Sentences with phrase «to lead to poor health»

Previous research has shown that a low maternal birth weight and exposure to stress are very common during pregnancy and can lead to poor health outcomes in children.
There are a few types of ingredients that you should be aware of that can lead to poor health in a dog.
The combination of these factors makes it no surprise that poor sleep leads to poor health.
The rationale behind Rachlis» group is that income inequalities lead to poorer health indicators, and that the decline of social indicators in Canadian society is largely due to shrinking government revenues.
The rationale behind Rachlis» group is that income inequalities lead to poorer health indicators, and that the decline of... [more]
Although suboptimal nutrition can lead to poor performance, many athletes suffer from nutritional deficiencies that also lead to poor health.
Indeed wealth inequality leads to poorer health for those with the lowest pensions, so reducing public sector pensions will either lead to scandalous levels of suffering among the elderly, or increased pressure on other state welfare provision.
Inequitable gender norms are not only related to domestic violence, but also to other behaviors such as multiple sexual partners, smoking and alcohol abuse which lead to poor health outcomes.
But until now, studies were mostly correlational; it wasn't clear whether low social status led to poor health, or whether poor health led to low social status.
They do shed light on the complexity of the issue of talking to children about their weight in ways that don't lead to poor health outcomes in the long run.»
Busy lifestyles, like those of high achievers or others constantly on the treadmill climbing the corporate ladder, can lead to poor health eventually.
Beyond some basic fundamentals that more or less everyone can agree on (eat whole foods, vegetables are good) blindly following some nutrition plan — especially of the more «extreme» variety — without listening to your own body and paying attention to how you feel will likely lead to poor health.
Retirement leads to poorer health, according to a new study by Britain's Institute of Economic Affairs.
Racism is a key social determinant of health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and can deter people from achieving their full capabilities by debilitating confidence and self worth which in turn leads to poorer health outcomes.
Over time these kinds of unhealthy sleep patterns have been shown to lead to poor health outcomes including obesity and diabetes, decreased academic performance, mental health and behavioral issues as well as poor decision making among other safety concerns.
Low socio - economic status and fear of abandonment early in life can lead to poor health in adulthood, regardless of adult socio - economic status, according to a new study from psychologists at Rice University.
Instead public - health offices are now taking up the cry that income inequality itself leads to poorer health.
These missed appointments can lead to poor health outcomes, increased emergency department visits and hospitalizations, and lost revenue for health systems — as much as $ 150 billion in the US every year, according to Health Management Technology.
The low - fat dietary advice, and the demonization of cholesterol, has led to poor health and the development of worthless and harmful statin drugs.
I think it's like the fast food debate — people know it's crap that will lead to poor health, but they eat it anyway.
That amount «isn't trivial, but it's not enough on its own to lead to poor health,» Auerbach says.
Even now, however, children are exposed early in life to disadvantage, distress, repeated neglect and abuse, leading to poorer health, learning and social functioning.
To rule out other factors that could lead to poor health outcomes, including race and socioeconomic status, the team removed babies born in urban areas like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, which have comparatively high rates of lower birth weight babies.
Being objectively low income leads to poor health and a shorter life.
The mortgage strain of American home ownership can lead to poor health but a new study finds that the inverse may also be true — changes in health can serve as a predictor to mortgage distress.
In the end, the chemicals that fill those bottles could do more harm than good to your fitness gains by damaging your glands and leading to poor health.
Her transformation began with an appendicitis attack and a resulting investigation into the foods she had been eating that led to her poor health.
Self - inhibition of these negative emotions is thought to lead to poor health and excessive autonomic activation.
This can lead to poor health and even cancer.
But poor digestion can lead to poor health.
But what food manufacturers have failed to mention in their clever advertising is that white flour products have zero nutritional value and can lead to poor health.
I fail to see how not eating a food that leads to poor health, digestive upset, and bloating is somehow deprivation.
When I work with a client who needs to lose weight or change eating habits that have led to poor health, I have them work just as much — or more — on their Brain Plan as I do on their Food Plan.
Instead, a low - carb diet prioritizes removing many of the unhealthiest and most processed carbs from your meal plan, as consuming a lot of these can lead to poor health and weight gain.
A disruption of this harmony can lead to poor health and sickness.
Consuming too much of either glucose and especially fructose, is hard on our system and leads to poor health.
Vitamin K also functions as an antioxidant, working to protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that destroy cell membranes and DNA and may lead to poor health and premature aging.
Industrialized cultures and the refined and processed foods that come along with it lead to poor health.
Although an extreme example, the comparison is similar to organic cigarettes vs regular, really there is no difference, both can lead to poor health.
Our juice cleanse is a serious step in the right direction, because it removes the toxins in your body that build up over time, and evacuates all of the free radicals that can lead to poor health.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage DNA and lead to poor health.
Not only does bankruptcy provide relief from debt, it provides relief from chronic stress that can lead to poor health.
It's no secret that excessive stress can lead to poor health, however, most people don't make the connection between a decline in health and an increase in debt.
If not, they can put on weight relatively easy which can lead to poor health.
A poor diet can lead to poor health.
This dip in immune protection may result in a deterioration in overall health in rabbits with chronic dental disease, ear infections, respiratory disease, E cuniculi and other underlying conditions, leading to poorer health in the long term.
Keep in mind that ingredients lists go in order of quantity, so if fillers like grain and wheat are the top ingredients it could lead to poor health, digestive issues, and allergies for many dogs.
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