Sentences with phrase «to leave someone with»

It still leaves them with only the one win in their last nine league fixtures and they are just struggling at the moment.
Folks who get insured only have to put up a few dollars to make sure they are not left with nothing if anything happens to their rented dwelling or liability cases come their way.
I don't read and can't speak or understand Japanese either, which leaves me with just a jealous curiosity about this event.
I had done some research on the differences between self - publishing and a traditional publishing company but this only left me with more questions.
Think about how much you can afford for life insurance payments, but don't leave yourself with less life insurance than you need.
As such it is not a decision to be taken lightly, though those who do declare bankruptcy are often left with little choice.
That would still leave me with $ 30,000 to pay out of pocket, though, which is why, personally, I'd opt for even higher limits.
The reason is that the worksheet takes you through more detail than may be necessary, but still leaves you with nothing better than an educated guess about your tax liability.
Running the company is currently my only real job, which leaves me with plenty of time to put towards my first investment.
Not only does it drag down your net worth, but it also leaves you with less disposable income because of the interest payments.
The biker is often left with very little time to maneuver to safety, causing them to lay the bike down or simply take the hit straight on.
The district has placed the director and four other employees of its alternative - certification program on leave with pay until the investigations are completed, district officials said.
Always left with so much inspiration when I read your blog.
But, there's no avoiding the fact that doing so leaves you with visuals that look like they came from two console generations ago.
Once you get the loan and pay off your private student loans — you are then left with just the one loan to pay back.
But it also leaves us with plenty of questions: where does this fight take place?
Which unfortunately doesn't leave us with many options here.
That only left me with about 1 hour of downtime before the next feeding began.
As our neighborhoods develop into economically strong cultural centers, those on the margins are pushed out, and are often left with few options for housing.
Debt Consolidation: Use the loan to pay off other expensive debts to be left with something more manageable.
I like the system and all but to just leave it with very little to be talked of in regards of upgrades to the system.
A good rule of thumb: if buying your way out leaves you with at least 80 % of your initial premium, do it.
And, to an extent, it's probably the impression that you're left with after reading magazines like this one too.
She needs a job and fast but worries that a 9 - to - 5 schedule won't leave her with enough time to pursue her dream of becoming a screenwriter.
There are plenty of games left with plenty of chances to rack up points and continue the charge toward the home stretch of the season.
The experience of the network leaves us with new questions to explore are questions that we are continuing to explore together as a form of conversation - based teacher development.
In most cases, over 30 year periods it actually leaves you with MUCH more money than you started out with.
Once you're only left with what you actually wear you can start thinking about moving forwards.
Lets leave you with one other notion about consumer products companies.
When you are involved in a bike accident, you are not only left with injuries but there are also many questions to be answered.
I can say with confidence that I have explored those questions and am leaving with even more questions!
This hurricane has directly affected thousands of people that are now left with nothing.
They should have just left him with all the good lines.
It explores the stupid, dangerous shit young men can get up to when left with nothing but too much time on their hands and no one to check in on them.
I have a closet of «one purchase wonders» which often leaves me with limited outfit combinations.
The systems they have established allow for complete customer satisfaction, so my clients are happier and leave with better credit.
If left with little to nothing to stimulate them, they can form destructive habits.
Your tables are amazing and always leave me with lots of inspiration!
When a loved one passes away unexpectedly, the family is often left with several expenses, including hospital bills, funeral or burial costs, and lost wages.
If possible, leave your baby with a sitter that is familiar to her, before leaving her with someone new.
I can see how you would be cut in half then left with too much length at the hem.
You're likely left with severe injuries and damage to your vehicle.
She was always too little to take places, and since I was her only source of food, I couldn't really leave her with anyone for too long.
It's not impossible to drain in one day, but even heavy usage always left me with around 20 % left over by night.
Thus they were left with big tax bills but enjoyed no profit.
Under current pension systems, a teacher switching to a different career after five years leaves with virtually nothing in retirement savings.
While advances in equipment and clothing have saved scores of American soldiers who likely would have died in past wars, they are sometimes left with serious injuries, namely traumatic brain injuries.
But after paying their overhead, school districts are usually left with about one dollar per child per meal from their federal reimbursement to spend on food.
Our family favorite is to make taco meat using this seasoning and serve in lettuce leaves with green onions on top.

Phrases with «to leave someone with»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z