Sentences with phrase «to leave one's dog»

Dogs are «den» animals, so crates are not cruel if you don't leave your dog in there all the time.
And, of course, never leave your dog alone in a parked car on a warm day.
Even if you feel completely confident, never leave the dog alone with your child.
Do not leave a dog with a chain or cloth slip collar, a head collar, or a pinch collar.
They are convenient for local residents who may need to work late, as they are for visitors who want to take day trips and can't leave their dog at the hotel.
The researchers also found that stress notably rose during the day when owners left their dogs at home compared to days they brought them to work.
You do not need to feel guilty about leaving your dog home alone all day.
Consider removing mushrooms on a regular basis, and never leave your dog outside for long periods of time when she is hungry.
It provides dog owners and caregivers peace of mind when leaving their dogs at home alone, knowing the dog will have the comfort of a human voice.
If leaving your dog outside during the daytime, you are required to provide a proper dog - house for protection from the elements (sun, wind, rain, etc.).
The truth of the matter is you are going to feel bad for leaving your dog behind.
Tired of leaving your dog in a place that looks more like a prison than a home?
When you first arrive home, leave your dog on leash and explore your home together.
I know someone with a small dog who left the dog in a kennel while she was at work all day long.
This training route involves the owner leaving their dog with a trainer for several weeks to be trained at the trainer's facility or home.
It's quick, easy and effective while leaving your dog feeling and smelling his or her best!
Something I have learned NOT to do, is call «come» when leaving the dog park.
You already know this - never leave a dog inside a hot car.
For many people, getting out of the door while leaving their dogs behind is the most difficult part of their day.
The old advice about leaving the dog alone when he's working on his bone is good advice.
Why on earth would anyone ever leave their dog alone in a car?
Don't leave dogs outdoors when the temperature drops.
Don't leave your dog tied up outside a store while you shop.
Before leaving your dog for boarding, you should talk with the kennel to make sure that your dog will receive plenty of attention during his stay.
Start by leaving your dog for very short periods of time.
This lecture is for people only — please leave your dog at home.
I was never comfortable leaving my dogs there and I would sit in the parking lot and watch while my pets were there.
Avoid leaving your dog in a parked car, even if it is only mildly hot out.
They know their dog needs exercise and they don't feel comfortable leaving their dog at home all day.
Leave your dog without regular walks and you're not unlikely to find yourself dealing with an accident or two.
However, the markings and patterns that cover the fur vary depending on the individual dog, and can often leave the dog looking like a mixture of the two colors.
Instead of leaving dog food out all day, feed your pup at specific times.
The mental stimulation of learning new things helps burn off excess energy, leaving the dogs tired and happy!
You can try leaving your dog in a car - but only if the weather is moderate.
Wonderful location and the fenced in yard was great for our dogs (you can't leave dogs out alone, but it was nice to let them blow off some steam).
Never thought I would be that person who would get worked up over leaving a dog at home.
Instead, the feedback kept coming back that they felt guilty leaving their dogs home alone all day.
It would mean you have to leave your dog sitting in a crate for most of the day with no freedom to run around and play.
The lens is not as important to the dog as is the lens to man and accordingly the operation still leaves the dog with some vision.
We have made progress, but I wouldn't recommend leaving the dogs alone during feeding time.
Gradually extend the duration of time you are absent periods so that you can eventually leave the dog alone in the crate for several hours.
If you know you'll have to leave your dog all by herself a few hours every day, start crate training when she's still young.
Even accidents — such as leaving your dog in the car while you run into the store — can result in criminal charges.
It's not safe to leave a dog loose in the car, so you may want to bring a pet car seat, harness or crate with you.
How seriously you take your responsibility as a pet owner is the biggest determining factor in how risky it is to leave your dog intact until he or she matures.
Most people lead a lifestyle which involves leaving the dog alone for varying amounts of time.
The dogs seized were suffering from injuries including one with a torn left eye socket that was untreated and left the dog blind.
People who live in houses with large yards, might consider leaving the dog outside even during the night.
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