Sentences with phrase «to lead to obesity»

This type of feeding works pretty well in cats but often leads to obesity in dogs.
The most common nutritional disorder affecting cats is overweight and obesity, a condition which often leads to obesity related illnesses and increased veterinary expenses.
The pain encourages a sedentary lifestyle which leads to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
Too many calories leads to obesity later in life which also causes orthopedic problems.
But eating right before bed also lead to obesity.
Taking in more than you need can eventually lead to obesity, with an increased risk of cancer and metabolic disorders.
Eating fat does not lead to obesity or coronary disease, as the evidence indicates.
It's not unusual for veterinarians to see problems associated with owners feeding dogs too many calories which quickly leads to obesity [5, 6].
Too many treats or not enough exercise can easily lead to obesity.
Over the past 40 years the world's population has gotten about 1.5 kilograms heavier each year, leading to an obesity epidemic.
One study has found that high fructose corn syrup leads to obesity because of the negative effects it has on your metabolism.
Unfortunately, the no - win choice leads to obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
But by messing with the balance of microorganisms in the body, antibiotics may also cause longer - term changes, potentially leading to obesity and allergies.
Obesity does not cause diabetes, but many of the same issues that lead to obesity lead to the development of diabetes.
The stress we experience in our day to day lives can accumulate, causing high blood pressure and high cholesterol and leading to «emotional eating,» which in turn leads to obesity.
Giving your pet too many treats leads to obesity.
Not only do these foods lead to obesity, they are also devoid of many important vitamins and minerals.
And that's going to lead to this obesity issue that we've already got in this country.
We actually know a great deal about what leads to obesity.
And it's been linked to cancer and metabolic disorders leading to obesity.
If children are no more sleep - deprived today than they ever were, then maybe claims that too little sleep leads to obesity are also exaggerated.
Too many enlarged white fat cells lead to obesity and diabetes.
Certainly anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that stress leads to obesity.
But does food craving lead to obesity or does obesity lead to food cravings or both?
The result is weight gain which usually leads to obesity in the long term.
Over time taking in more calories than we need leads to obesity and weight gain.
Increased insulin leads to obesity and the metabolic syndrome.
Given below is the list of best seven yoga poses of obesity that helps in regulating the various symptoms leading to obesity.
The implication is that some protein containing foods can lead to obesity while other protein containing foods are not likely to do so.
As with humans, excess sugar consumption leads to obesity and diabetes in your pet.
This might lead to obesity very fast and can also cause bloating.
Too much food and lack of exercise leads to obesity.
A diet of wet food only or a diet of dry food only can both cause dental problems and a dry food diet can additionally lead to obesity.
Keep human food down to a bare minimum — it can cause imbalances that affect the formation of bones, muscles, and healthy organs and can lead to obesity later on.
This serious disease is characterized by cognitive disabilities and constant hunger, often leading to obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Your cat only needs a few hundred calories per day, so supplementing their diet with almond milk on a regular basis can cause weight gain that may eventually lead to obesity.
Seeking out specific adult dog food recipes is generally not as important as ensuring the calorie amount you are feeding doesn't lead to obesity.
Eating too many cherries in the long term can cause other health problems, including weight gain (which can quickly lead to obesity), insulin resistance, and even diabetes.
However, because he will eat three meals a day, you don't want to over feed him at those times, as this can quickly and easily lead to obesity.
Too many treats may lead to obesity in dogs and other health problems.
And, as if the above isn't bad enough, dry food may lead to obesity because it's convenient for free - feeding.
Too many treats leads to obesity and the last thing you want is a cat that looks way beyond their years much and not active.
Eating foods that are high in sugar can release insulin hormones into your body and can cause the fats and carbohydrates to be stored in your body which leads to obesity.
And I believe this additional calorie consumption will lead to obesity if not countered with exercise.
Research Diets, Inc has pioneered the formulation and production of diets leading to obesity in laboratory animals.
A well documented relationship exists between chronically elevated levels of stress hormones and deposition of excess fat in the abdomen leading to obesity as well as increased caloric intake, particularly increased ingestion of fats and sugars (Bjorntorp, 2001)
Overeating will always lead to obesity and will greatly increase the likelihood of your cat developing a more serious condition like diabetes, kidney disease, stones and or crystals.
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