Sentences with phrase «to learn than others»

First, teachers have a greater impact on student learning than any other school - based factor.
Sure, some people are born with a higher capacity for learning than others.
Some teachers are more ready for project - based learning than others.
So it's no easier or harder to use and learn than any other retirement planner.
Possessiveness can become a problem if the Peke is not trained, which takes time, as the Peke is slower at learning than other breeds, and the owner will require patience.
«If language growth were just a matter of some children being better at language learning than others, then growth in English and growth in Spanish would be more related than they are.»
Yet Coleman also noted that the composition of a student's peer group was more important for learning than any other school - related factor, a finding used by the Johnson and Nixon administrations to reinforce their strenuous desegregation efforts in southern states.
Stephen Dinham: We know from international research that instructional leadership has a larger effect on student learning than other sorts of leadership, particularly some of the more managerial / administration types.
Darling - Hamond (1998) makes a strong argument for quality professional development by stating that each dollar spent on improving teachers» qualifications nets greater gains in student learning than any other use of an education dollar.
Classroom teachers have more positive impact on student learning than any other aspect of schooling, and
To my admittedly untrained ear, what he seems to be saying is that poverty does matter and some kids are more prepared to learn than other kids.
they have a learning difficulty or disability which makes it much harder for them to learn than other pupils of the same age
The framework not only provides a way to introduce technology in mathematics education, but also provides a structure to discuss how students learn mathematics and whether some software is more meaningful and helpful for learning than others.
There are some that are harder to uncover and learn than others.
Some languages are easier to learn than others, depending on how close they are to your native language and the complexity of their grammar and pronunciation, says Robert DeKeyser, a second - language - acquisition professor at the University of Maryland.
Some economic dimensions are easier to learn than others.
But even amongst those, I'm sure there are some who are far more eager to learn than others.
Many factors can contribute, including charisma, eye contact, and demeanor — some of which are easier to learn than others.
What makes some words easier to learn than others?
Some state tests are more aligned with what kids are supposed to be learning than others.
Some pets may be slower to learn than others, and potty training isn't something to be taught overnight.
Some cats take longer to learn than other but that's normal.
All parrots and some non-parrot birds, such as mynahs, have the ability to learn to speak words, but some species are certainly more apt to learn than others.
Some have admitted that certain gestures are easier to learn than others.
Some things are also a lot harder for us to learn than others.
Some just take longer to learn than others, or they simply try to play the odds in hopes of making a profit before abandoning ship.
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