Sentences with phrase «to lead to other health problems»

Without this valuable service, infections could be acquired and also lead to other health problems in animals.
Feeding cats table sugar on a regular basis usually contributes to obesity, which in turn leads to other health problems.
Skin conditions may worsen over time, leading to other health problems for your pet.
Chronically infected teeth lead to other health problems such as chronic respiratory diseases, heart valve infections and kidney infections due to seeding of bacteria to these other organs.
The other point worth mentioning is that even sprouted, soaked and fermented grains cause a spike in insulin and can inhibit weight loss and lead to other health problems if eaten in large amounts.
Fleas not only cause discomfort by biting your dachshund, which makes them itch, but it can also lead to other health problems such as skin allergies, Lyme disease and spread of tapeworms.
A build up of bilirubin causes jaundice (yellow) in babies which can in turn lead to other health problems.
Periodontal disease, which is very common in pets, is not only painful but can lead to other health problems such as heart, kidney, and liver problems.
Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, for example, notes a link between stress and pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas that can cause abdominal pain and may lead to other health problems in your cat.
If the odor persists, see your dentist to rule out gum disease, plaque, and gingivitis, all of which can cause bad breath and lead to other health problems.
Unfortunately, our fear of the sun and overuse of sunscreen is leading to other health problems.
Thyroid issues can lead to other health problems.
The failure to absorb nutrients during critical years of growth and development can lead to other health problems.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) released a 68 - page report detailing the potential of artificial food dyes to contribute to hyperactivity in children, increase cancer risk and lead to other health problems.
In addition, if you overload the system frequently, it may result in indigestion, which in turn might lead to other health problems.
A long - term reliance on pharmaceutical drugs can lead to other health problems, such as serious damage to the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, amongst other chronic conditions.
Plus many medications have side effects that can lead to other health problems.
In other words, forget about heart health, can it lead to other health problems?
The soaps might lead to other health problems, too.
Dental disease is more common in older cats and can lead to other health problems, so maintaining oral health is important.
34) Portosystemic Shunt — this is a birth defect that affects the liver as there is a large vein that normally passes through the liver; however with Portosystemic Shunt this vein will travel around the liver creating diminished liver function which can lead to other health problems.
After feeding, brush your puppy's teeth to avoid dental problems that can lead to other health problems.
The result is diminished liver function, leading to other health problems.
In both people and pets, studies have shown that periodontal disease and poor oral health can lead to other health problems and a shortened lifespan.
Constipation is only occasionally life - threatening, but it is definitely uncomfortable and can lead to other health problems.
Cavities and other dental problems can be painful for your pets just like they are for you, and can lead to other health problems.
This helps ensure your pup will grow to have a healthier oral cavity, preventing the development of gum diseases that, in turn, can lead to other health problems.
As with some other retrievers, take care that the dog does not become overweight, which can lead to other health problems.
«They can be prone to obesity if sedentary, which can lead to other health problems such as diabetes, arthritis and bladder problems.
This can lead to other health problems.
Obesity can lead to other health problems, such as reducing mobility.
Not only are they extremely painful, but they can lead to other health problems and can even be life threatening.
Cavities, gum infections and other dental issues aren't just painful and unattractive, but they can lead to other health problems, including heart disease.
Even without symptoms, if you have gonorrhea and you don't get it treated, it can lead to other health problems.
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