drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar straight from the bottle can wear away at your tooth enamel over the course of many years and lead to cavities.
Of course, you know that sugar can lead to cavities.
Sugary, starchy foods like carrots can lead to cavities and other dental problems.
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